
nǚ xiá
  • Nvxia;female knight errant
  1. 中国电影数据信息网的数据显示,该片已经超过派蒂·杰金斯2017年导演的超级英雄影片《神奇女侠》,成为全球票房最高的女性导演作品。

    It surpassed the 2017 superhero film " Wonder Woman " from Patty Jenkins and became the world 's top-grossing film ever from a solo female director , according to the China Movie Data Information Network .

  2. 《神奇女侠》很快将在各影院上线,再加上首波放映反响不俗,许多粉丝对DC漫画公司的这部电影越来越期待。

    With Wonder Woman fast approaching cinemas - and with good first reactions to boot - many fans are growing increasingly excited for the DC film .

  3. ScarlettJohansson和神奇女侠刚在这儿。遛焦虑的小鼬鼠。

    Scarlett Johansson and Wonder Woman were just in here trolling around for neurotic , little weasels .

  4. 在2008年的展览“超级英雄”(Superheroes)中,他指出,神奇女侠(WonderWoman)可能和时尚编辑一样是具有强大影响力的时尚化身。

    and proposed in the 2008 show " Superheroes " that Wonder Woman may have been as influential a style avatar as any fashion editor .

  5. VK网站上一位脑洞大开的粉丝将凯奇P到一张包含超人、神奇女侠和蝙蝠侠的漫威超级英雄图片上。(VK是俄罗斯知名社交网站--译者注)

    Cage was superimposed onto a picture of Marvel superheros including Superman , Wonder Woman and Batman by one creative fan on VK.com .

  6. 据报道,在华纳兄弟公司去年12月决定在影院和HBOMax上映《神奇女侠1984》后,盖尔·加朵和帕蒂·詹金斯每人获得了1000万美元(约合人民币6500万元)的片酬。

    Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins were reportedly each paid $ 10 million after Warner Bros. decided to release " Wonder Woman 1984 " in theaters and on HBO Max in December .

  7. 大多数年轻女性都梦想自己可以和虚构的荧幕偶像一样,诸如神奇女侠(WonderWoman)和劳拉·克劳馥(LaraCroft)。但是有这样一位模特和玩家却排除一切困难,将梦想变成了现实。

    Most young women dream of resembling fictional screen icons such as Wonder Woman and Lara Croft , but one model and gamer has gone out of her way to make this a reality .

  8. 众所周知,自从《钢铁侠》于2013年上映以来,DC扩展宇宙就经历了一段坎坷之路。而《神奇女侠》成为其系列电影中收视率最高的电影,华纳兄弟在续集中寻求稳扎稳打也就不足为奇了。

    As most will know , the DC Extended Universe has suffered a rocky road since Man of Steel released in 2013 , and with Wonder Woman being the highest rated film in its franchise , it should be no surprise that Warner Bros. are playing it safe for the sequel .

  9. 空军一号在沙特阿拉伯利雅得哈立德国王国际机场降落后,她从机舱中走出,穿着黑色连身衣,戴着“神奇女侠”金色圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)腰带,飘动的下摆、长袖和衣领凹口让每个人心里想:阿拉伯长袍!

    After landing at the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , she materialized on the steps of Air Force One in that black jumpsuit , whose Wonder Woman gold Saint Laurent belt , flowing hemline , long sleeves and notch neck made everyone think : abaya !

  10. 我爱看电影,书。我爱我的祖母还有神奇女侠。

    I loved movies , books , wonder woman and my grandmother .

  11. 你是在警告我,神奇女侠有多危险吗

    You 're telling me how dangerous wonder woman is ?

  12. 她自称“中国紫荆女侠”。

    She calls herself the " Chinese Redbud Woman . "

  13. 对唐传奇女侠形象的解读

    An Opinion of the Figure of Legendary Chivalrous Women in the Tang Dynasty

  14. 有趣的是,她并不是第一个中国紫荆女侠。

    Interestingly , this isnt the first instance of the Chinese Redbud Woman .

  15. 所以,不要尝试成为超人或神奇女侠。

    Dont try to be Superman or Wonder Woman .

  16. 为什么不找你女友做神奇女侠?

    Wh-Why can 't your girlfriend be Wonder Woman ?

  17. 更幸运的是,有他们的朋友就是我身边这位神奇女侠。

    And fortunately , their friends , was wonder woman , over here .

  18. 霍华德:他说要是你当水行侠,他愿意当神奇女侠。

    Howard : He says he 'll wear it if you 'll be Aquaman .

  19. 派恩近日确认回归拍摄《神奇女侠》。

    Pine recently had his return to the ? Wonder Woman ? franchise confirmed .

  20. 一个神奇女侠闯进我的办公室

    Some wonder woman barges into my office

  21. 这位超级女侠通过中文微博与外界沟通。

    The superlady herself communicates with the world through a microblog , written in Chinese .

  22. 秋瑾自号鉴湖女侠,她是个充满爱心的人。

    Qiu Jin , the heroine of Jianhu Lake , is a lady of great love .

  23. 论文分为四部分,第一部分介绍何谓女侠;

    This treatise divide into four parts , the first part introduce which is woman hero ;

  24. 包括星际大战系列:《最后的绝地武士》、《神奇女侠》、《嗨翻姐妹行》。

    These include Star Wars : The Last Jedi , Wonder Woman , and Girls Trip .

  25. 先是那些名人:神奇女侠、披头士、玛丽莲?

    It started out with famous people : Wonder Woman , the Beatles , Marilyn Monroe ...

  26. 所以要么不看,要么就看只有神奇女侠出现的片段,放其他情节的时候就睡上一会儿。

    Skip it , or see it for Wonder Woman 's scenes and sleep through the rest .

  27. 拉特纳的制作公司曾与华纳兄弟公司共同筹资制作了《神奇女侠》这部影片。

    Ratner 's production company helped produce Wonder Woman as part of a co-financing deal with Warner Bros.

  28. 谢尔顿:不用担心,神奇女侠是亚马逊人,亚马逊的女孩子都很高大健壮。

    Sheldon : Don 't worry . Wonder Woman was an . And Amazons tend to be very

  29. 我正在写一篇关于金庸和古龙的作品中女侠的论文。

    I 'm writing my thesis now about women in the novels of Jin Yong and Gu Long .

  30. 《神奇女侠》主演盖尔·加朵宣布了本来即将上映的《神奇女侠2》更改了上映日期。

    Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot has announced an altered release date for the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984 .