
  1. 高中英语教学法中易入的误区及对策

    Countermeasures against misunderstandings in English teaching for senior high schools

  2. 流域土地利用格局造成了大量污染物的产生且易入湖。

    The land utilization style produces lots of pollutants which are easy to flow into the lake .

  3. 对于课程内容的组织顺序,则应秉持由易入难,由浅入深,由具体到抽象的顺序原则。

    As to the organization of curriculum contents , the principles of sequence are : ( 1 ) proceeding from the simple to the more complex , ( 2 ) from the easiness to the difficulty , and ( 3 ) from the concrete to the abstract .

  4. 通过实践指出了在液浮惯性元件真空充液过程中易入的一般误区,提出了一种行之有效的新的改进真空充液工艺的途径。

    In this paper , the author , basing on her own working practice , points out some mistakes which can be made easily in the course of fluid filling in vacuum for floated inertial sensors and suggests an effective new way to improve the fluid filling technique in vacuum .

  5. 引入PSO算法,在保持了PSO算法结构简单可行特点的同时,利用惩罚函数方法和叉乘控制项,对基本PSO算法易限入局部极小点周边区域的局限进行了改进。

    Meanwhile the PSO algorithm is introduced with keeping the merits of briefness and easy realization , by adopting the method of penalty function and the forking product controlling item , and the shortcoming of the original algorithm for getting into the scope around local particle point is overcome .

  6. 本机具有全驱动、矫直质量高、换辊方便,易咬入、适宜于连续流水作业的优点。

    This machine has the entire drive , high-quality straightening , roll for convenient , easy to bite into , and suitable for the advantages of continuous flow process .

  7. 在大圆钢轧制或大断面轧件延伸孔型系统中,双半径椭圆孔型与单半径椭圆孔型相比,具有轧件易咬入、变形较均匀、孔型磨损小等优点。

    The double radius ellipse pass is better than the one of single radius ellipse in the big round bar or big section steel rolling . It has some advantages , such as easy nipping , uniform deforming and small wearing of groove .

  8. 在具体的现代通俗文学研究中,一直存在着分别论述易、整合入史难的问题。

    In the study of modern popular literature , it is easy to discuss specifically , but difficult to reorganize it into history .

  9. 泵下掺水易形成掺入水空循环、来出液含水高,不利于提高开采效率。

    Water blending under , pump is bound to cause blended water 's circling and high water-bearing of produced liquid , which is bad to enhance oil recovery .

  10. 由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。

    It is easy to go from economy to extravagance , but not from extravagance to economy .

  11. 试验发现,粉煤灰的掺加可改善石膏料浆的和易性,掺入水泥和复合防水剂可以提高石膏制品的力学、耐水性能。

    It has been found that adding fly-ash can improve the workability of plaster slurry , the strength and the water resistance performance can be modified by adding cement and composite waterproofing agent .

  12. 消费不可逆理论的主要思想是由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难,但在巨大的变故或灾难面前,人们的消费会迅速作出调整。

    The main idea of irreversible consumption theory is that " extravagant easy entry by the thrifty , hard by the extravagance frugal ", but in the great changes and even before the disaster , income consumers adjusts quickly .