
jīn xué
  • study of Jīn Píng Méi
  1. 众所周知,要想解读朝鲜不透明的权力架构的变化,确实相当困难&这种消遣有时被称为金学(Kim-inology)。

    Interpreting changes in North Korea 's opaque power structure - a pastime that is sometimes referred to as " Kim-inology " - is notoriously difficult .

  2. 金学株把现代在中国的进展归因于公司的先进技术,这些技术让现代得以在中国迅速组建生产设施。

    He attributes Hyundai 's progress in China to its advanced technology , which allows it to set up production facilities quickly .

  3. 尽管巴赫金学派一再重申一切话语都有对话性,但对它的实际话语分析仅局限于文学语篇。

    Although it is claimed that any language use is of dialogism , the dialogic nature of discourse is primarily based on the analysis of literary texts .

  4. 从物理治金学原理出发,讨论了化学成分、热处理以及铸造方法对镍硬Ⅰ型铸铁的影响,指出了正确设计合金成分的原则。

    Based on the physical metallurgic principe , this paper discusses the influence of chemical composition , cast method and heat treatment on Ni - hard 1 , suggest a composition design rule for Ni - hard 1 .

  5. 马来西亚西砂捞越地区大地构造与金成矿学研究


  6. 湖南区域内生金成矿学分析与找矿预测

    GOLD METALLOGENY and metallogenic prognosis in Hunan Province

  7. 因此,加强对流体与成矿的相互关系研究已成为研究金成矿学的重要内容。

    Therefore , the study of fluids and their relations to mineralization will be an important subject in metallogeny of gold .

  8. 这次我们将谈论金融援助的各种形式,研究生助教奖学金、助金、学金及助学金。

    This time we are going to talk about financial aid in the form of assistantships , grants , scholarships and fellowships .

  9. 土地出让金的财政学分析

    Analysis of Land Transfer Rent on the Base of Finance

  10. 不同浓度吸附羊抗人IgG金溶胶的谱学检测

    The Detection of Goat Anti-Human IgG of Different Concentration Absorbed on Colloidal Gold by UV-Vis Spectra

  11. 中国东部地幔岩包体中的金含量及其成矿学意义

    Content of Mantle-derived Xenoliths in Eastern China and Its Metallogenic Significance

  12. 东天山铜金多金属成矿学及找矿系统工程学

    Copper-gold Polymetal Metallogeny and Prospecting Systematic Engineering of East Tianshan , Xinjiang , China

  13. 对定量金相学与体视学中所规定的最常用的几个完形参数的实验方法及计算机模拟实验方法的算法分别加以描述.实际应用表明,该算法具有速度快,精度高的特点。

    Discusses experimental methods and simulative algorithms by computing some gestalt parameters prescribed in quantitative metallography and stereology and these algorithms features high speed and high precision .

  14. 本文就定量金相学和体视学中所规定的几个重要的完形参数的计算机分析加以描述,并且对图像处理计算机算法进行了探讨。

    In this paper , we discusses the computer analysis methods of some gestalt parameters prescribed in quantitative metallography and stereology , and the algorithms of computer image processing .

  15. 临床听力学存在特征性改变,如低频骨气导差及声诱发短潜伏期负反应有助于发现该疾病,但诊断的金标准仍是影像学。

    Characteristics of audiology such as air-bone gap at low frequency and acoustically evoked short latency negative response ( ASNR ) can help us to discover this disease . The golden standard of EVAS is imageology .

  16. 内生金-银系列矿物的某些性质与成因分析湖南区域内生金成矿学分析与找矿预测

    Some properties and genetic characteristics of Au-Ag minerals from endogenous ores GOLD METALLOGENY and metallogenic prognosis in Hunan Province