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jīnɡ tiào
  • startle
惊跳 [jīng tiào]
  • [shy] 突然跳开(由于惊骇)

  1. 该文介绍了感觉门控的惊跳反射、PPI及适应性反应的概念;

    The article reviewed the PPI research , as including the following contents : the definition of startle reflex , PPI , and habituation ;

  2. 风一吹来,火星四溅,卢埃林的种马惊跳起来。

    Llewelyn 's stallion shied as the wind sent sparks flying .

  3. 你总是害怕大雨,就像花朵怕雨淋一样;我记得,刚开始掉雨点你就惊跳起来开溜。

    You were always afraid of a shower , Just like a flower : I remember you started and ran When the rain began .

  4. 使惊奇;使大吃一惊vi.惊吓;惊跳;惊奇在听到他逝世的消息时我大吃一惊。

    startle I was startled at the news of his death .

  5. 路上的声音使我们所有人都惊跳起来。

    A noise in the road gave us all a start .

  6. 我惊跳起来,伸手去触摸你。

    I start up and stretch my hands to touch you .

  7. 他为突然闪现的一个念头而惊跳起来。

    He started at a thought that suddenly occurred to him .

  8. 惊跳反射弱刺激抑制评价感觉运动门控

    Assessment for Sensory Gating Using by Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex

  9. 马惊跳起采,把我们全都摔落沟中。

    The horse shied and we were all spilt into the ditch .

  10. 想到死亡,心就会惊跳。

    The [ My ] mind boggles at the thought of death .

  11. 他那高高的身体惊跳一下,又直了起来。

    His tall figure sprang erect again with a start .

  12. 喧哗声也许使我惊跳,但与我的心理无关。

    A noise may make me jump without my mind being implicated .

  13. 枪声使他惊跳起来。

    The noise of the gun made him jump .

  14. 突然间他醒来了;他听着,惊跳起来,然后坐下来听着。

    Awaking suddenly , he listened , started up , and sat listening .

  15. 当我走进房间的时候,她惊跳起来。

    She startled when I walked into the room .

  16. 突然间他从椅子上惊跳起来。

    Suddenly he started up from the chair .

  17. 当她看到侍女捧着神圣的祭品站在门口时,她惊跳了起来。

    She started when she saw at her door the maid with the sacred offerings .

  18. 人们惊跳起来大哭。

    The people jumped up and cried .

  19. 他看见一个陌生人冲进他房间,便从床上惊跳了起来。

    He started from his bed when he saw a stranger barging into his room .

  20. 声音使她惊跳起来。

    The sound gave her a jump .

  21. 他从座位上惊跳起来。

    He started up from his seat .

  22. 当门铃声响起时惊跳了起来。

    To jump when the doorbell rang .

  23. 他的嘴张得有惊跳的闹钟那么大(理查德亚当斯)

    His mouth gaping in a kind of rictus of startled alarm ( Richard Adams )

  24. 我的心吓得惊跳着。

    My heart was jumping with fear .

  25. 那个声音让他惊跳起来。

    The noise made him start .

  26. 她还常常会突然从椅子上惊跳起来,眼睛睁得大大的。

    From time to time she would start suddenly from her chair , her eyes wide .

  27. 那条消息使我惊跳起来。

    That news made me jump .

  28. “奥兰斯卡夫人!唉,别这样,埃伦,”他喊着,惊跳起来,俯身对着她。

    " Madame Olenska ! & Oh , don 't , Ellen ," he cried , starting up and bending over her .

  29. 伤风感冒,咳嗽痰多,身热发烧,泄呕吐泻,夜啼惊跳。

    It 's traditionally used for relieving phlegm , mild vomiting , diarrhoea , fever , cold , cough and night cry for children .

  30. 到了基顿(基顿撒母耳下六章六节作拿艮)的禾场。因为牛失前蹄(或作惊跳),乌撒就伸手扶住约柜。

    When they came to the threshing floor of Kidon , Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the ark , because the oxen stumbled .