
  1. 试论现行劳动争议处理程序的重构

    Study On Reconstituting the Existing Labor Dispute Settlement In China

  2. 第三部分,首先,针对我国现阶段劳动争议处理程序的基本状况,指出现有劳动争议处理程序的弊端,并对劳动争议处理程序进行法经济学分析。

    The third part firstly aims at basic situation about the current labor dispute and points out the malpractice in our country , and carries on the law economic analysis to the labor dispute processing .

  3. 长期以来,我国实行一调、一裁、二审的劳动争议处理程序,这不仅在理论上引起众多学者的非议,在实践中也带来很多的问题。

    For a long time , China insisted on the procedure of mediation , arbitration and two court trails to handle labor dispute , that received much critics from many scholars and had been brought a lot of problems in practice .

  4. 我国劳动争议处理机制之程序保障的应然价值取向

    The Value Standards of Procedural Protection in the System of Labor Dispute Solution

  5. 对于劳动争议处理的具体程序,目前仅有国务院颁布的《中华人民共和国企业劳动争议处理条例》作为依据。

    And at present , the specific procedure about dealing with the labor disputes was just the to base on , which was issued by the State Council .

  6. 在程序法上应当将职业足球运动员与职业足球俱乐部的劳动争议纳入劳动争议处理程序,并就其劳动争议处理体制作出特殊设计。

    As well as procedural provisions to incorporate the dispute between football players and football clubs into labor dispute procedures , and make special settlement mechanism .

  7. 为了构建和完善我国现行的劳动争议处理机制,笔者认为程序保障理论应渗透到劳动争议处理机制的各程序机制中。

    In order to set up and perfect the present system of labor dispute solution of our country , the author suggests that the theory of procedural protection should be applied in each procedure of the labor dispute solution .

  8. 在我国,劳动仲裁制度作为劳动争议机制的重要组成部分,是劳动争议处理程序中的关键环节。

    In China , labor arbitration system is one of the important parts of the labor dispute handling system and labor arbitration is the key procedure of during handling labor disputes .

  9. 同时在劳动争议领域当中该原则可以引申出两点具体要求,即在劳动争议的主体上要求三方参与,而在劳动争议的处理程序上要求为权利保护。

    Meanwhile , this principle leads to some request on how to handle dispute , which conclude the three squares participate and the right protection .