
  • 网络PAMP;PAMPs;pathogen associated molecular patterns
  1. 研究证明,这种非己识别是因为存在某些特异性的、可溶的或与细胞膜结合的模式识别受体,可以识别或结合微生物表面保守的、而在宿主中又不存在的病原相关分子模式。

    Different pattern recognition proteins recognize and bind to molecules ( pathogen associated molecular patterns , PAMPs ) present on the surface of microorganisms but absent from animals .

  2. 固有免疫是在进化中形成的免疫机制,在对抗微生物的入侵方面,固有免疫的策略是通过模式识别受体(PRR)识别微生物的病原相关分子模式(PAMP)。

    In protection against microbes , an organism recognizes the pathogen associated molecular pattern ( PAMP ) on microbes by pattern recognition receptor ( PRR ) .

  3. Toll样受体(Tolllikereceptors,TLRs)是新近发现的模式识别受体,能识别病原相关分子模式,启动炎性应答通路而调节或控制先天与获得性免疫。

    The family of Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) is a new pattern-recognition receptors ( PRRs ), which recognize specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns ( PAMPs ) . Recognition of PAMPs by PRRs results in the activation of inflammatory process , which subsequently control the innate and adaptive immune response .

  4. 模式识别受体识别病原相关分子模式,启动丝氨酸蛋白酶级联反应。

    Recognition of pathogens by pattern recognition receptors can trigger activation of a serine protease cascade .