
  • 网络discourse marker;discourse mark
  1. 话语标记(discoursemarkers)是国外会话分析、语用学研究的一个新领域。

    Discourse Markers has been a new research field in conversation analysis and pragmatics abroad .

  2. 写作中话语标记语误用的调查和溯源&以ontheotherhand和onthecontrary为例

    An Investigation into Students ' Misuse of English Discourse Markers in Their Writing and Its Causes & Taking on the other hand and on the contrary for Example

  3. 话语标记语well的关联认知研究

    A Relevance-Theoretic Study of Well as a Discourse Marker

  4. 话语标记语youknow在法庭话语中的作用

    Functions of Discourse Marker " You know " in Courtroom Discourse

  5. 话语标记youknow的话语功能分析

    An Analysis of the Discourse Functions of the Discourse Marker YOU KNOW

  6. 其中,话语标记语well受到最多的关注和研究。

    Among all DMs , well has probably received most of the attention and has been thoroughly studied .

  7. 英语访谈节目中话语标记语IMean的关联性研究

    A Relevance-Based Study on Discourse Marker I Mean in English Interview Program

  8. 会话中话语标记语Yes的语用功能分析

    A Pragmatic Analysis of Discourse Marker " Yes " in Conversations

  9. 《绝望的主妇》中话语标记Oh的语用研究

    A Pragmatic Study of the Discourse Market Oh in Desperate Housewives

  10. 虽然国内外对话语标记语的研究已取得了丰富的成果,但是对特定话语标记语actually的研究却很少。

    In China , little work has been done on the discourse marker actually .

  11. Ithink作为话语标记语很少被学者研究,但是它在语料中的频繁出现和丰富的含义却不容忽视。

    I think as a discourse marker is less researched , yet its high frequency and rich meanings in the corpus attract the attention .

  12. 本文对现代汉语中的话语标记X说的词汇化问题进行了探讨和研究。

    This thesis discusses and researches the lexicalization of " x shuo " struture , which is the discourse marker in modern Chinese .

  13. Well作为一个话语标记语,在不同语境中表现出不同的语用功能,它不构成话语的命题意义或基本语义,但却具有丰富的语用效应。

    Well , as a discourse marker , shows various pragmatic functions under different contexts . It does not constitute a propositional meaning or the basic semantics , but it has rich pragmatic effect .

  14. 话语标记语(discoursemarkers)在日常语言使用中几乎无处不在,对其得体的使用和恰如其分的理解是语用能力中很重要的一个方面。

    Discourse markers are so pervasively used in daily language that the proper use and interpretation of them consist of a considerable part of pragmatic or communicative competence .

  15. 本文运用描述和解释性的研究方法,对话语标记语(discoursemarkers)在法庭提问(courtroomquestioning)理解中所起的作用进行探讨。

    This thesis is a descriptive and interpretive study of discourse markers in courtroom questioning and their functionality in the interpretation of courtroom questioning .

  16. 本文通过语料库文本分析与问卷调查相结合的方式,探讨了英语专业学生习得话语标记语well各种语用功能的情况,并与英语本族语使用者对该话语标记语的使用情况进行了对比。

    The present study examines how Chinese English majors acquire the 5 major pragmatic functions of the discourse marker well through a questionnaire-based measurement of their receptive knowledge together with a corpus analysis of their actual use of the discourse marker well .

  17. 第二,和英语本族语者相比,中国英语学习者倾向于过多使用话语标记语actually的犹豫标记和话论标记,过少地使用其修改标记(特别是自我修改标记)和命题强调标记。

    Second , compared with native speakers , Chinese EFL learners tend to overuse the DM actually as a contemplation marker and turn-taking marker and underuse it as a correcting marker ( especially self-correcting marker ) and propositional modifier .

  18. 由于许多检索项除了作为因果类话语标记语还有其它的用法和语义(如since,for等),因此还要对索引行进一步的分析及筛选,最终获得完全符合本研究的数据。

    The further refining work to concordance lines should be conducted in order to acquire the most accurate data , because many search words have various functions and semantic meanings except for ones as causal DMs ( like since , as . for , etc ) .

  19. 基于前人对话语标记语的研究,本文作者就海明威《太阳照常升起》中话语标记语OH在朋友之间的对话中的语用功能进行了研究。

    In this dissertation , the author , based on the previous study on discourse markers ( DMs ), keeps his focus on DM oh in The Sun Also Rises to sum up the pragmatic functions of oh in the conversations between or among friends .

  20. 最近十多年来,话语标记语的研究成了语言学研究中发展迅猛的一个领域,每年都有数十篇的论文发表(Fraser,1999:932)。

    In the past ten years , the study of discourse markers turned into a growth industry in linguistics , with dozens of articles appearing yearly ( Fraser , 1999 : 932 ) .

  21. 显性衔接体现于词汇、语法、结构等语言表层形式,表现为语篇伴有可辨认的语言形式标记(类似韩礼德和哈桑说的衔接结(cohesivetie)和希弗林说的话语标记(discoursemarkers))。

    Explicit cohesion is manifested in the surface language structures such as vocabulary , grammar and structure , and is always accompanied with linguistic markers ( similar to " cohesive tie " raised by Halliday & Hasan and " discourse markers " put forward by Schiffrin ) .

  22. 国外学者通过实验证明话语标记语有助于EFL学习者理解口语语篇;国内学者指出话语标记语在听力理解中的重要性,并建议教师将话语标记语融入听力教学。

    The researchers abroad demonstrate that discourse markers facilitate EFL learners ' comprehension of oral texts through experiments , while the researchers at home realize the importance of discourse markers in listening comprehension and suggest that the discourse marker instruction should be added in listening classes .

  23. 本篇论文旨在通过研究维汉学生称赞回应中的语用迁移现象来验证Giao的语用与话语标记假说(2002)。

    This study is going to investigate pragmatic transfer in the speech act of compliment responding of the Uygur and Han Chinese students and to testify Giao 's Pragmatic and Discourse Markedness Hypothesis ( 2002 ) .

  24. 年轻教师比年长的教师使用的话语标记语多。

    And younger teachers may use more DMs than the older .

  25. 中美大学生议论文中的话语标记语对比研究

    Discourse Markers in Chinese and American College Students ' Argumentative Writings

  26. 本民族和非本民族英语话语标记对比分析

    Contrastive Study of Discourse Markers in Native and Non-native English Conversations

  27. 话语标记的连贯组篇功能和时间指别功能

    Discourse Markers ' Functions of Text Organizer and Deictic Temporal Reference

  28. 论话语标记语but的语用明示

    On Pragmatic Functions of the English Discourse Marker " but "

  29. 话语标记语是一种常见的语言现象。

    Discourse markers ( DMs ) are a common linguistic phenomenon .

  30. 以上情况分别反映了话语标记语在功能上的多样性和重叠交叉性。

    These results reflect functional diversity and overlapping of discourse markers .