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  • 网络sichuan tibetan areas;sichuan tibetan region
  1. 新形势下四川藏区城镇妇女婚姻家庭法治观念的调查与思考

    A Survey of Legal Concept of Women and Family in the Towns of Sichuan Province

  2. 第二部分从对四川藏区石刻的保护和合理利用两个方面对这项文化遗产的现实利用及保护提出了对策提议。

    The second part puts forward countermeasure proposals to the actual utilization and preservation of this cultural heritage .

  3. 四川藏区处于边疆少数民族聚居区,历来中央政府对此地的统治都是鞭长莫及,清代中叶以来,中央政府加强统治,设置与内地模式相同的行政区划。

    The Central Government strengthened the rule since the middle of the Qing Dynasty and set the same administrative regionalization like the Mainland .

  4. 民国后期西康省农业改进所的设立始末及其历史意义&四川藏区农业近代化起源研究之一

    The Establishment of The Promotion Institute of Agriculture in Xi'kang Province during in the late period of the Republic of China and its meaning in Chinese History of Agriculture development

  5. 四川省藏区某县肺结核病人发现水平及其影响因素分析

    An analysis of TB case-finding and influencing factors in a county

  6. 四川甘孜藏区中小学教师流失问题研究

    A Study on the Loss of Teachers in Primary and Secondary School of Zang Areas in Sichuan Province