
yǐn huì
  • Concealment;cover up;avoid mentioning
隐讳 [yǐn huì]
  • [cover up;avoid mentioning] 因有难言之隐或忌讳而隐瞒不说

  • 军师不敢隐讳,对帝缓说。--《三国志平话》

隐讳[yǐn huì]
  1. 一些感染了艾滋病者生怕失去以前的那种工作和生活,他们就可能隐讳着,仍然和以前一样我行我素,这才是让人最可怕的。

    Some of those who are infected with HIV for fear of losing the former kind of work and life , they may cover up the remains , as before , its own way , this is the most horrible people .

  2. 不要隐讳自己的缺点。

    One should not gloss over one 's shortcomings .

  3. 他封了口,对其秘密隐讳不提。

    He kept silence and drew the curtain on his secret .

  4. 冰心从不隐讳自己同宗教的关系。

    Bing Xin never covered up her relation with religion .

  5. 它们不是存心需要隐讳的事,我可以把它们坦白地说出来。

    They are not mental reservations , I will state them frankly .

  6. 毕业以后我就没参与过这么隐讳的对话。

    This is the most cryptic conversation I 've had since dental school .

  7. 那老实的男孩毫无隐讳地说明了他的行为。

    The ingenuous boy gave an account of his act , concealing nothing .

  8. 看来我把比喻搞的太隐讳了。

    Think I pushed that metaphor too far .

  9. 许多美国保守派人士远不会如此隐讳。

    Many American conservatives were considerably less coy .

  10. 更清晰-它太含糊、隐讳或列出了太多可能的原因

    " Make it clearer-it is too vague , cryptic or lists too many possible reasons . "

  11. 那时候,因为一件琐事,她被老师当众却隐讳地批评了。

    At that time , because of an ordinary incident , she was criticized by teacher in public .

  12. 由于典故通常意义隐讳又具有鲜明的文化特色,在翻译中必须谨慎处理。

    Since allusions are characterized by their implicity and cultural property , they must be dealt with very carefully in translation .

  13. 为遵守交际礼节,说话者往往使用看似礼貌的言语方式,隐讳的表达自己的真实想法和感情。

    To abide the communicative etiquette , the speaker usually applies the seeming polite linguistic forms , expressing his true ideas and feelings implicitly .

  14. 在这些生动的、毫无隐讳的、亲密的谈心过后,性行为成为不可避免的了,那只好忍受。

    And if after the roused intimacy of these vivid and soul-enlightened discussions the sex thing became more or less inevitable , then let it .

  15. 艾奇逊是不拿薪水上义务课的好教员,他是如此诲人不倦地毫无隐讳地说出了全篇的真理。

    Acheson is a good teacher , giving lessons free of charge , and he is telling the whole truth with tireless zeal and great candour .

  16. 怎样传达其隐讳的含义,同时又尽量保留其文化韵味一直是典故翻译中的两难境地。

    How to convey the implied information and at the same time preserve the cultural flavor as much as possible has always been the dilemma in allusion translation .

  17. 典故根植于特定的文化之中,蕴涵有丰富的文化内涵,通常含蓄隐讳,因而在跨文化语篇解读中一直以来都是很棘手的问题。

    Allusions are rooted in a particular culture and contain rich cultural connotations with subtle euphemisms , and thus in the interpretation of cross-cultural discourse allusion translation has always been a very difficult problem .

  18. 展示了历经千年文化的口语传承记录着这个刚劲坚强的民族,如何在现代文化中展演为有意识的隐讳和封闭自保。

    It shows the the spoken language which has a history of thousands of years spreads and records how the firm , strong nation turns into a state of conscious concealment and closed in modern culture .

  19. 为了减少对交谈者的面子威胁,说话者往往使用看似礼貌的方式,隐讳的表达自己的真实想法和情感,从而避免直接冲突,尴尬或种种不良后果。

    In order to reduce the face damage to the hearer , the speaker always conveys his real meaning and feeling in a seemingly polite way at the expense of the CP to avoid conflicts , embarrassment or other negative results .

  20. 有些表述明显与旅游有关,比如“我喜欢去一些原始的地方,那里没有大饭店和高级餐厅。”另一些问题则要隐讳一点,比如“我一生中取得的成功与运气无关。”

    Some seem obviously related to travel , such as ' I prefer to go to undiscovered places before big hotels and restaurants are built . ' Others are more obscure , such as ' Chance has little to do with success in my life . '