
  1. 浪漫主义是公认的具有永久现世意义的世界文化现象。

    Romanticism is recognized as having a permanent earthly meaning world cultural phenomenon .

  2. 青年亚文化,作为一种具有普遍意义的世界性文化现象,引起越来越多的学者的关注。

    Youth sub-culture , as a cultural phenomenon of universal significance , is causing more and more attention from scholars .

  3. 区别于主流文化形成的另一种价值观念和行为模式,以群体年龄为界定的青年亚文化,这一种具有普遍意义的世界性文化现象越来越受到社会关注。

    Youth subcultures , as a worldwide cultural phenomenon with universal meaning and a different special value and behavior pattern which defined by age from mainstream culture , is being paid more attentions .

  4. 神话历史化是一个世界性的必然文化现象,是人类早期文明演进过程中留下的一个重要足迹。

    Mythological historicalization , one of the important foot step left in human 's civilization , was a world wide phenomenon .

  5. 跨入新世纪,面对发展的永恒主题和许多深层次的全球性问题,价值观的激烈冲突和深刻变革是一种时代性、世界性的思想文化现象。

    At the beginning of the 21st century , facing the eternal theme of the development and many deep-seated global issues , the intense conflict and profound change of values is a global ideological and cultural phenomenon .

  6. 本文分为四个部分:一、《导论》将文化保守主义理解为是伴随着现代化进程而产生的一种批评现代化的思潮,并随着现代化的世界性扩张而成为一种世界性的文化现象。

    This article was divided into four parts : 1 . In the first part , the author consider that the culture conservatism was an trend of thought which focus its criticize on the process of modernization .