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  1. 火星将利用整个月穿越你的第四宫。

    Mars will move through your fourth house of home all month .

  2. 如果我们的第四宫的需要不能满足,我们便会于第十宫于寻求。

    If our4th house needs are unfulfilled , we will compensate for them in our10th house .

  3. 随着木星和天王星照亮你的家庭和财产的第四宫,你有个好主意。

    With Jupiter and Uranus brightening your fourth house of home and property , you 've got the right idea .

  4. 我说家庭成员是因为火星将会在这次月食中处于有利的相位。并且火星将会进入你象征家庭的第四宫。

    I say family member because Mars will reach out and touch this eclipse in a positive way , and Mars will be touring your fourth house of home .

  5. 黄道带上第四宫;太阳月日至月日在此区域。布谷鸟,四月来,五月在,仲夏唱支歌,然后就飞开。

    The fourth sign of the zodiac ; the sun is in this sign from June 21 to July 22 . sings a song at midsummer , and then goes away .

  6. 此一章重要者,归纳出六宫之说不确,杂剧虽用宫调有九,然常用者四宫二调而已。

    This chapter is important , summed up the previous six gong is not correct . Although the Yuan Yuan drama use about nine , but also used only four gong two diao .

  7. 水星将逆行并四次横穿爱情宫,因此你将听到那些几个月前有短暂接触但是因为这样那样原因没有下文或是没有联系你的人的消息。

    Mercury will be moving back and forth through this house of true love , so you may hear from someone you met briefly several months ago but for some reason you never called , or who never called you .