
  1. 运动训练对女子拳击运动员血清NO、NOS活性影响的研究

    Study on Influence of Exercise Training on Female Boxers ' Serum Nitric Oxide and Nitric Oxide Synthase Level

  2. 论女子拳击运动员比赛中的心理障碍及对策

    On the psychological barriers and countermeasures of women boxing athletes

  3. 女子拳击运动员安静状态下心电图观察

    The ECG 's Observation on Female Boxers During Still State

  4. 少年女子拳击运动员经期训练研究

    Investigation on Training of Women Boxer During Menstrual Period

  5. 优秀女子拳击运动员后手直拳技术动作上肢肌肉表面肌电分析

    Surface Electromyography of Upper Extremity Muscles for Elite Female Boxers ' Straight Punches

  6. 女子拳击护具的研制

    Research and Manufacture of Woman Boxing Protect Tool

  7. 女子拳击运动员赛前心理状态调查分析

    Pre-game Psychological Analysis on Female Boxing Athletes

  8. 执行委员还确认女子拳击将列入2012年伦敦奥运会的比赛。

    The boarders also confirmed that women 's boxing will be part of the London Olympics in2012 .

  9. 我的建议是:开除花样游泳和艺术体操,加入女子拳击。

    My suggestion : Get rid of synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics and bring in women 's boxing .

  10. 不论她喜欢与否,她都不得不接受这个事实,即她是女子拳击运动的象征。

    Like it or not , she accepts the fact that she is the face of female boxing .

  11. 由于阿里和弗莱契亚的女儿们的促进,女子拳击正在由一项新奇的体育赛事成为赢得真正拳击迷的项目。

    Boosted by the daughters of Ali and Frazier , women 's boxing is losing its novelty-act status and gaining real fans .

  12. 从我国女子拳击的开展情况以及存在的问题进行分析,提出了我国女子拳击发展的建议。

    It has put forward some suggestions about the development of women boxing in China after analyzing its development situation and existing problems .

  13. 与常规的一般力量训练法相比,专项力量训练法对于提高女子拳击运动员的身体素质水平有明显的优势。

    With conventional general strength training method , compared to special strength training method to improve female boxing the athletes ' physical quality level has obvious advantages .

  14. 对参加2003全国女子拳击锦标赛的114名运动员采用问卷调查法和实验法进行了赛前控、降体重的调查。

    This article investigated the present situation of controlling and decreasing body weight of 114 boxing athletes in 2003 National Women Boxing Championships by the methods of questionnaire and experiment .

  15. 2012年伦敦奥运会首次设置女子拳击项目,预示在性别问题上将出现新的里程碑。这届奥运会也将成为奥运历史上第一届所有参赛国家都派出女运动员的奥运会。

    The London 2012 Olympics signifies a new gender milestone with the debut of Women 's Boxing , and it will also be the first Games in Olympic history with female athletes from every competing country .

  16. 因此,在训练中要处理好一般力量与专项力量之间的关系,充分认识到二者间要紧密结合、共同发展才能形成符合于女子拳击项目特点的力量能力。

    Therefore , in training must handle general power and special strength , fully realize the relationship between the two combine closely , common development to build in compliance with female boxing project characteristic of power ability .

  17. 追溯到1904年,女子曾经在1904年参加过奥运全集比赛。但是从那以后,20世纪的大多数时间都禁止在任何地方举行女子拳击比赛,更别说在奥运会上。

    Women have boxed at an Olympics once before back in1904 , but after that they were banned from competing anywhere for most of the20th century let alone at Olympics .