
  • 网络Supernumerary teeth;supernumerary tooth
  1. 硬腭区埋伏多生牙25例拔除体会

    Extraction of Supernumerary Tooth in Palate : 25 Cases Report

  2. 多生牙与正常牙的组织形态学对比

    Histology and morphology between supernumerary tooth and normal tooth

  3. 目的探讨多层螺旋CT在颌骨埋伏多生牙诊断和定位中的应用价值。

    Objective To discuss the application of SCT ( scan and three-dimensional reconstruction technic ) in the wholly impacted supernumerary teeth .

  4. 方法通过拍摄X线牙片及全景片,结合临床检查,利用X射线照相中的几何学原理确定多生牙的位置,以确定手术入路,然后拔除。

    Methods X-ray dental film and panoramic pantomogram were used to determine the location of embedded supernumerary teeth on bases of the geometrical principle of X-ray photography .

  5. 结论:螺旋CT三维重建能够正确诊断埋伏多生牙及其相关情况,对正畸治疗具有重要指导意义。

    Conclusion : Spiral CT 3D reconstructions can definitely diagnose the ambushed accessory teeth and supply correlated information , it has an important role for rectification therapy of ambushed accessory teeth .

  6. 根据CT标尺测量图像与周围结构关系的距离,以确定骨埋伏多生牙的确切位置。

    The accurate positions of a wholly impacted supernumerary teeth in bone was ( obtained ) based on the measured distances of image between the tooth and the tissues around by the ruler on SCT .

  7. 7.00%的患者上侧切牙釉质发育不良,28.00%过小侧切牙,4.00%尖牙阻生,9.00%下切牙缺失,易位牙为2.00%,无一例多生牙。30.00%前牙Bolton比值不协调。

    Upper lateral incisor enamel hypoplasia was found in 7 patients , small size of maxillary lateral incisor in 28 , canine impaction in 4 , missing of lower incisor in 9 , transposition in 2 and anterior tooth Bolton ratio discrepancies in 30 of the patients .

  8. 多生牙的曲面体层X线诊断

    The X - Ray diagnosis of additional teeth with panoramic

  9. 正中多生牙与中切牙间隙的关系

    A Study on the Relationship between Mesiodens and Diastema of Maxillary Incisors

  10. 埋伏多生牙囊变的临床与病理研究

    The Clinical and Pathologic Study of Embeded Supernumerary Teeth

  11. 上颌前部埋伏多生牙135例手术拔除

    Operative Extraction of 135 Cases with the Embedded Supernumerary Teeth in Maxillary Anterior

  12. 上颌骨埋伏多生牙36例拔除的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Extraction of 36 Cases with Embedded Supernumerary Teeth In the Maxilla

  13. 学龄儿童多生牙的诊断与治疗:附145例报告

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Supernumerary Tooth in School-aged Children : Attach 145 Cases Report

  14. 应用该方法检查9例患者的骨内埋伏多生牙和阻生牙。

    This technique is applied to investigate 9 cases of supernumerary and impacted teeth .

  15. 535例多生牙的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 535 cases of supernumerary teeth

  16. 儿童上颌前牙区埋伏多生牙的临床分型与治疗

    Clinical Types and Treatment of Embedded Supernumerary Teeth in Maxilla Anterior Region in Children

  17. 目的探讨骨埋伏多生牙立体镜定位的实验研究及临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the experimental and clinical effects of the stereoscopic orientation of supernumerary tooth .

  18. 结论4种径路均是上颌前部埋伏多生牙拔除的有效方法。

    Conclusion The 4 approaches are especially useful to the embedded supernumerary teeth in anterior maxilla .

  19. 目的观察多生牙与正常牙组织学结构异同。

    Objective To describe the characteristics of supernumerary tooth compared with normal tooth in histology and morphology .

  20. 方法选择32颗多生牙,在光镜下观察其切片及磨片的组织学结构并与正常牙对照。

    Methods Slices from 32 supernumerary teeth were observed under light microscope and compared with normal teeth .

  21. 颌骨侧位曲面断层片在上颌骨埋伏多生牙定位中的应用25例报道

    Using lateral sagittal axial panoramic tomographs to localize the maxillary impacted supernumerary teeth : Report of 25 cases

  22. 上颌前部骨埋伏多生牙是多生牙中最常见的一类,临床意义也较大。

    It is the most commonly that supernumerary teeth are impacted in maxillary anterior region with considerable clinical significance .

  23. 前言:目的:探讨在浅静脉麻醉下儿童埋伏多生牙拔除的临床技术要点。

    Objective : To summarize the key points in extraction of embedded supernumerary teeth in children under intravenous anesthesia .

  24. 儿童上颌前部埋伏多生牙X线片定位方法的探讨

    The study of X-ray location method of the embedded supernumerary teeth in fore alveolar bone of maxilla of children

  25. 方法87例儿童经摄X光牙片显示:上颌前部存在1~2颗埋伏多生牙。

    Methods The tooth radiogram of 87 children showed there exist 1 or 2 supernumerary tooth in maxillary anterior area .

  26. 目的:探讨儿童上颌前牙区埋伏多生牙的临床分型及手术处理。

    Objective : To study the clinical types and treatment of embedded supernumerary teeth in maxillary anterior region in children .

  27. 目的:比较颌骨牙列曲面体层技术和根尖定位片在埋伏阻生牙及多生牙定位中的应用价值。

    PURPOSE : To compare the clinic value between dentomaxillary pantomography and periapical radiographs in localization of the impacted teeth .

  28. 根据多生牙埋伏的不同情况和位置,进行定位分类并合理设计三种手术切口予以拔除和分析研究。

    According to condition and position of the teeth location was classified and three kinds incision were designed to extract the teeth .

  29. 目的:评价数字化断层片在颌骨埋伏多生牙临床定位中的应用价值。

    Objective : This study aimed to evaluate the clinical value of digital pantomogram in identification the position of gnathous unerupted supernumerary teeth .

  30. 方法:对25例上颌骨埋伏多生牙患者采用ORTHOPHS全景机行侧位曲面断层片,分析、判断埋伏多生牙的位置,采取不同的手术径路拔除埋伏多生牙。

    METHODS : 25 patients with maxillary impacted supernumerary teeth were examined by using lateral sagittal axial panoramic tomographs before the teeth were extracted with different approaches .