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  1. 本文通过分别建立供给导向与需求导向的中国宏观经济模型,对21世经前20年中国经济增长的前景进行了预测与展望。

    By establishing the models of a supply oriented economy and a demand oriented economy , this paper provides projections of the trend of China 's economy growth in the first two decades of the 21 century .

  2. 研究发现在现代化因素的影响下,屯堡人与少数民族之间从20世经80年代开始逐渐出现通婚的现象,且通婚率呈不断增长的趋势,这反映了他们间关系的良性发展。

    The study found that , with the influence of modern factors , intermarried phenomenon started between Tun people and minorities in 1980s , the rate presents a growing trend , and this reflects the positive development of relations between them .

  3. 世上未经勘探的险恶之境,不是在大陆上,也不是在海洋中,而是在人们的头脑和心里

    " The treacherous , unexplored areas of the world are not in continents or the seas ; they are in the minds and hearts of men "

  4. 及至齐、梁之世,沈氏经学臻于繁荣之境,产生了一大批经师和著作,其成就超过了不少江东儒学旧族。

    In the Qi Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty the Shen family achieved great achievements in the study of Confucian classics by producing a great number of works and experts in the study of Confucian classics .

  5. 各位专家顾问向世卫组织提供经签署的利益声明,详细申报可影响其意见公正性的任何职业或经济利益。

    Expert advisers provide a signed declaration of interests to WHO detailing any professional or financial interest that could affect the impartiality of their advice .

  6. 经世型,即经世兼以修身的,这一类学人的佛教意识和美学主张还是以传统的儒家价值观为底蕴,龚自珍和魏源是典型;

    This kind of scholars ' Buddhism consciousness and Aesthetic opinions were based on traditional Confucian value , Gong Zizhen and Wei Yuan are typical representatives .