
  • 网络development of disease;ptogress of disease;disease shift;progress of disease
  1. 他把病传给了家里其他人。

    He communicated the disease to the rest of his family .

  2. 本研究选择流行性出血热(EHF)为研究对象,系统研究表明:温热病传变的病理基础为疫毒邪火和气阴耗伤,出血、瘀血系传变的病理标志;

    This study selected 172 cases of epidemic hemorrhagic fever ( EHF ) as study subjects . Results revealed that the pathological bases of the progress of epidemic febrile disease are pathogenic fire and impairment of qi and yin , hemorrhage and blood stasis are the pathological expression .

  3. 他应当注意别把病传给自己家里的人。

    He should guard against passing on disease to his family .

  4. 小白菜花叶病传毒介体蚜虫的空间分布

    Spatial distribution of aphid vectors of chinese-small-cabbage mosaic

  5. 昆虫吸食了一只动物的血,然后可能把病传给另一动物。

    An insect can carry a disease from the blood of an animal it has been feeding on to another .

  6. 桃蚜有翅蚜迁飞传带病原真菌和寄生蜂的生物学研究麦蚜对小麦黄矮病传毒能力分析及小麦品种抗蚜性鉴定

    Analysis of Transmission Capabilities of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus ( BYDV ) by Wheat Aphid and Aphid Resistant Identification of Wheat Varieties

  7. 那意味着有遗传缺陷的父母能确保他们没有把遗传病传给他们的孩子。

    It means that parents who carry genetic defects can ensure they don 't pass on a genetic illness to their children .

  8. 此糖尿病性肾脏疾病症状与祖国中医学消渴病传变肾消、水肿、尿浊、虚劳等范畴,颇为相似。

    The symptoms of diabetes and kidney disease are similar to those of " subdue thirsty diseases " , " hydroncus " , " urine turbid " , " consumptive disease " in traditional Chinese medicine . On this basis , S. T.

  9. 蔬菜非持久性病毒病蚜虫传毒规律及防治理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Developing Pattern and Control for Non-persistent Virus Diseases Spread by Aphides in Vegetable

  10. 提升高度的习俗是为了避免传染病的传自很久以前的事了。

    The custom of ascending a hght to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago .

  11. 温热病防传杜变的临床探讨及机理研究&附172例临床分析报告

    Clinical and Experimental Studies on the Prevention of the Progress of Epidemic Febrile Disease & Analysis of 172 Cases

  12. 灰飞虱是条纹叶枯病的传毒媒介,控制一、二代灰飞虱是防治该病的关键。

    Small brown planthoppers were a vector of rice stripe disease and controlling the first and second-generation small brown planthoppers was a key of controlling rice stripe disease .

  13. 安徽省烟田发生的主要病毒病为蚜传病毒病,占总检出率的87.21%,以PVY和CMV两种蚜传病毒病为主。

    Tobacco virus disease aphid-transmitted virus was the most main Tobacco virus disease , have 87.21 % of the total examined rate , PVY and CMV were the most aphid-transmitted virus .

  14. 目的:甲型H1N1流感的病因、病机及传变规律的认识还不全面,中医对不同特点的传染病,都有较完整的理论体系和独特的辨证论治方法。

    Objective : Influenza H1N1 influenza etiology and pathogenesis and preach the recognition variable regularity of traditional Chinese medicine is not comprehensive , different characteristics of infectious diseases , have a complete theoretical system and unique syndrome differentiation and treatment method .

  15. 叶天士的温邪上受,首先犯肺,逆传心包是对温病的传变规律的概括,更确切地说,它是甲型H1N1流感发生发展过程中的基本病机和传变学说。

    The " WenBing jiao tone , first by the lung , inverse preach made the WenBing pericardial " is to change laws summary , preach more precisely , it is armour H1N1 flu occur development process in the pathogenesis and preach become the basic theory .

  16. 龙眼鬼帚病的昆虫传病试验

    On transmission of longan witches ' broom disease by insect vectors

  17. 泡桐丛核病病原及传毒途径的研究

    Research on the pathogen and virus spread of WITHES-BROOM of Paulownia

  18. 试论小肠与相关脏腑病证的传变规律

    Discuss on the Pathogenesis of Intestine and Progress of Disease between the Viscera

  19. 脉证的变化是判断六经病证是否传变的主要依据。

    Network card in the judgement of the six-card is the main basis for change .

  20. 急性肾炎的中医病机及传变规律初探

    Preliminary Study on Pathogenesis and law of CHanges of Acute Nephritis in Terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  21. 遗传病是父母传给子女的、一生下来就有的疾病,有传染性。

    The genetic disease is a parent-child transmission one , is a born with disease , is infectious .

  22. 水稻齿叶矮缩病毒在水稻病叶及传毒媒介昆虫组织内的形态

    Rice ragged stunt virus in the phloem cells of diseased rice and in the salivary gland cells of infected vector

  23. 由于保护地的特殊环境条件和长期连作,土壤中病原菌量的积累越来越多,致使黄瓜枯萎病等土传病害发生逐年加重。

    Because of the special environmental conditions and long-term continuous cropping in greenhouse , the amount of pathogens in soil accumulated more and more and the incidence of soil-borne diseases increased year by year .

  24. 烟蚜传播云南烟草丛枝病研究生物学实验结果证明,烟蚜和烟盲蝽是烟草丛枝病的传媒昆虫,菟丝子及嫁接病组织可传烟草丛枝病。

    The result of biology experiment demonstrated that not only the tobacco capsid but also the tobacco aphid were vehicular insects of tobacco witches broom . The disease could be infected by grafting diseased tissures and plant vector and dodder ( Cuscuta chinensis ) .

  25. 马铃薯黑痣病为土传真菌性病害,在世界各大马铃薯主产区均有发生,目前已成为影响马铃薯产量和质量的重要因素之一。

    Rhizoctonia solani K ü hn is a kind of soil-borne fungal disease , ang the Rhizoctonia disease complex is common and occurs in potato production areas throughout the world . And it has become one of the main effective factors in limiting high yield and quality of potato production .

  26. 广东桑树萎缩病的调查及传病试验

    A preliminary study on the incidence and transmission of mulberry dwarf disease in Kwangtung Province

  27. 鼠疫是一种病情极为凶险的传染病,是鼠传给人类最严重的一种传染病。

    Bubonic plague is one kind of condition extremely bad risk infectious disease , is the mouse passes to the humanity the most serious one infectious disease .

  28. 保留作物残体的精耕栽培制度可使土壤变为对病害有抑制作用的抑病土。土传病害抑病土研究进展

    Under intensive cropping with retention of crop residue management regimes , soils can become suppressive to Rhizoctonia root rot. A REVIEW ON RESEARCH PROGRESS OF SUPPRESSIVE SOIL AGAINST SOIL-BORNE DISEASES

  29. 引起苦楝簇顶病的病原类菌原体,能从病组织及传病介体斑叶蝉体内分离,接种在液体或固体培养基培养。

    The mycoplasma-like organism ( MLO ) causing bunchy top of chinaberry can be isor lated from diseased tissue or from the vector leafhopper , and inoculated both on aga and in liquid media for cultivation .

  30. 马传染性贫血病病毒(EIAV)是马传染性贫血病(简称马传贫,EIA)的病原。

    Equine infectious anemia virus ( EIAV ) is the etiological agent of equine infectious anemia ( EIA ) .