
  • 网络Easy language;e-language
  1. 自动拦截弹出网页源码例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数拦截上网时弹出的网页。

    To automatically block pop-up page source code routine procedures to support combined with easy language extension interface library , call the API function block pop-up Web surfing .

  2. 易语言编写的可逆加密算法

    The arithmetic of encryption and decryption within the easy language

  3. 易语言API捕捉视频源码例程程序完全调用API函数实现视频捕获功能。

    Easy to capture video source language API routine procedure call API functions to achieve complete video capture capability .

  4. 基于易语言的DNF外挂注入器源码,功能有注入和卸载。

    DNF based on easy to plug into the device language source code , function injection and uninstall .

  5. 网吧呼叫网管程序易语言程序网吧必备。

    Language program called Easy network management program must have Internet cafes .

  6. 基于易语言人事政务信息系统设计与实现

    Personnel Government Information Release System Design Based on E Language

  7. 本易语言源码例程属于易语言高级教程。

    The routines are easy to easy language source language and advanced tutorials .

  8. 软件用易语言编写.有可能杀毒软件报是病毒。

    Software easy to use language preparation . May antivirus software reportedly virus .

  9. 易语言代码的意思你应该知道吧。

    Easy language code mean you should know .

  10. 本章的任务是对易语言有一个整体的、宏观的印象。

    The task of this chapter is an overall easy language , macro impression .

  11. 易语言加速源码。

    Easy language to accelerate source .

  12. 本易语言例程源码提供了时钟、闹钟和定时关机功能。

    Routine source of the easy language to provide a clock , alarm clock and sleep timer functions .

  13. 易语言的使用与研究

    Review of Easy Language

  14. 易语言超炫玻璃窗口源码例程程序结合易语言模块彗星真彩控件模块.ec,使窗口组件呈现透明的破玻璃效果。

    Easy language routine procedures stunning glass window with easy language source module comet true color control module . Ec , so that the broken window assembly is transparent glass effect .

  15. 具体研究工作内容主要包括:分析了系统各模块的设计要求,研制了各模块电路,集成开发了整体硬件实验系统;为测试系统性能,开发了基于易语言的上位机程序。

    The main contents of this part include : studying for each module of the system , designing of the module circuit and integrated researching of the hardware experiment system . At last , in order to testing the system performance , the upper computer software is developed .

  16. 用户也可以使用这种简单易操作的语言进行数据挖掘,并以此为基础进行决策分析,从而使DMS达到良好的通用性。

    Users could also take advantage of this simple and easy-to-operate language to do data mining , and on this basis to make decision analysis , which make the DMS achieve a good generality .

  17. 《易传》中的语言哲学思想探论&兼论儒、道、《易》的语言哲学思想之异同

    A study of linguistic philosophy in Yi zhuan : simultaneously on the similarities and differences between Confucianism , Daoism and Yi in linguistic philosophy

  18. 当面临难易不同的语言知识、不同的成熟和认知水平的学生时,哪种方法会更高效,归纳法还是推演法?

    Which approach , induction or deduction , will fare better when different sorts of knowledge , different language learning environments and unequal mature & cognitive levels of learners , etc. are encountered ?

  19. 倘阁下会讲英语,欢迎选用英文注解课文,因英文为全球最广泛使用及最易作为基本语言将课文翻译成其它语言。

    If you can speak english , it is the best choice for commenting the lesson as it is widely spoken over the world and can easily be used as a base to translate the lesson into other languages .

  20. 在此基础上,本文从母语背景、难易程度、语言的使用频率、教学活动等四个方面进一步深入分析了影响习得顺序的因素。

    Based on this , I analyzed the factors that affect the acquisition sequence on the four aspects including the native language background , level of difficulty , the operating frequency of language , as well as teaching and learning activities .

  21. 同其它语言相比较,MATLAB具有简单易用的程序语言、强大的科学计算及数据处理能力。

    Compared with other programming languages , MATLAB is a language used easily and has the powerful ability of scientific computing and data processing .

  22. 众所周知,几年前,在众多强大且易用的脚本语言中,PHP占据着首要位置。

    A couple of years ago , PHP sat at the top of the powerful-but-easy-to-use scripting languages heap & at least as far as popularity was concerned .

  23. 80年代初,乔布斯开始开发最早的麦金塔电脑,希望微软能为它创造一套BASIC语言(即简单易用的编程语言),并开发一些应用软件,比如文档、图表和数据处理程序。

    When jobs began developing the original Macintosh in the early 1980s , he wanted Microsoft to create for it a version of basic , an easy-to-use programming language , as well as some application software , such as word processing , charts , and spreadsheet programs .

  24. 实例验证结果表明,GDM具有较好的通用性和全面性,还具有轻量级的实现和成熟易用的操作语言。

    The case study shows GDM not only has good versatility and comprehensiveness , but also has a lightweight , easy-to-use description language and operating language .

  25. 方法选用简单易用的MicrosoftVBAforExcel语言,利用宏功能,开发STR基因座群体遗传学统计分析软件。

    Methods Selecting the Microsoft VBA for Excel , which is simple and easy to use , as the program language and using its macro function to develop a statistics analysis software used in STR population genetics .

  26. 新闻受众对新闻语言理解的难易问题就是新闻语言的易读性问题。

    How well can news acceptors understand the news language is its problem of " readability " .