
  • 网络secular novel
  1. 第四部分论及世情小说创作。

    The fourth section is about the creation of Human-Feelings Novels .

  2. 传统与现代之间:世情小说的审美意识

    Between Tradition and Modern : Aesthetic Consciousness of Novels about Human Relationship

  3. 明清世情小说对传统伦理文化的反拨

    Criticism of the Traditional Ethic from the Novels of Ming Qing Dynasty

  4. 从三言看晚明世情小说的情和欲

    On Love and Lust in Late Ming Love Novels from the Study of Three Advice-Books

  5. 人性的直白与个性的立体&略论我国长篇世情小说的人物塑造

    Frankly Stating Humanity and Dimensional Personality Brief Discussion on the Characterization of Chinese Realistic Novels

  6. 清代商人对清朝文化的发展的影响是不容小觑的,所以在清代世情小说中,商人与文化的种种关系也多有反映。

    So there are many contends of relationship between the businessmen and the culture in the Qing Dynasty realistic novels .

  7. 世情小说《醒世姻缘传》的叙事与该时期的大众文化亲缘密切。

    The narrating technique in the novel Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan is closely related with the popular-culture tastes of the time .

  8. 《醒世姻缘传》是明清之际以山东方言为背景写成的一部世情小说。

    Xing Shi Yin Yuan Zhuan is Ming and Qing Dynasties of Shandong dialect as written in the context of a Love story .

  9. 作为世情小说,《醒世姻缘传》提供了那个时代丰富而又详细的文化史料,具有很高的民俗学研究价值。

    As novels about human relationship , of that era provided abundant and detailed historical culture , which has a high value of folklore research .

  10. 中国古代小说不仅在长篇历史演义、世情小说中存在着大量谋略描写,而且在文言短篇小说中也有着精彩纷呈的谋略描写。

    Vivid descriptions on strategy can be found in various Chinese ancient fiction , such as historical romance , popular novels , and short stories written in classical Chinese as well .

  11. 理论探讨的深入及对戏剧创作艺术的借鉴则使得世情小说的叙事操作明显成熟于其它三类题材。

    The deep discussion on the theory and the borrowing of the creative art of drama made the narrative operation of Human-Feelings Novels more mature than the other three kinds of novels .

  12. 第一章论述了友伦的文化传统和交友问题的小说书写两大问题,分别从哲学理论和文学理论两方面为后文讨论明清长篇世情小说中的交友问题奠定了理论基础。

    Chapter one discusses two questions : the cultural tradition of friend ethics and the problem of making friends in the novels . It Lays the theoretical basis for the following article .

  13. 这表明,即使是正统文人创作的世情小说,在文化观念、叙事角度和话语选择方面,亦往往受到大众文化的深刘影响。

    This practice indicates that even the novels written by orthodox writers can also cater for the popular tastes by a close selection of culture concept , narrating techniques and choice of words .

  14. 本文以明代世情小说作为运用材料的基准点,以此出发,对明代特别是明中后期的官吏群体作一个全景式的论述。

    In this paper , realistic novels in Ming Dynasty is the benchmarks of using materials . Starting from this benchmarks , it has a panoramic expositions for Ming Dynastys ' officials groups .

  15. 但另一方面,在这种新变中,世情小说又表现出与史传文学千丝万缕的联系,在创作动机、创作原则、传奇性等诸多方面承袭了源自史传文学的传统的审美意识。

    On the other hand , they are related each other , and novels about human relationship inherit the traditional aesthetic consciousness of historical-biography literature on creation motive and principle , and the romantic .

  16. 一方面,世情小说在小说人物的选取、整体结构及小说的语言上,明显流露出不同于史传文学的新的平民化、世俗化的审美意识;

    On one hand , novels about human relationship outpouring new aesthetic consciousness of common customs which are different from historical-biography literature on the whole structure , the tongue and selecting characters of novels ;

  17. 元杂剧率先在创作中对这些思想予以关注,为后来世情小说的发展开辟了新的方向,具有重要的启迪意义。

    Yuan zaju paid much close attention to these new ideas at first , and the most important thing is that it blazed new trials for social novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  18. 僧尼形象作为一类独特的宗教人物形象,丰富了世情小说的人物画廊,反映了明代社会的宗教现状和风俗人情。

    As a kind of special religious images , the Buddhist monks and nuns enriched the characters in human relationship novels , reflected the religious situation and the local customs in the Ming dynasty .

  19. 它是世情小说乃至整个中国古代小说史上一部具有里程碑意义的重要作品,无论是在思想还是在艺术上都具有独特的成就。

    It is an important work with milestone significance in the history of social trends and even in the whole novel history of ancient China , with a unique achievement both in thought and art .

  20. 通过对明清长篇世情小说中妻妾形象生理层次、心理层次、文化层次的层级式解剖,分析得出儒家疯妇中两种类型共同具备焦虑、丑怪、疯狂的歇斯底里特质。

    Through the analysis of those women in the aspects of physiology , psychology and culture , the author draw an conclusion that both two types of Confucian crazy women have the hysterical common character of anxiety , curiosity and madness .

  21. 若就“人情&世情”小说内部深入研究,则从题材及其叙事结构而言,《金瓶梅》还可以而且应当称之为“家庭小说”。

    If we make further study on its theme and structure , we ll find it can also be treated as a " family novel " .

  22. 《醒世姻缘传》是《金瓶梅》之后又一部伟大的世情白话小说,是连接《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》的文学纽带。

    " Marriage Stories to Awaken Men ", " The Golden Lotus " is a great novel of World vernacular , is linked to the " Golden Lotus " and " A Dream of Red Mansions " literary link .

  23. 在对世情类写实小说的理论阐发上,张竹坡有其独到的眼光,在某些方面甚至超越了金圣叹。

    On the novel theory about " ways of the world ", Zhang Zhu-po was unique and surpassed even Jin Sheng-tan in some extent .