
bié jí
  • collected works;an anthology of an author's works
别集 [bié jí]
  • [collected works] 同总集相对。收录个人的作品的诗文集

  • 白居易的《白氏长庆集》和 苏轼的《东坡七集》,都是别集

别集[bié jí]
  1. 别集、总集均属于古代文集。

    Both collected works and complete works belong to ancient corpus .

  2. 唐五代别集的文献整理与研究概观

    Document Sorting and General Research on Collected Works in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasty

  3. 《文溯阁四库全书提要》别集类辨证慢性阻塞性肺疾病中医辨证治疗概要

    The Treatment Summary with Chinese Medical Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  4. 这一时期由于文学创作繁盛,出现了大量别集。

    During this period the literary flourish , the emergence of a large number of works .

  5. 第二章主要论述魏晋时期作品史料的重要形式之一:别集。

    The second chapter mainly discusses one of important conservation styles of literary works : Individual Collections .

  6. 清代别集研究的成就及其在清代学术史中的失落

    Achievements in Researches on Individual Collections and Negligence of Them in Academic History of the Qing Dynasty

  7. 本文从《乐府雅词》、《永乐大典》以及宋人别集等文献中辑得晁补之、毛滂等人诗作共81首,作为对《全宋诗》的补遗。

    This paper edits eighty poems from relevant literature as a supplement to The Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty .

  8. 并以此管窥类书对古代文学作品除总集、别集这一主要传播通道之外的补充传播功用,揭示类书在古代对普及文学作品的独特贡献。

    It also attempts to explore how did Classificatory Books disseminate ancient literature works and their special contributions for popularizing ancient literature works .

  9. 认为从总体上来讲,学术界对唐五代别集的整理研究成绩是显著的,对促进唐代文学研究有巨大的作用。

    Generally speaking , the research and sorting on collection of Tang Dynasty is rich and actively effective on study of Tang literature .

  10. 唐人别集流传情况比较复杂,在流传过程中可能混入了其他诗人的诗歌。

    The spread of the Tang poets ' anthologies was very complicated , some other poets ' poems maybe mixed in during the spread process .

  11. 本文对先唐别集源流、称名、编纂途径,以及社会背景,作了较为系统的考述。

    The text makes a comparatively systematic study on origins , nominations , editorial passages and social backgrounds of individual collections in the Pre-Tang time .

  12. 该文据有关明清词别集和词选,辑补遗漏之词作目录1625首。

    Based on the personal collections and anthologies of Ci in the Ming and Qing dynasties , this article makes a catalogue of the 1625 pieces omitted .

  13. 宋代诗文别集的编辑与出版&宋代文学的书册传播研究之一

    The Editing and Publishing of Selected Works of Poem and Prose in Song Dynasty & One of the Research of Book Communication about Literature in Song Dynasty

  14. 最后考证了明别集类存目两卷中有参考价值的讹误20多条,附录于后。

    Finally textually researched the " Cun Mu " of the Ming Dynasty collected works 2 volume to have the reference value the error more than 20 strip , the appendix in after .

  15. 《青琐高议》是北宋时期刘斧所编的小说集,前后集分别十卷,别集七卷,还有十五条补遗。

    " Qing Suo Gao Yi " is a story collection compiled by Liu Fu in the Northern Song Dynasty , and it composes with fore-collection of set around the respective Shi Juan , do not set seven-volume , there are 15 addendum .