
  • 网络Viral conjunctivitis
  1. 3例并发口周病毒性疱疹,1例皮损侧并发青光眼,4例并发眼部病毒性结膜炎,2例为Ramsay-Hunt综合征。

    Cases of patients complicated with oral viral herpes , 1 case of patient complicated with glaucoma in ipsilateral lesions , 4 cases of patients complicated with ocular viral conjunctivitis , 2 cases of patients complicated with Ramsay-Hunt syndrome .

  2. 阿博特称,如果你家有人患上了病毒性结膜炎,并触碰了门把手一类的表面,病毒可在表面上存活数周。

    If someone in your house has the viral variety of the disease and touches a surface such as a doorknob , the virus can live on that surface for several weeks , Dr. Abbott says .

  3. 方法:观察、分析细菌性、病毒性等结膜炎共计300例用药疗效。

    METHODS : To analyse the therapeutic effects of drugs on300 cases of bacterial or viral conjunctivitis .

  4. 临床上主要用该方治疗流行性感冒、急性扁桃体炎、咽峡疱疹、麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、单纯疱疹性角膜炎、病毒性心肌炎、咽结膜炎等病毒感染性疾病。

    It is often modified to treat such diseases as influenza , acute tonsillitis , herpes angina , measles and epidemic parotitis , herpes simplex keratitis , viral myocarditis , pharyngoconjunctivitis and so on that caused by viruses .