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  1. 如果你是一位单身男士,在乌克兰你一定会受到欢迎——这个国家到处都是貌若天仙的女子。这里治安良好,且男性的人口比女性要少。所以,要找到一位愿意成为你终身伴侣的女子可谓易如反掌。

    If you are a single man , you are always welcome to Ukraine - the land of fantastically beautiful women 。 The country is quite safe and there are fewer men than women , making it really easy to find a woman who is ready to become your life partner 。

  2. 另一方面,因为各个自由度间的强烈耦合,锰氧化物的物理性质极易受到如外延应力等外加作用的调控。

    On the other , because of the strong coupling between the spin , charge , orbital , and lattice degrees of freedom , the physical properties in manganites can be easily tuned by external stimuli such as the epitaxial strain .

  3. 采空区是矿山的主要灾害源之一,易造成如空区坍塌、地表沉陷等灾害,严重影响矿山的安全生产,因此有关矿山采空区稳定性的研究意义重大。

    The goaf is one of the main disaster sources in mine , which does great harm for safety production of mine . It can result in disasters easily , such as goaf collapse and ground subsidence , so the relevant study on goaf stability has great significance .

  4. 毛衣上的小部件易脱落,如被儿童吸入,有致其窒息的危险。

    The product poses a risk of choking due to the presence of small parts which can be easily detached and ingested .

  5. 针刺的方法不同易晕针,如采用粗针或者使用动气法行针的患者更容易发生晕针现象。

    Different methods of acupuncture needles and easy halo , such as by needle or needle using the angry law lines were more prone to the phenomenon of fainting . 4 .

  6. 青贮饲料在动物生产中具有重要的作用,但有的牧草由于含糖量不足或缓冲值高而不易青贮,如苜蓿、红豆、三叶草等豆科牧草。

    Silage plays an important role in animal production , but some grass ( such as alfalfa , red beans , clover and other legume ) which are lack of sugar content or high buffer value are not easy to silage .

  7. 由于侧光光纤相对其他光导纤维而言,结构简单且廉价易得,如能验证其在传输光能的高效性方面具备一定优势,就可以一定程度上为光生物反应器的优化提供理论研究的基础。

    Due to the structure of side-lighting optical fiber is relatively simple and cost-effective , if the research can verify that the side-lighting optical fiber is efficient and has its own advantages to transfer light energy , it can be a certain theoretical basis for the optimization of optical bioreactor .

  8. 这和易水解的物质如醋酸酐反应可以很容易转变为无水盐。

    This may be readily converted to the anhydrous salt by reaction with a readily hydrolysed material , such as acetic anhydride .

  9. 利用细胞内吞作用而感染易感细胞,如猴肾细胞(MA-104,Marc-145)和PAM。

    And infects permissive cells such as monkey kidney cell ( MA-104 , Marc-145 ) and PAM ( pig alveolar macrophage ) through cell endocytosis .

  10. 烦扰惶恐,缺乏自信,人之心则易扭曲,意气如灰。

    Worry , fear , self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dusk .

  11. 其他研究表明,在开放式办公室工作的人更容易患高血压,压力更大大,更易被传染,如流感。

    Other studies show that people who work in open-plan offices are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure , stress and airborne infections such as flu .

  12. 对比电老化前后的两种探测器窗口的实验结果,表明探测器窗口上的吸附物可能来自真空腔内的易放气部件,如连接导线的外皮。

    Comparing the experimental result of the detector window of non-electron aged with the result of the one after electron aged , it is shown that the sorbate of detector window perhaps comes from easily deflating parts in vacuum chamber , such as connection wires ′ coats .

  13. 由于没有外壳的保护,单壳体潜艇比双壳体潜艇更易受到损伤,如碰撞、搁浅、战时的武器命中和爆炸冲击都会导致壳体结构的破损。

    Because the pressure hull is not protected by the outer shell , the mono-shell submarine is more easily damaged than the double-shell submarine . The accident collision , taking the ground , explosion impact and weapons ' hitting in wartime can induce that the hull is damaged .