
  • 网络focal infection;focus infection
  1. 10例恶性肿瘤及1例病灶感染(占31%)则表现为病变与血管之间的脂肪层消失。

    The fat septa vanished ( 31 % ) between lesions and blood vessel in twelve malignancy lesions and one lesion .

  2. 有肺内陈旧病灶或既往感染结核证据组;

    Remote lesion in lung or evidence of previous tuberculosis infection exists .

  3. GM检测可先于组织出现病灶之前发现真菌感染,可用于侵袭性真菌感染的早期诊断。

    GM testing may find the fungal infected lesions before they appearing in the organization , this can be used for early diagnosis of invasive fungal infections .

  4. 15例病例所属肺组织的结核病灶和阻塞性感染病灶均明显好转,3例空洞闭合。

    Pulmonary tuberculosis focus and obstructive infection focus were improved in 15 cases . The cavity was absorbed in 3 cases .

  5. 痤疮病灶同时伴有炎症感染,克林霉素磷酸酯有很好的抗炎作用。

    The focus of infection of acne is always along with inflammatory infection , while clindamycin phosphate has a very good anti-inflammatory effect .