首页 / 词典 / good


è shēnɡ
  • bad reputation;angry voice;abusive language;vulgar music
恶声 [è shēng]
  • (1) [verbal abuse]∶凶恶愤怒之声

  • 恶声喝道:站住

  • (2) [immoral music or song]∶指低级趣味的乐曲

  • (3) [bad reputation]∶坏名声

  1. 她的恶声恶语可真把我弄昏了。

    She just snaps my head off .

  2. 好舌头不出恶声,好心肠不想恶事。

    It is a good tongue that says no i11.and a better heart that thinks none .

  3. 恶行之前有恶声。

    Dog bark before they bite .

  4. 可是假如您果真不知道这件事,那麽从礼貌上说起来,您可不应该对我们恶声相向。

    But if you know not this , my manners tell me We have your wrong rebuke .

  5. 善心不想坏事,好舌不出恶声。

    It is a good tongue that says no ill , and a better heart that thinks none .

  6. 其在新时代的内涵为:破恶声论,创新求变,是中国现代文化革新的精神路向;

    The content of it in the new age is to destroy the theory lf " evil voice ", bring to th e new ideas in order to change-the spiritual direction of China 's modern culture reformation .

  7. 经过考察,可以发现“败”、“好”、“恶”语音声、韵、调的发展和更替具有规律性;词性、词义的演变和发展具有不平衡性;

    It is found after examination that the development and substitution of their pronunciation was not regular , and the evolution and development of their part of speech and meaning was not balanced .