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  • 网络snail
  1. 他们训练小螺频繁浮出水面呼吸的次数。

    They trained the snails to reduce how frequently they breathe out of water .

  2. 据悉这些小螺和哺乳动物有相同的压力应答反应。

    It 's thought that these snails and mammals have similar responses to stress .

  3. 小螺口茄形指示灯泡

    Small egg-plant screw indicating lamp

  4. 两种常见压力相关因子—低浓度的钙离子,增强外壳必须品,还有就是小螺群体中的密度过大—这些在野生环境下能同时出现。

    Two common stressors - low levels of calcium , necessary for strong shells , and overcrowding by other snails - can happen in combination in the wild .

  5. 斑点杂交试验检测小土窝螺的肝片吸虫感染

    Detection of Fasciola hepatica in Galba pervia by dot hybridization