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  1. 从抒情主体的转移看词别是一家

    Seeing the Word Which Belongs Another Family From lyric Subject Shift

  2. 摘要李清照以创作实践来证实自己提出的词“别是一家”之说。

    Li qin-zhao , with her own writing practice , confirmed her own theory about the peculiarity of ci .

  3. 本文指出,李清照提出词“别是一家”,是“小歌词”的理论,作为中国词学的开山纲领,规范并引导了宋代词学的发展方向。

    This paper holds that Li s theory of " independence " of " little song words ", the foundation of Chinese Ci study , standardizes and guides Song Ci 's development .

  4. 理论上,李清照从词的本体论出发确立了词的独特地位,提出了“词别是一家”之说,认为词对音乐性和节奏感有更独特的要求,是与诗不同的抒情文体;

    Li Qingzhao is credited with the establishment of ci as a different genre , independent from other genres . She suggested that ci should follow more melodic and rhythmic patterns , distinguishing itself with shi .

  5. 挣脱羁绊,别是一家通过对SteveFetter模型的模拟计算表明:对于外面包有若干屏蔽层的钚体源样品大系统,采用分步方法进行能谱计算,可以使结果快速收敛。

    Free from Fetter , Independent Style It is proven by the calculated result of Steve Fetter model that the multi-step calculation converges faster than the direct method in the calculation of the γ spectrum of plutonium volume source with shields .