
  • stunning;Amazing;Amazing Grace
  1. A15仿生同样驱动着iPhone13令人惊艳的摄像头系统。

    A15 Bionic also powers the amazing camera system on iPhone 13 .

  2. 签名造型:影片Frankie&Alice《弗兰基与爱丽丝》的女主角贝瑞对性感,凸显迷人身段的礼服情有独钟。这类礼服能展现出她惊艳的身材。

    Signature Style : The Frankie & Alice star favors sexy , body-conscious dresses that enhance her amazing curves .

  3. 40年来,她那令人惊艳的美貌让全世界为之痴迷。

    For 40 years she has captivated the world with her radiant looks .

  4. 如果你决意要身着设计师之作惊艳出位,那就考虑雇请一位时装设计师吧。

    If you 're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress , consider hiring one .

  5. 你想出一个能让卡拉汉惊艳的东西,就会被录取。

    You come up with something that blows Callaghan away . You 're in .

  6. 女孩的天赋让县里的老师感到惊艳,特别是在得知她是在网上看视频自学的时候。

    Teachers in the county were amazed by what she can do , especially when they learned she taught herself by watching online videos .

  7. iPad2令人惊艳,其竞争产品将望尘莫及。

    IPad 2 is impressive and should keep competitors at bay .

  8. 惊艳的白色礼服配上深V领口,阿奎莱拉在今年的红毯上摇曳生姿赚足了风头,也完完全全地打了个翻身仗。

    In a stunning white gown with a plunging neckline , Aguilera completely redeemed herself with this year 's carpet sashay .

  9. 当惊艳的绿发女郎Rosa被害以后,医生用油膏和处置尸体的防腐剂来保存她。

    After the breathtaking green-haired Rosa is murdered , the doctors preserve her with unguents and morticians ' paste .

  10. iPhone13Pro有四种惊艳的外观,深邃的石墨色、夺目的金色、精美的银色和全新远峰蓝色。

    iPhone 13 Pro comes in four striking finishes , a rich , deep graphite , gorgeous gold , beautiful silver , and this all-new sierra blue .

  11. 这位丹麦籍新秀的父亲也曾参加F1比赛,在西班牙和巴林的季前赛试车期间,他已经惊艳四座。

    The Danish rookie , whose father also raced in F1 , has already impressed during preseason testing in Spain and Bahrain .

  12. 如果你依照Rails的惯例,将会有令人惊艳的成果,从路由request对应到正确的controller和view,到验证表单资料和显示错误讯息,都可以直接运作。

    If you follow the Rails conventions , an amazing amount of stuff , from routing requests to the correct controller and view , to validating form data and displaying error messages , just works .

  13. 随着更强大的新款iPad和令人惊艳的全新iPadmini的推出,我们的iPad产品线日臻完善。

    With the even more capable new iPad and the phenomenal new iPad mini , our iPad lineup is the best it 's ever been .

  14. 1979年麦肯纳参加节目“TheGongShow”为观众所熟知,节目中她用自己的身体打结,惊艳了所有观众。她也曾出现在杂志《花花公子》中。

    Christa was well known for her appearance on ' The Gong Show ' in 1979 , where she wowed audience by tying her body in knots but she also appeared in Playboy magazine .

  15. 所有这些小幅升级都不会让用户感到惊艳,但它们整体上确实让iPad用户的使用体验更好了。

    All those nips and tucks won 't blow users away , but they do add up to a better experience overall for iPad users .

  16. 当JaeHeeCho首次面试费城76人队的行政主厨这一职位时,他打算惊艳到面试官。

    When JaeHee Cho first auditioned for the executive chef job with the Philadelphia 76ers , he was going to wow the brass .

  17. 我要是去墨西哥的话,就想去水上玩,但是那套房子太惊艳了。弗里斯克说。她是一名平面设计师兼设计顾问,住在芝加哥的西镇(WestTown)社区。

    If I was going to Mexico , I wanted to be on the water , but that house is completely amazing , said Ms. Frisk , a graphic designer and design consultant in the West Town neighborhood of Chicago .

