
  1. 沈阳世界园艺博览会:北方特色的营造

    Formation of Northern Features in the 2006 International Horticultural Exposition Shenyang China

  2. 在世界园艺博览会上获金奖。

    Jingyan peach honored with a gold medal in International Gardening Show .

  3. 冯耀祥是北京世界园艺博览会事务协调局的工作人员。

    Feng Yaoxiang is with the Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition Coordination Bureau .

  4. 参展国家和国际组织之多,在历次世界园艺博览会中是少有的。

    The International Horticultural Exhibitions held before have rarely found so many participants .

  5. 昆明世界园艺博览会在云南的胜利召开就是最好的证明。

    Kunming International Horticultural Exposition held in Yunnan is the best proof of victory .

  6. 欢迎来到西安世界园艺博览会。

    Welcome to International Horticulture Exposition Xi'an .

  7. 昆明世界园艺博览会办得既有中国的特色又有世界的广泛代表性。

    The Horticultural Expo of Kunming reflected both China 's identity and the world 's diversity .

  8. 北京世界园艺博览会计划从4月29日开幕,10月7日闭幕。

    The Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition is scheduled to last from April 29th to October 7th .

  9. 2006中国沈阳世界园艺博览会

    International Horticultural Exposition 2006 Shenyang China

  10. 论'99昆明世界园艺博览会中国馆设计的写意手法

    On the method of freehand in the design of the Exhibition Hall of China Kunming ' 99 EXPO International

  11. 五一假期期间,西安世界园艺博览会的园区挤满了游客。

    During the May Day holiday , the gardens at the Xi'an International Horticultural Expo were packed with visitors .

  12. 1999昆明世界园艺博览会成功举办之后,近年来世园会成为了大众关注的热门话题。

    International Horticultural Expo has become a hot topic these years between people after China Kunming International Horticultural Expo 1999 hold successfully .

  13. 这是继1999年昆明,2006年沈阳之后,世界园艺博览会这个花卉盛宴第一次青睐一个中国西部内陆城市。

    Following Kunming in1999 , and Shenyang in2006 , Xi an is the first time to be held in an inland city in western China .

  14. 在成功举办了1999年世界园艺博览会后,昆明已经初步确立了在国内会展旅游上的地位。

    After 1999 Kunming International Horticultural Exposition which has proved to be a great success , Kunming has affirmed its position in the conferences and exhibitions travel market .

  15. “世园如意纪念银条(50克)”经西安世界园艺博览会筹备委员会授权制造发行。

    This " Xi'an International Horticulture Best Wishes Commemorative Silver Bar ( 50g )" is manufactured under the authorization of the Organizing Committee of Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition .

  16. 世界园艺博览会是最高级别的专业性国际博览会,自1960年在荷兰鹿特丹举办首届国际园艺博览会以来,共举办过30届世界园艺博览会。

    World horticultural exposition is the highest-level professional international exposition in 1960 in Rotterdam , the Netherlands has held its first international horticultural exposition , were held 30th world horticultural exposition .

  17. 例如,世界园艺博览会、世界科技博览会等,都具有较为完善的视觉形象设计体系和品牌推广包装。

    For example : the World Horticultural Exposition , the World Science and Technology Fair , etc. They all have a perfect system of the visual identity design and branding packages .

  18. 近年来,我国相继举办了99年昆明世界园艺博览会、2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海世博会等大型节事活动。

    In recent years , our country has held the " 1999 Kun Ming international horticultural exposition ", " Beijing 2008 Olympic Games " and " the 2010 Shanghai world expo " and other large-scale festival activities .

  19. 99′世界园艺博览会之后,经过近些年的快速发展,旅游业在昆明经济社会发展中的地位进一步提升,旅游影响力显著提高。

    In the recent years , especially after 99 ' world gardening exposition , passing fast development , the tourism ' status has promoted further to economic and society development in Kunming and tourism influence has enhanced remarkably .

  20. 2002荷兰世界花卉园艺博览会介绍

    China Garden in World Flower Expo '2002 Holland

  21. 这是我国第二次承办世界最高级别的园艺博览会。

    This is the second time for China to host the world horticultural exposition at its highest level .