
  • 网络pathologic myopia;Pathological myopia;pathological myopia,PM
  1. 病理性近视与HLA基因的关联

    The association of pathologic myopia with HLA gene

  2. 目的分析病理性近视(PM)黄斑部脉络膜新生血管(CNV)的光学相干断层扫描(OCT)和眼底荧光素血管造影(FFA)的图像特征。

    Objective To investigate the morphological features of submacular choroidal neovascularization ( CNV ) in pathologic myopia ( PM ) using optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) and fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) .

  3. 病理性近视伴脉络膜新生血管的特点及其抗VEGF药物治疗

    Characteristics of choroidal neovascularization secondary to pathologic myopia and anti-VEGF therapy

  4. 方法:临床检查确诊为病理性近视患者100例(172眼)行OCT检查。

    Methods : The OCT data of 100 patients ( 172 eyes ) with degenerative myopia were retrospectively analyzed .

  5. 本文报道204只病理性近视眼之巩膜E值,以0.0165~0.0237为正常值,低于0.0165者168眼(82.35%)。

    The scleral E value was observed in 204 eyes with degenerative myopia . The results showed that the scleral E value of 168 eyes ( 82.35 % ) was below the normal value ( 0.0165 & 0.0237 ) .

  6. 改良型Snyder-Thompson式后巩膜加固术治疗病理性近视远期临床观察

    The Long-term Clinical Observation of Improved Snyder-Thompson Posterior Scleral Reinforcement Operation ( PSRO ) in the Control of Progressive High Myopia

  7. 病理性近视的家系研究和基因的初步定位

    The Study of Pedigree and Initial Gene Location for Pathological Myopia

  8. 病理性近视的相干光断层扫描

    The image futures of optical coherence tomogtaphy in pathologic myopia

  9. 联合手术治疗青少年病理性近视的临床观察

    Clinical observation of adolescent pathological myopia treated with coadunation operations

  10. 病理性近视之遗传因素及其与眼部损害之关系

    The Hereditary Factors of Pathologic Myopia and Ocular Lesions

  11. 病理性近视病因学研究的最新进展

    Latest Progress of Study on Etiology of Pathological Myopia

  12. 病理性近视的黄斑部视网膜下新生血管

    Subretinal neovascularization in macula of patients with pathological myopia

  13. 7只病理性近视患眼中有5只眼呈绒团状,占71.4%;

    In 5 out of 7 eyes with pathological myopia ( 71.4 % );

  14. 羊膜绒毛膜兜袋术治疗病理性近视

    The effects of amnia chorial reinforcement boxing surgery in the management of pathologic myopia

  15. 病理性近视的基因位点筛查

    Genome - wide screening of pathological myopia

  16. 结论后巩膜加固术是控制病理性近视恶化的一种可行的方法,并且手术安全。

    Conclusion Posterior scleral reinforcement operation in the treatment of progressive myopia is safe and effective .

  17. 病理性近视的家系研究

    Pedigree Study of Pathological Myopia

  18. 结果观察病例中病理性近视黄斑区视网膜下新生血管发生的构成比为30.6%。

    RESULTS Ratio of subretinal neovascularization found in macular zone of the patients with pathological myopia was30.6 % .

  19. 目的观察后巩膜加固术治疗病理性近视的安全性及可行性。

    Objective To observe safety and therapeutic effects of posterior scleral reinforcement operation in the treatment of progressive myopia .

  20. 目的:探讨和总结近年来病理性近视病因学研究的最新进展。

    Objective : To explore and summarize the latest progress of study on etiology of pathological myopia in recent years .

  21. 本研究收集了江、浙、沪、皖、豫人群中病理性近视家系90个共1822人,每个家系三代以内有2人以上发病,患者共401人。

    These pedigrees consisted of 401 patients of 1822 individuals from Jiangsu , Zhejiang , Shanghai , Anhui and Henan Provinces .

  22. 结论羊膜绒毛膜兜袋术治疗病理性近视是一种安全有效、且稳定性较好的方法。

    Conclusion These data show that amnia chorial reinforcement boxing for treatment of pathologic myopia is an effective and safe surgery .

  23. 高度近视亦称病理性近视或变性近视,约占原发性近视的3%~6%。

    High myopia is also called pathological myopia or degeneration m ; opia . 3-6 % of all myopia is high myopia .

  24. 其中,渗出型老年黄斑变性14例14只眼,病理性近视2例2只眼。

    Exudative AMD was in 14 patients ( 14 eyes ), and pathological myopia was in 2 patients ( 2 eyes ) .

  25. 经过此类手术的病理性近视患者,虽然其屈光状态发生了改变,然而其疾病的性质并没有发生改变。

    Though the refractive condition of patients after ICL implantation has been changed , the pathophysiologic property of pathologic myopia has not been changed .

  26. 高度近视、病理性近视及患有玻璃体、视网膜增质性改变和白内障术后三个月以内的患者应慎用。

    High myopia , pathological myopia and suffering in the vitreous , retinal increasing qualitative changes and after cataract surgery within three months should exercise caution regarding the patient .

  27. 本文介绍病理性近视与遗传因素之关系,在247例病理性近视惠者中有遗传病史者100例(40.48%)。

    This paper discusses the relationship between hereditary factors of pathologic myopia and ocular lesions . Of the 247 patients with pathologic myopia , 100 ( 40.48 % ) patients have the history of hereditary disease .

  28. 近年来,国内外学者对高度近视的遗传学研究进一步深入,已应用全基因组扫描和候选基因筛查、连锁分析等技术进行病理性近视相关基因定位和候选基因克隆定位工作。

    For the past few years , with the further of genetics research aimed to pathological myopia , the scholars utilize the techniques such as genome scan 、 candidate gene screening 、 linkage analysis to locate the related gene of pathological myopia and the candidate gene clone .

  29. 本报告介绍了我科开展后巩膜增强术治疗一例10岁儿童患者病理性高度近视的病例。

    One case of a 10 year-old patient with progressive myopia was treated with post-scleral supporting operation .

  30. 结论老年性黄斑变性(age-relatedmaculardegeneration,AMD)为本组老年华人尸体解剖眼黄斑区的主要病理改变,其次为病理性近视黄斑变性和老年性白内障术后黄斑囊样水肿。

    Conclusion The macular affections , age related macular degeneration , myopic macular degeneration and post operative cystoid macular edema are varying in number in the above mentioned order successively , in elderly Chinese at an autopsy study .