
  1. 没有假期规定,但由于患月经病,经医生诊断必须停工治疗时,应按照病假待遇处理。

    Without holiday regulation , but because contract menstrual disease , classics doctor is diagnosed must when shutdown is treated , answer to be handled according to sick leave pay .

  2. 面试时太过注重小利益关于停车场、病假期间的待遇与保险、软饮料的免费提供及其他利益和奖金,最好等到录用了以后再问,不然将被记录在一份人力资源报告里面。

    Too Eager for Perks Questions about parking spaces , sick days , free soft drinks , and other benefits and perks should be reserved for a human resources rep , preferably after a job offer .