
  • 网络Dominic
  1. 希莱克斯多明我书店高高耸立于市中心。

    Selexyz Dominicanen stands tall in the center of the city .

  2. 多明我修道士们在1267年就开始修建这座教堂,并于1294年落成。

    The Dominican friars began building their church in1267 , and it was consecrated in1294 .

  3. 为各种各样的层次的飞行员的开的格式十字国家竞争,控制了多明我会的共和国。

    Open format cross country competition for pilots of various levels , held in the Dominican Republic .

  4. 圣玛丽亚的感恩教堂和多明我会修道院以及莱昂纳多达芬奇的最后的晚餐

    Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with " The Last Supper " by Leonardo da Vinci

  5. 在早期的两幅图像中,多明我修会将圣托马斯描绘成中世纪盛期圣徒的典型形象。

    In the early two images , the Dominicans described St. Thomas as the typical portrait of Medieval Saints .

  6. 尽管如此,希莱克斯多明我书店依然成为荷兰的第一项教堂变书店工程。

    Still , Selexyz Dominicanen represents the first project in the Netherlands to turn a church into a bookstore .

  7. 托马斯·阿奎那创建于世纪的广泛的神学教义,多明我会教士仍在教受。

    The comprehensive theological doctrine created by Saint Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century and still taught by the Dominicans .

  8. 作为多明我修会推举的圣徒,圣托马斯?阿奎那的图像从十四世纪上半期开始出现于意大利北部地区。

    As an elected saint by Dominican Order , St. Thomas Aquinas ' images began to appear in northern Italy from the first half of the fourteenth century .