
  • 网络topic composition
  1. 第一部分是话题作文的理论探索。

    The first is the theoretical exploration of the topic composition .

  2. 21世纪初,出现了话题作文。

    At the beginning of the 21st century , topic composition appeared .

  3. 高考话题作文写作的误区与对策

    Misunderstandings of Topic Composition in CEE and Their Countermeasures

  4. 对近几年高考话题作文的主体性审视

    On the Entity of Topic Composition of the College-entrance Examination in Recent Years

  5. 话题作文热背后的冷静思考

    " The Hot Topic Composition " Behind Calm Ponder

  6. 话题作文具有丰富的主体性内涵:从学生作文的对象来看,话题作文更能体现学生作为主体的本质力量;

    There is abundant subjectivity connotation in Topic Composition .

  7. 指导学生创新话题作文摭谈

    Some Opinions on Instructing Students to Innovate Give-Topic Composition

  8. 正视话题作文的负面效应

    Facing Squarely Negative Effects of " Topic Composition "

  9. 话题作文新探&以初中文言文为话题的写作训练

    On Topic Writing & topiced with classical Chinese

  10. 话题作文的主体性研究

    Study on the Subjectivity in the Topic Composition

  11. 学生基本建立校园活动话题作文的词汇、句式包。

    The students know the four aspects to cover when writing about the topic .

  12. 关于话题作文写作的探讨

    Discussion on the Subject Composition Writing

  13. 高考话题作文反思与应对

    Reflection on Topic Compositions of NMET

  14. 话题作文近几年成为高考作文的主要形式,给考生提供了张扬个性、展示写作才能的广阔空间,为作文教学的改革在一定程度上起到了积极的作用。

    " Topic composition " has been the main form of composition in entrance examination recently .

  15. 连续几年的高考话题作文已越来越多地受到人们的关注。

    People have placed much emphasis on the topic composition of the college-entrance examination in successive years .

  16. 然而,话题作文出现后,随之而产生的一些问题,受到了社会各方面的关注。

    Topic composition appears , however , some of the problems attendant , has been the concern of all sectors of society .

  17. 在话题作文审题训练过程中,要强化审题时学生分析和综合能力的训练。

    In the course of examining the title of topic composition , a teacher should strengthen the training of students abilities about analysis and comprehension .

  18. 而由于各种主客观原因,话题作文的实施也面临诸多尴尬。

    But because of various kinds of subjective and objective factors , the Topic Composition still meets some awkward dilemma in the course of practice .

  19. 低收入的申请人只能与分数最高、课外活动最突出和话题作文最有说服力的学生竞争剩下的名额。

    Low-income applicants are left to compete for the remaining slots with applicants who have the highest test scores , most impressive extracurricular activities and most eloquent essays .

  20. 这部分中笔者试图通过对话题作文自身缺陷的反思,延伸至对中学作文教学的审视和新的理念的建构,以期对中学作文教学有所裨益。

    In this part , the author tries to survey the high school composition teaching and build new idea from the reflection of the defect of the topic composition . The author hopes it can benefit the high school composition teaching .

  21. 举办有关金钱知识的墙报展览。3、举行以金钱为话题的作文活动。

    2 , held the wall newspaper knowledge about money exhibition . 3 , and hold the money for topic composition activity .

  22. 在实验中发现学生有时无法选择合适的话题来完成作文。

    It is found that sometimes students have difficulties in deciding upon an appropriate topic .

  23. 在教学方面,本文以专题作业作文课程为例,从话题选择、作文指导、作文反馈、作文发表四方面对作文教学过程进行了探讨。

    On curriculum implementation that we also called " teaching ", it explores the " write to learn " special issue writing curriculum in four points , that is topic choice , instruction , feedback , and publishing .