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  • 网络Other family
别家 [bié jiā]
  • [other houses or units] 别的人家或单位

  • 我到别家去瞧瞧

  1. 彭博社也证实了别家报道了几个月的相关内容:苹果的下一代iPhone用户体验的升级似乎用的是感应力道触控(ForceTouch)技术,它可以感应用户触屏时使用的力度。

    And Bloomberg confirms what others have been reporting for months : Apple 's next iPhone user experience upgrade appears to be Force Touch technology , which can tell how much force a user is exerting on the screen .

  2. 你确定他们没有被送去别家医院?

    Are you sure they weren 't sent to another hospital ?

  3. 我在别家店有看过更便宜的。

    I 've seen this cheaper ( in ) other places .

  4. 用餐的只有我们一家,也没有别家的孩子。

    We were the only family and ours were the only children .

  5. 我从别家也得到了很多邀请。

    I got a lot of offers from other families .

  6. M:是来自别家银行的聘用?

    M : It 's the offer from another bank ?

  7. 但那样的话,别家报纸

    But if I did that , some other paper might

  8. 我都准备要开除你们,去找别家公司了。

    I 'm about to fire you all and find another company .

  9. 我不能让别家抢先。

    I 'm not letting another station beat me .

  10. 本公司货物价格别家无法竞争。

    Our goods cannot be undersold , ie our prices are the lowest .

  11. 你为什么选择我们而不是别家呢?

    Why did you choose to interview with us ?

  12. 同别家银行相比,这是很高的利率了。

    It 's a very good rate of interest compared with the other banks .

  13. 谢谢,我试试别家。

    Thanks . I 'll try another place .

  14. 她还偷别家的信。

    She 'd steal people 's mail .

  15. 这样的母鸡可不好:在你家里咯咯叫,却到别家去下蛋。

    It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another 's.

  16. 谁念一念别家报纸可以吗?

    Anybody have a different paper ?

  17. 若使用别家银行的自动柜员机,就要付一点费用。

    You will have to pay a small fee for using another bank 's ATM machine .

  18. 请为我介绍别家旅馆好吗?

    Please show me another hotel ?

  19. 这家工厂与别家合并了。

    The mill incorporated with others .

  20. 而且我是三年前买的,在别的国家…别家店

    And I bought it three years ago ... from another store ... in another country .

  21. 因为说是红豆是放在珍珠的里面的,是别家所没有的

    Because that is the red bean was placed inside the pearl , is another family does not have

  22. 好了,结束吧!我还要到别家去应聘呢。

    Come on , let 's get this over with . I have another one to go to .

  23. 当我听到他在同别家姑娘干这种事,我就到教堂去点一根蜡烛。

    When Iheard he was doing the job on other girls I went to church and lit a candle .

  24. 事实上,捷安特工厂生产的顶级自行车当中有一些是要挂上别家品牌来卖的。

    In fact , some of the best bikes rolling out of Giant factories are sold under other brands .

  25. 也不是我们厂里的,一大半是别家厂里的人!

    Besides , most of them weren 't our girls at all : they came in from other factories !

  26. 过去有许多公司利用技术转移,从别家公司取得信息,之后却成为竞争者。

    In the past , many companies have used technology transfer to get information from another company-then they have become competitors .

  27. 什么?对不起我们…去别家餐厅好了。

    ROSS : Wha , OK , I 'm sorry , let 's uh , why don 't we find someplace else .

  28. “云”指的是无定形的、看不见的、无需留心的在别家设备上运行的一大堆计算机任务。

    The " cloud " refers to the amorphous , out-of-sight , out-of-mind mess of computer tasks that happen on someone else 's equipment .

  29. 我很不希望看你找别家,我们的良好合作关系已经维持多年了。

    Bob : I sure hate to see you go across the street . We 've had a good relationship for a lot of years .

  30. 詹妮.罗斯:恐怕我们最迟明天就要,不行我去找别家了。

    JENNY ROSS : Well , I 'm afraid we really need the machine by tomorrow at the latest or I 'm going to have to look elsewhere .