
  • 网络moral patient;sickly
病体 [bìng tǐ]
  • [sick body] 患病的身体,病躯

  1. 背景和目的:丙型肝炎病毒(HepatitisCVirus,HCV)是丙型肝炎的致病体,丙型肝炎是世界范围内的重要传染病之一。

    Background and objective : Hepatitis C virus is the cause of the hepatitis C , which is a global health problem .

  2. 结论:早发性PD与晚发性PD系同一疾病体。

    Conclusion : The early onset PD may be the same disease entity as the late onset PD .

  3. 在我们用Google进行网上搜索的时候,她已经打开我们心灵的窗户,现在她又要洞察我们的病体。

    Google already has a window into our souls through our internet searches and it now has insight into our ailing bodies too .

  4. 结果:5例血巨细胞病毒DNA阳性,4例血巨细胞病毒IgM阳性,2例找到卡氏肺孢子虫病体。

    Results : Among the 41 patients , CMV-IgM were found positive in 4 cases and CMV DNA positive in 5.Pneumocystis carinii were found in 2 patients .

  5. 通过在FEES(fuzzyextensioneconomicspace)中经济体能量的不同隶属提出了病体经济;

    This paper raises the sick economic body according to the energy of its belonging to the different parts in the Fuzzy Extension Economic Space ( FEES );

  6. 小麦幼胚愈伤组织培养和抗赤霉病体细胞筛选

    Immature embryo callus culture and somatic selection to scab resistance in Wheat

  7. 拖着病体坚持给我们上课。

    Though ill , he insisted to give us class .

  8. 她隔了一年多病体才有所好转。

    It took over a year for her to mend .

  9. 大蒜抗叶枯病体细胞无性系筛选体系研究

    Study on Selection System of Somaclonal Variation Resistant to Tip Blight in Garlic

  10. 智能控制在病体经济系统中应用

    The Intelligent Control for the Sick Economy System

  11. 抗甜菜褐斑病体细胞无性系变异的研究

    Study on somaclonal variation of sugarbeet leafspot resistance

  12. 辣椒抗疫病体细胞无性系变异筛选技术研究

    Study on the Selection of Cell Mutant Lines Resistant to Phytophthora Capsici in Pepper

  13. 我真想拖着病体到外面去。

    I really ought to drag myself outside .

  14. 我真想拖着病体到外面去,外面阳光普照。

    I really ought to drag myself outside , but there 'd be the sun .

  15. 大骨节病体液生化类型与早期诊断方法研究

    Study on biochemical types of body fluid and diagnostic method of early stage for Kashin Beck disease

  16. 玉米抗茎腐病体细胞变异体筛选及其后代抗病性鉴定

    Identification of Resistance to Stalk Rot in Progenies of Resistant Variant Regenerated from Screening Somatic Cell of Maize

  17. 帕金森氏病体外细胞模型的建立及胞二磷胆碱对多巴胺能神经元保护作用的研究

    Establishment of Cell Models for Parkinson 's Disease in Vitro and the Neuroprotective Effect of Citicoline on Dopaminergic Neurons

  18. 故健体与病体,由按摩刺激不同性质之神经与刺激的强弱,而呈不同效果。

    The healthy and sick bodies show different effects by massage stimulated on different nerves with different extent of stimulation .

  19. 伯爵夫人的病体始终未见痊愈,然而他们已经不能推迟这次莫斯科之行了。

    The countess 's health still did not mend , but the visit to Moscow could be deferred no longer .

  20. 在文章最后提出了解决病体经济的程序框图,并通过实例进行具体分析。

    At the end , this paper raises the programme frame to solve the sick economic body and analyzes the specific example .

  21. 这场危机起源于使用动物饲料喂养牛,这些动物饲料都被一种新的致病体&朊蛋白污染了。

    The origin of the crisis was the feeding of cattle with animal feed that was contaminated by a new pathogenic agent-a prion .

  22. 前言:补益正气法是运用中医护理法扶助正气,增强病体抗邪能力,适用于虚症患者的一种护理方法。

    " Method of taking a tonic to build up healthful vital energy " is a nurse way that supports vital energy and enhances bodys resistibility .

  23. 在医疗诊断过程中,医生很习惯想得到自己感兴趣的某个病体的外形,大小,面积。

    In medical diagnosis , doctors are very accustomed to want to get the shape , size , and area of ill object that they are interested .

  24. 不过,即使金正日在2009年病体日衰或是告别人世,也远不能确定外部世界能否在第一时间得知这个消息。

    But even if Mr Kim does fade or die in 2009 , it is far from clear whether the outside world will immediately know about it .

  25. 结论三维头颅模型能真实再现病体原形,为准确诊断、手术计划及模拟提供真实的虚拟空间,在颅颌面创伤修复中具有重要的意义。

    Conclusion The 3-dimensional model of skull can replicate the prototype of disease and play an important role in the diagnosis and simulation of operation for repairing craniomaxillofacial trauma .

  26. 在40%的枯萎菌粗毒素浓度下筛选辣椒抗枯萎病体细胞变异无性系,抗性细胞系稳定性研究表明,获得了一批抗辣椒枯萎病的体细胞变异无性系,并成功再生抗性植株。

    Analysis showed that some cell mutant lines screened at the concentration of 40 % of crude toxin had stable resistance to capsicum wilt . And the regenerated seedlings were obtained successfully .

  27. 西方文化思想是曹禺在前期作品中探寻人生、社会的一把锋利的刀,他用它从熟悉的生活角度彻底清楚地解剖旧中国这个病体,暴露出它在文化冲突碰撞时的全部真实。

    Western cultural value was just like a sharp knife of probing the life and society which Caoyu dissected the old china and exposed its all truth while all kinds of culture colliding .

  28. 她说琼恩大人读书读过头啦,还说他为小儿子的孱弱病体伤神担忧,对夫人又很粗暴。

    She said Lord Jon had been reading more than was good for him , that he was troubled and melancholy over his young son 's frailty , and gruff with his lady wife .

  29. 在此基础上,本研究以辣椒枯萎病粗毒素为选择剂,通过连续筛选,建立了辣椒抗枯萎病体细胞变异无性系筛选体系,获得了一批抗枯萎病的辣椒体细胞突变体植株。

    On the basis of these steps , the study selected some cell mutant lines resistant capsicum wilt in pepper by use of the crude toxin , and obtained several plants regenerated in vitro .

  30. 虽然他很爱我,也很尽力想支撑住病体,但他面孔上的光彩总是不时消逝,在他凝望着白色天花板的宁静的面容上已经出现了一层薄薄的阴影。

    Do what he would , and love me though he did , the light left his face ever and again , and a film came over the placid look at the white ceiling .