
  • Diseased tooth;【医】cacodontia
  1. 一颗病牙可使牙床脓肿。

    A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums .

  2. 并对其中9例病牙进行了菌相分析。

    Bacteria of the diseased teeth were analysed in 9 cases of them .

  3. 他们因发烧而卧病在床。一颗病牙可使牙床脓肿。

    They are lying down with fever . A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums .

  4. 当她听说拔掉病牙能控制糖尿病,就到医院拔掉了两颗病牙,不久血糖就降到了正常水平。

    When she heard unplug Bingya to control diabetes , removed to the hospital on a two Bingya , blood sugar dropped to near normal levels .

  5. 但病牙被拔除后,梁某始终未醒,最终梁某被诊断为缺血缺氧性脑病,一直处于植物生存状态。

    But after tooth is unplugged , Liang always unawakened eventually Liang was diagnosed as " hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy ", has been in a persistent vegetative state .

  6. 目前与HIV感染密切相关的主要口腔疾病有口腔黏膜病、牙周病、涎腺疾病及龋病等。

    Currently , the main oral infectious diseases related with HIV infection include oral mucosal disease , periodontal disease , salivary gland disease and caries .

  7. 选取25位病人的25颗尖周病患牙,用火箭免疫电泳技术测定其根管液内分泌型IgA浓度。

    The concentration of secretory IgA in fluids present in the canals of 25 teeth was determined by the rocket immunoelectrophoresis technique .

  8. 对23例成人牙周病继发牙颌畸形的患者,在牙周基础治疗控制牙周炎症的基础上,应用Edgewise固定矫治器矫治或活动-固定矫治器联合矫治。

    Adult patients with secondary malocclusion resulting from periodontitis were treated by Edgewise fixable technique or fixable removable appliance after basics periodontal therapy and inflammation control .

  9. 牙周病前牙漂移正畸治疗的保持与复发

    The maintenance and recrudescence of front teeth excursion in periodontal diseases

  10. 老年人颞下颌关节紊乱病的牙合重建治疗

    Effect of occlusal reconstruction treatment on TMD in old patients

  11. 牙髓炎及根尖周病患牙微生物的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructure of microorganisms in teeth with pulpitis and periapical periodontitis

  12. 实验性牙髓病对牙周组织影响的研究

    Changes in periodontium following experimental pulp diseases in dogs

  13. 糖尿病合并牙周病患者牙周治疗的伦理学思考

    Ethical Discussion in the Periodontal Therapy for Patients with Periodontal Disease Accompanied with Diabetes Mellitus

  14. 牙周、正畸联合法治疗牙周病前牙移位的疗效观察

    Long-term clinical effects of combined orthodontic periodontal treatment on periodontal patients with anterior displacement of incisors

  15. 选取6颗新近拔除的有明显龈下牙石的牙周病患牙。

    Areas of subgingival calculus were selected from 6 freshly extracted human teeth with periodontal disease .

  16. 目的:探讨可摘式钛合金牙周夹板对成人牙周病松动牙的临床固定效果。

    Objective : To investigate the effectiveness of removable Titanium - alloy splint in fixing the loosen teeth of adult periodontitis .

  17. 圆锥型套筒冠义齿修复重度牙周病伴牙列缺损的疗效观察

    Telescopic denture for dentition defect with periodontitis : an up to 3-year retrospective study The Prosthetic Effect of Conus Crown Telescopic Denture on Periodontitis

  18. 方法:对10例因重度牙周病所致牙列缺损患者的79颗患牙以牙齿松动度、X线片、牙周炎症等临床指标进行修复前、修复后6个月的比较分析。

    Methods : 79 teeth of 10 periodontitis patients were evaluated by index such as tooth nobility . X ray image and periodontitis before and 6 months after prosthesis .

  19. 结果:重度牙周病伴牙列缺损患者咀嚼效能随义齿使用时间的延长逐渐提高,修复后6个月的咀嚼效能接近正常牙列者的咀嚼效能。

    Results : As time went on , the masticatory efficiency rised gradually in the patients with denture defect and periodontopathy . This figure was close to natural dentition .

  20. 但以上细胞取材困难,来源少,对于老年人牙周病及牙周组织大面积缺损的病人难以达到理想的效果。

    But these cells were less origin and too difficult to obtain , and it could t achieve ideal results in old patients and in that which periodontal tissues was defect seriously .

  21. 方法:1998年对机关工作人员体检中的468名65岁以上老年人的口腔卫生情况,患龋病、牙周病、牙缺失等进行调查研究。

    Methods : The oral health status , including oral hygiene , caries , periodontal diseases and the tooth loss of 468 elderly individuals over 65 years old were surveyed and analyzed .

  22. 结论:病患牙及不良修复体对舌的长期慢性不良刺激是舌癌好发于舌缘舌尖部的重要相关因素。

    Conclusion : Our study suggests that chronic pessimal stimulation to tongue by unhealthy teeth and bad dentures is an important related reason why tongue cancer most likely occurs at the tip and margin of tongue .

  23. 炎症牙周组织中马拉赛氏上皮剩余增生形成囊肿,结合上皮根向增生形成牙周袋是尖周病和牙周病的重要病理过程。

    It is believed that proliferation of the rests of Malassez to form the cystic Lining and the junctional epithelium to form periodontal pockets are very important pathological processes during development of peri-apical and periodontal Lesions .

  24. 结论:医科大学生口腔健康状况不容乐观,其唾液隐血阳性率性别间无显著性差异,但在不同学科专业间有显著性差别;且与牙龈病、牙列不齐显著相关。

    Conclusion : The oral health of medical college students is not optimistic . As far as positive rate of salivary occult blood test , there was no significant difference between sexes but significant differences between different specialities .

  25. 两种矫治技术治疗牙周病患者牙周组织应力的对比分析两位病患罹患持续性心房颤动的时间分别是一周及一年。

    The comparison of the stress distribution in the PDL of the patients with the periodontitis by using the two different appliances The duration of persistent AF was one week in patient one and one year in patient two .

  26. 方法:选择逆行性牙髓炎32例,随机分为实验组和对照组,均无原发牙体牙髓病。患牙有深达根尖区的牙周袋(探诊深度≥5mm)。

    Method : 32 patients with severe adult periodontitis ( probing depth ≥ 5mm ) and with retrograde pulpitis were enrolled in the study .

  27. 牙周病致前牙移位的正畸治疗

    Orthodontics treatment on periodontal patients with anterior displaced incisors

  28. 目的观察牙周-正畸-修复综合治疗成人牙周病性错牙合畸形的疗效。

    AIM : To observe the treatment effect of comprehensive therapy of malocclusion with adult periodontal disease .

  29. 如果不被治疗,牙周病可以导致牙丢失、也有可能感染身体的其他系统。

    If left untreated , it can lead to tooth loss , and may also interfere with other systems of the body .

  30. 因此有效治疗和控制牙周病、促进牙周组织修复是成人正畸治疗前必须解决的问题。

    Therefore treating and controlling the periodontal disease effectively and repair the periodontal tissue were the prior problem to solve before the orthodontic treatment .