
  1. 当代小说中传统伦理的隐与显&从梁生宝到白嘉轩的伦理观分析

    From LIANG Sheng-bao to BAI Jia-xuan : A Revelation of Traditional Ethics in Present Age Chinese Novels

  2. CLARION模型:内隐与外显技能学习的整合

    CLARION : A Integrated Model in Studying the Relationship between Implicit and Explicit Skill Learning

  3. 内隐与外显记忆的编码与提取非对称性关系

    The Asymmetric Relationship Between Encoding and Retrieval in Implicit and Explicit Memory

  4. 竞争态度的内隐与外显社会认知的实验研究

    Implicit and Explicit Social Cognitive Experimental Study on Competitive Attitude

  5. 论社会隐秩序与显秩序&兼论德治与法治的关系

    On the Covert Order and Overt Order of Society

  6. 对内隐与外显学习过程的相互作用进行了探讨。

    The present research explored the interrelation of implicit learning and explicit learning .

  7. 长春市高校大学生内隐与外显竞争态度的比较研究

    Comparison Research on Implicit and Explicit Competitive Attitude of College Students in Changchun

  8. 非线性波动方程的弱隐式与显式差分方法

    Weak-implicit and explicit schemes for Nonlinear Wave Equations

  9. 汉语儿童英语语音特征内隐与外显学习的比较研究

    A Comparative Research on Chinese Children 's Implicit and Explicit Learning of English Phonological Traits

  10. 材料规则难度对内隐与外显协同学习的影响

    The difficulty of rules of materials influenced on the Synergistic Learning of implicit and explicit

  11. 内隐与外显学习的交互关系&基于复杂系统控制的实验研究

    The Interaction Between Implicit and Explicit Learning : An Experimental Study Based on Complex System Control

  12. 第二章则阐明了本研究的目的:揭示内隐与外显学习关系的影响因素;

    Experiment 1 aimed to find the influence of complexity of tasks on implicit and explicit learning .

  13. 内隐与外显倾向性道德敏感的关系及其预测源分析

    A Study on Predictors of the Relationship Between Implicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity and Explicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity

  14. 学优生与学困生内隐与外显协同学习的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Synergistic Learning of Implicit and Explicit Between Excellent Students and Students with Learning Disabilities

  15. 再认能力测定。控制知觉材料的熟悉性和概念范例的典型性,以考察它们对内隐与外显记忆发展的影响。

    Memory test ; Two experiments were presented to test the effects of perceptual familiarity and conceptual typicality on the development of implicit and explicit memory .

  16. 内隐与外显的协同学习(先内隐后外显和内隐与外显交替)的成绩在初一年级后有显著增长,高一年级的成绩显著高于其他三个年级。

    Performance of the synergistic learning of implicit and explicit groups ( first implicit then explicit and alternation ) increased significantly since grade one of junior high school .

  17. 本文主要研究了内隐与外显结合的词汇教学模式在初中英语词汇教学中的有效性和可行性。

    This thesis mainly testifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the integrative approach , which integrates both the implicit and explicit instruction , in Junior Middle School English Teaching .

  18. 阴道加德纳菌生物学分型、基因分型及药物敏感性研究内隐与外显倾向性道德敏感的关系及其预测源分析

    The Research of Biotypes , Genotypes , and Drug Susceptibility Test of Gardnerella Vaginalis ; A Study on Predictors of the Relationship Between Implicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity and Explicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity

  19. 它具有创新与摹仿、领潮与赶潮、同化与分化、内隐与外显、尚美与自由的特征。

    It has the following features : innovation and simulation , fashion leading and fashion chasing , assimilation and differentiation , internal concealment and external illustration , esteem for beauty and freedom .

  20. 转型期营销经理道德敏感性的影响因素研究&个人文化特征的视角内隐与外显倾向性道德敏感的关系及其预测源分析

    Determinants of Marketing Managers ' Ethical Sensitivity in a Transitional Economy : A Perspective of Individual Cultural Character A Study on Predictors of the Relationship Between Implicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity and Explicit Dispositional Moral Sensitivity

  21. 用Reber等人发明的人工语法和人工语法学习程序,研究在复杂规则学习中的内隐学习与外显学习过程。

    The artificial grammar and the systems of artificial grammar learning invented by Reber and so on were used to research the implicit and explicit process of complicated rules learning .

  22. 内隐利他与外显利他和道德判断的关系

    The Relationship among Implicit Altruistic , Explicit Altruistic and Moral Judgment

  23. 运动技能获得中的内隐学习与外显学习及其实质

    Implicit Learning , Explicit Learning and Their Nature During Motor Skill Acquisition

  24. 理论有内隐理论与外显理论之分。

    Theories can be divided into tacit and explicit ones .

  25. 动作内隐记忆与外显记忆存在功能上的独立性。

    The function of action implicit / explicit is independent .

  26. 搏击运动员内隐自尊与外显自尊发展特征研究

    Analysis on Implicit Self-esteem and Explicit Self-esteem of Fighting Athletes

  27. 内隐学习与外显学习相结合才能有效提高学生的英语写作水平。

    Only by implicit and explicit learning can students improve their English writing .

  28. 内隐学习与外显学习的比较研究

    A comparative study of implicit learning and explicit learning

  29. 社会赞许能否调节内隐认知与外显认知的关系?

    Can social approval regulate the relations between implicit cognition and explicit cognition ?

  30. 运动技能获得中内隐认知与外显认知的相互作用研究进展

    Progress of Study on the Interaction between the Implicit and Explicit Cognition in Motor Skills