
  • 网络discourse situation;utterance situation
  1. 男性权威话语情境下的女性被述&论谢晋影片中的女性形象

    On the female images in the films directed by Xie Jin

  2. 进入新世纪,在新课程的话语情境中,教科书编者继学生、教师、文本之后成为阅读教学多重对话主体的重要组成部分。

    Entering the new century , among the new words situation of the course , textbook editors become important members following students , teachers , texts .

  3. 语气系统指的是在话语情境中发话人和受话人之间的互动关系,由主语和限定成分组成。

    Mood system , which consists of Subject and Finite element , is the system to establish and maintain roles and role relationships between addresser and addressee .

  4. 婆媳冲突:内隐的男权世界从祁太秧歌婆媳冲突型剧目中看近代家庭的男性权威和长者意者男性权威话语情境下的女性被述论谢晋影片中的女性形象

    Conflicts between Mothers and Daughters-in-Law : Patriarchy in Essence & Masculine Authority and Patriarchal Will of Modern Family in Qitai Yangge Opera ON THE FEMALE IMAGES IN THE FILMS DIRECTED BY XIE JIN

  5. 本文立足于五四文化激进主义的话语情境中,从文学革命路径入手,全方位地考察了五四激进文人的革命策略。

    The article all - directional investigates the path of concrete literature revolution for launching revolution strategy of the Radical Scholars in May 4th in the situation of May 4th culture radicalism 's words .

  6. 具体说包括话语语境、情境语境和文化语境。

    Concretely , it includes the context of utterance , context of culture and context of situation .

  7. 无效的监护使得留守儿童倾向于自主地减少学习时间,而且在面对监护人的话语暴力的情境下,又倾向于提前结束学业。

    Invalid behind children tend to make self-care to reduce learning time , and in the face of the guardian of the " discourse of violence " situations , they tend to advance the end of their studies .

  8. 民间法的话语悖论&基于转型社会的话语情境

    On the Discourse Paradox of the Law in Civil Society

  9. 论辩理论也强调以或然意见而非绝对真理作为话语生发的基础和出发点,并且同样注重话语实践的情境性和追求语效,与修辞难分难解。

    Argumentation and rhetoric are inevitably entwined since both endorse the probable and contingent opinion instead of absolute truth as the foundation and starting point of discursive production , and both emphasize the situational nature and discursive effects of any discursive practice .