  18. 水滨的达利博物馆修缮一新后令人惊艳,精致餐厅比比皆是。在市中心,沿着古老的中央大道(CentralAvenue),活力向前蔓延,这多少要感谢此地的精酿啤酒。

    With a redeveloped waterfront , a stunning Dali Museum , and sophisticated restaurants in place , the downtown energy is now heading up historic Central Avenue , thanks in part to the craft beer scene .

  19. 这些地方以及其他的一些风景,均可从这座教皇宫(PalaisdesPapes)内一览无遗,而宫内那些面积没有那么大的房间,让人惊艳的程度与那些地方相比也不遑多让。

    These areas and more are viewable in the Palais des Papes , whose smaller rooms are equally impressive .

  20. A15仿生芯片的全新5核GPU以及定制的显示引擎,加上令人惊艳的新显示屏,为iPhone的体验打开新篇章。

    And the A15 Bionic chip 's new 5-core GPU and custom display engine combine with an amazing new display that takes the iPhone experience even further .

  21. FionaKnapp的玫瑰金开压边戒指带有梨形海蓝宝石和椭圆电气石,这会让它成为惊艳的传家宝。

    The Fiona Knapp rose-gold kissing ring with pear-shaped aquamarine and oval-shaped tourmaline would make a thrilling hand-me-down .

  22. 在IPO路演与上市后接受彭博社采访的视频中,马云都展示出惊艳的英语水平(这两段视频已在网上被疯转)。

    Many are surprised to see how good Ma 's command of English was in his IPO roadshow video and interview with Bloomberg after the listing ( both video clips went viral online ) .

  23. 电视机生产商在2012年年初推出4K电视机,展出了84英寸的庞然大物,画质惊艳,价格在2万美元左右。

    TV makers rolled out 4K sets in early 2012 , demonstrating 84-inch behemoths with stunning picture quality priced in the $ 20,000 range .

  24. iPhone5s的摄像头技术会令摄影爱好者大吃一惊,摄影新手会为它更出色的拍摄效果和更便捷的照片搜索惊艳不已。

    The camera technology in the iPhone 5S will wow shutterbugs and even more so photography neophytes who will just appreciate taking better photos and being able to find them more easily .

  25. 四年前,凭借在坎耶•维斯特专辑MyBeautifulDarkTwistedFantasy中Monster一歌的惊艳表现,妮琪•米娜一跃跻身主流说唱音乐最前沿,令与之合作的传奇歌手们黯然失色。

    Four years ago , Nicki Minaj rose to the forefront of the rap mainstream by spitting fire over Kanye West 's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy track Monster , leaving her legendary collaborators a pile of smoldering ash and gold chains .

  26. 从70美元的洗面奶到被设计师称为“惊艳”的价值的370美元的面霜,维多利亚在她的Instagram个人资料中分享了她现在正在使用的产品。

    From a $ 70 cleanser to a $ 370 cream the designer described as ' amazing ' , Victoria shared the products she is now using on her Instagram profile .

  27. 俄罗斯前美女间谍安娜。查普曼身穿衬皮毛夹克和黑皮裤,在莫斯科时装周惊艳亮相,就在去年她被美国FBI揭露间谍身份。

    The former Russian spy Anna Chapman , who was unmasked working in America by the FBI last year , made a surprise appearance at Moscow Fashion Week in a fur-lined jacket and black leather trousers .

  28. 几乎是有史以来的第一次,Simonetta没有设计出惊艳全球的绝美系列作品。

    For almost the first time in hisory , Simoena failed to deliver an absolutely drop-dead collection .

  29. 2011年,当位于旧金山的无线设备生产商Jawbone公司推出令人惊艳的、能感知动作的腕带后,该公司立即陷入了一场舆论风暴。

    When jawbone , the San Francisco-based purveyor of wireless devices , originally launched its head-turning , movement-sensing wristband in 2011 , the company found itself in the middle of a firestorm .

  30. 后来有一天,他们从一位建筑师那里发现了一套令人惊艳的公寓,从屋里就可俯瞰巴利阿里群岛(Balearicisland)的米诺卡岛(Minorca)上的一个海港。由此,他们意识到,以后应该专门从同行那里寻找住处。

    Then one day they found an architect 's stunning apartment overlooking a seaport on the Balearic island of Minorca and realized that they ought to concentrate on the residences of their peers .