
  • 网络Don't Ask;Do not ask
  1. 这事别问我——那是她的职责范围。

    Don 't ask me about it ─ that 's her department .

  2. 别问他有什么计划——他老存有戒心。

    Don 't ask him about his plans ─ he just gets defensive .

  3. 别问我——我不大了解英国历史。

    Don 't ask me ─ I 'm not too hot on British history .

  4. 别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止。

    Stop asking questions ! You should know when enough is enough .

  5. 别问我为什么他们一会儿一个主意。

    Don 't ask me why they have chopped and changed so much .

  6. “我不敢问这个东西花了多少钱。”——“那就别问了。”

    ' I 'm afraid to ask what it cost . ' — ' Then don 't ask . '

  7. “她还有别的心事,你不觉得吗?”“别问我,”克里斯嘀咕道,“我从未见过她。”

    ' She 's got other things on her mind , wouldn 't you think ? ' ' Don 't ask me , ' murmured Chris . ' I 've never met her . '

  8. 你先别问,到时候自然明白。

    Don 't ask now , you 'll understand in due course .

  9. 4birdbrain笨蛋;〈美俚〉轻浮无知的人别问那傻瓜,他什么也不懂。

    Don 't ask that bird brain , he knew nothing .

  10. 别问他了,他总是一问三不知。

    Don 't ask him any questions . He never knows the time of day .

  11. 如果能,那么,请1)千万别问这个问题2)面试前先用google搜一搜!

    If it is , a ) don 't ask it and b ) do that Google search before your interview !

  12. 即使你已经表明你的初衷只是想知道能不能弹性工作,以满足那些合理的要求-比如去日托所接小孩-但Barrett-Poindexter建议别问这个问题。

    Even if you make it clear that you 're hoping for a flexible schedule to accommodate a legitimate concern such as picking up your kids from daycare , Barrett-Poindexter advises against this question .

  13. 大家别问了,这对客人很不礼貌。

    Enough talk . it 's very rude to our guest .

  14. 别问我,我总是最后一个知道的。

    Dont ask me . Im always the last to know .

  15. 别问那傻瓜,他什么也不懂。

    Don 't ask that bird brain ; he knows nothing .

  16. 别问了开快点快一点

    Stop asking questions . Just drive faster . Hurry up .

  17. 别问这些傻问题打扰爸爸了。

    Don 't be bothering father with all these silly questions .

  18. 别问我为何还记得这个。

    Don 't ask me why I remember any of this .

  19. 比利∶我不知道!别问我!

    Billy : I don 't know ! Don 't ask me !

  20. 别问专业资料或行业机密。

    Don 't ask for proprietary information or trade secrets .

  21. 别问安德鲁,他不会知道的。

    Don 't ask andrew , he won 't know .

  22. 别问我怎么用这玩意儿!

    Don 't ask me how to use this contraption !

  23. 没看完才艺表演就回来了,别问为什么。

    Back from the talent show early . Don 't ask why .

  24. 别问她问题,她会紧张的。

    Don 't ask her a question . she 'll get nervous .

  25. 别问我,分别的苦酒我又喝了多少。

    Drunk parting 's poison so have I , that ask not .

  26. 别问我,我是多么地烦恼和无助。

    Vexations such , heigho ! have I , that ask not .

  27. 别问我,我是出来打酱油的!

    Don 't ask me . I just passed by !

  28. 他们说别问这是从哪弄来的。

    They told us not ask where they got it .

  29. 别问你的队友能为你做什么。

    Ask not what your teammates can do for you .

  30. 现在请走吧,别问我了。

    Now get away and don 't ask me again .