
  1. 愈合剂涂抹扁桃病部后,叶片中MDA、木质素、可溶性糖和总酚的含量以及各种酶活性都发生了显著变化。

    After smearing healing agent on diseased plants , the content of MDA , lignin , soluble sugar , total phenol and the enzyme activities in almond leaves had undergone significant changes .

  2. 儿童精神病部,精神病学院,皇学院。

    Dept of Child Psychiatry , Institute of Psychiatry , Kings College .

  3. 叶片病部部分细胞变形或坏死,有些线粒体则肿胀变大。

    Some mitochondria in the cells swelled .

  4. 成人先天性心脏病膜部室间隔缺损封堵治疗的临床评价

    On Clinical Treatment of Ventricular Septal Defects by Occlusion

  5. 目的明确腋神经及其邻近结构的解剖学关系,明确颈椎病肩胛部扳机点的位置,探讨软组织压痛点与腋神经之间的关系。

    Objective To define the anatomical relation of axillary nerves and their relative construction further , confirm the definite position of the trigger points in the scapular region and research the relation between tender points of soft tissue and peripheral nerve .

  6. 广州管圆线虫病患者头颈部MR检查

    Head and cervical spine MR examinations of angiostrongyliasis cantonensis

  7. 老年溃疡病胃大部切除术近期并发症

    Immediate Postgastrectomy Complications in Elderly Patients with Peptic Ulcer

  8. 橡胶树季风落叶病和茎部顶死

    Phytophthora leaf disease and stem dieback of Hevea

  9. 婴儿口腔早期定植菌群的一年动态观察住院精神病患者口咽部定植菌群的改变与分析

    Analysis of Oral Microflora Early Colonized in Infants

  10. 交感型颈椎病患者头颈部运动后椎动脉血流的观察

    Evaluation of Vertebral Artery Flow Velocity in Patients with Sympathetic Cervical Spondylosis Before and After Head Movement

  11. 探讨小儿血液病并发深部真菌病的发病原因、临床特点、防治措施与预后。

    Clinical features . preventive measures and prognosis . of deep mycoses in leukemia and aplastic anemia patients .

  12. 在冬季低温条件下,用40%腐烂敌80倍液及其它药剂对板栗干枯病进行病部涂抹防治,用白色塑料薄膜包严。

    In the condition of low temperature , I used 40 % , 80 folded solution and other medicine to daub disease area for preventing of the chestnut 's blight , and used white plastic film to seal .

  13. 气候条件变劣、病毒病和叶部病害的交替或同时大量流行等因素,同样是导致烟叶产量低、经济效益提升慢、烟叶生产不稳定性的重要内因。

    The serious climatic conditions , viral disease and leaf disease ( alternate or at the same time massively popular and so on ) were also important internal factors for the low tobacco production , the slow promotion of economic efficiency and the unstable tobacco production . 4 .

  14. 恶性血液病患儿合并深部真菌感染的临床分析

    A clinical analysis of the deep fungal infection in childhood malignant hemopathy

  15. 目的调查隐孢子虫病在潍坊南部山区儿童中的感染和流行情况。

    Objective To investigate state of cryptosporidium infections in Weifang south mountains area .

  16. 帕金森病的脑深部电刺激治疗

    Treatment for Parkinson 's disease with deep brain electrostimulation

  17. 帕金森病;脑深部刺激;发音;嗓音;扰动;非线性动力学分析;

    Parkinson 's disease Deep brain stimulation Phonation Voice Perturbation Nonlinear dynamic analysis ;

  18. 乳腺增生病患者舌面各部红外辐射光谱比较

    Comparison of Infrared Spectrums of Different Areas of Tongue Surface of Patients with Hyperplasia of Breast Glands

  19. 简介:这是约翰霍普金斯大学传染病和艾滋病服务部的网站。

    This is the website for Division of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Service at Johns Hopkins University .

  20. 车前草穗枯病主要为害穗部,也为害穗轴和叶片。

    Ear s , ear stems , and leaves were the parts easily infected with plantain head blight .

  21. 有蹄病的母猪蹄部疼痛难忍,故采食量减少而造成活仔数更少;

    Lame sows has less live piglets due to less feed intake , while they feel pain and suffer from it .

  22. 1952年,在苏格兰的一次结核病流行中,约翰爵士成为了爱丁堡大学呼吸病和结核病研究部的主任。

    In1952 , Sir John was appointed chairman of the department of respiratory diseases and tuberculosis at the University of Edinburgh , amid a tuberculosis epidemic in Scotland .

  23. 将69例因溃疡病行胃大部切除术后5~15年残胃患者,按手术方式及术后时间分为5组。

    Based on the operational pattern and postoperative time , 69 patients who had suffered from the ulcer and subtotal gastrectomy had been performed were divided into 5 groups .

  24. 认知缺损在阿尔茨海默病中与额部,顶部以及颞叶的皮质厚度呈负相关,而在额颞叶痴呆中亦呈现类似的负相关,两者差别无显著意义。

    Cognitive impairment was negatively correlated with cortical thickness of frontal , parietal and temporal lobes in Alzheimer 's disease , while similar correlations were not significant in FTD .

  25. 茶云纹叶枯病是茶树叶部主要病害之一,近些年来在局部地区发生比较严重,针对这种病害我们进行了相关研究。

    Tea brown blight ( Guignardia camelliae ) is one of several main leaf diseases of tea plant , having been more serious in some areas in recent years .

  26. 在80只放牧鹅群中发现7例病鹅伴有喙部或腿部上皮组织肿瘤样病变。

    Tumor-like lesions were found on the skin epithelium of the beak and legs in seven from a group of 80 free range Chinese geese . Poxvirus infection was revealed by light and electron microscopy .