
  • 网络Jin Yong's Novels;Novels by Jin Yong
  1. 金庸小说的爱情主题蕴涵着丰厚的文化内涵。

    Love theme in JinYong 's novels contains much cultural meaning .

  2. 从文化视角看金庸小说

    Reading Jin Yong 's Novels from the Cultural Point of View

  3. 金庸小说女性形象的文化意义。

    Jin Yong novel of the cultural significance of female images .

  4. 神话&原型批评视野下的金庸小说

    Louis Cha 's Novel under Myth-prototype Criticism 's Field of Vision

  5. 金庸小说叙事研究

    A Study on the Narratology of Jin Yong 's Martial Novels

  6. 论生命意识悖论阴影下的金庸小说

    On the Shadow of Antinomy of Life-awareness in JIN Yong 's Fictions

  7. 论金庸小说中女性形象模式的成因

    The Origin Cause of Woman Image Modes in Jin Yong 's Novels

  8. 金庸小说的对照法则与蒙古想象&以《射雕英雄传》郭靖英雄形象的塑造为例

    The Mongolia Character and the Contrast Principle in Jin Yong 's Novel

  9. 金庸小说寻宝母题的佛经文学来源

    The Buddhist Literature Origin of Treasure Searching Motif in Jin Yong 's Novels

  10. 好在,这不是金庸小说里的自断经脉。

    Fortunately , this is not a Jin Yong novel of self-breaking channels .

  11. 上课睡觉,甚者旷课;沉迷于计算机游戏,或者金庸小说;

    They begin to sleep during the class or even be absent for classes .

  12. 论金庸小说的民族意识

    The National Consciousness of Jin Yong 's Novel

  13. 金庸小说与传统文化

    Jin Yong 's Novels and Traditional Culture

  14. 2008年浙江海宁金庸小说国际学术研讨会综述

    The International Academic Symposium on Jin Yong 's Novels in 2008 in Haining , Zhejiang

  15. 金庸小说是当代最为畅销的汉语文学作品。

    The novels by Jinyong are the best sellers among the literature works in Chinese .

  16. 本章第二节论述了金庸小说叙事节奏的音乐性。

    Section II of this chapter discusses the musicality of the narrative rhythm in the novels .

  17. 人性的辉煌,男人的梦想&对于金庸小说中一男多女模式的文化阐释

    Humane Brilliance and Men 's Dreams

  18. 在路上&浅谈金庸小说体现的现代人存在之困

    On the road & Troubles of modern people ′ s existence in Jin Yong ′ s novels

  19. 逍遥自在老顽童&评析金庸小说人物周伯通

    Free Peripatetic Naughty old Man : Review of Zhou Bo-Tong , a Character of Jin Yong 's Novel

  20. 截至目前为止,金庸小说已被改编成逾90部影视剧作品。

    Jin Yong 's novels have been adapted more than 90 times for the big screen and television .

  21. 除此之外,金庸小说还采用了富有中国传统戏曲音乐特点的叙事节奏从而产生节奏对比与烘托,造成生动丰富的审美效果。

    In addition , his novels also use the narrative rhythm which featured of traditional Chinese opera music .

  22. 金庸小说大雕意象:1.特定人物以射雕突出英雄豪情。

    The vulture image in Jin Yong 's fiction : 1.The lofty sentiments expressed when special character bend bow .

  23. 沉迷于计算机游戏,或者金庸小说;有的甚至过早地踏入二人世界的生活中。

    Some are addicted to computer games or Jin Yong 's novels , or step into the two-person-world too early .

  24. 给予读者不同的心理体验和哲学思辨,从而使金庸小说美学与哲学的多重魅力。

    Give the readers different psychological experiences and philosophic thinking which made his novels have multiple fascination of aesthetics and philosophy .

  25. 然而,金庸小说实为雅俗共赏,其作品表现了现代意识与传统文化的完美结合,透露出浅俗下的厚重之感。

    However Jin Yong 's fictions suit both refined and popular tastes , and manifest a perfect combination of the modern ideas and the traditional cultures .

  26. 消费时代的文化资本之争&也谈金庸小说经典化

    The Contention for Cultural Capital in the Era of Comsumption ; also as a Talk about the Process of Constructing Jin Yong 's Novels as Classics

  27. 金庸小说大部分都是浪漫主义的创作,他是运用想象力在那里写的,他的作品是以想象力丰富见长的。

    Jin Yong 's novels are mostly Romantic works , he is using the imagination to write there , his works are imaginative Kyo , the rich .

  28. 我想罔达修士一定也看过金庸小说,要不为什么他对这一套怎么那么熟悉?

    I am almost convinced that Brother Wanda had a volume of Jin Yong 's books hidden somewhere , otherwise how can he be so familiar with them ?

  29. 把音乐渗透于武功招式与武打场景为金庸小说武的描写拓宽了途径,使其描写手法多样化并富于想象力。

    Using the music for describing martial arts and the scene broadens the ways of describing martial arts . It makes the way of describing have diversity and imagination .

  30. 怀念可爱的傻小子郭靖金庸小说人物评析之二面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料

    Thinking Of Lovely Silly Boy Guo Jing Analysis on Characters in Jin Yong s Novel ( Part ⅱ); Baker loathe go to this red - hair young pup for supplies