
  • 网络viral load;hbv-dna;HBV DNA;HIV RNA
  1. HIV病毒载量定量测定方法的比较研究

    A comparative study on testing methods for HIV viral load

  2. HIV感染者CD4/CD8细胞与病毒载量的关系

    Relationship between CD4 / CD8 cell levels and plasma viral load in HIV-infected people

  3. 鼠艾滋病模型血浆病毒载量荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立

    A real-time quantitative PCR method of testing the plasma FLV load

  4. 国产试剂测定艾滋病患者HIV病毒载量及临床应用

    Clinical application of domestic reagent in measuring HIV virus load of AIDS

  5. 国产实时荧光定量核酸检测试剂测定HIV病毒载量

    Detection of HIV viral loads by domestic fluorometric diagnostic kit

  6. 我国部分地区未治疗HIV感染人群的病毒载量趋势分析

    The trend of viral load in untreated HIV infectors in some regions of China

  7. 巢式PCR与实时荧光定量PCR检测HBVdna为阳性,病毒载量上下波动。

    The level of HBV DNA was fluctuating , as measured by real-time PCR or nested PCR .

  8. 以RT-PCR法测定血浆病毒载量;

    Quantitative RT-PCR method was used to measure viral load in plasma .

  9. 病毒载量和T淋巴细胞计数在HIV感染者临床治疗疗效观察中的应用

    Clinical study on treatment of HIV infected persons based on viral load detection and CD4 + T lymphocyte counting

  10. 乙肝病毒载量与血清标志物及ALT相关性研究

    Correlativity among Hepatitis B Viral Load Quantification , Serum Markers and Alanine Aminotransferase

  11. 其被设计为刺激T细胞对HCV蛋白结构的反应并减少病毒载量。

    It is designed to stimulate T-cell responses against HCV protein structures and reduce viral load .

  12. 结论:1.高病毒载量的乙型肝炎病毒阳性血清可以感染体外培养的JAR细胞。

    HBV positive serum of high viral copies can infect JAR cells in vitro . 2 .

  13. 建议提出增进获得CD4检测的机会和必要时使用病毒载量监测方法。

    They recommend greater access to CD4 testing and the use of viral load monitoring when necessary .

  14. 保存时间对血浆样本HIV-1病毒载量测定值的影响研究

    Effect of storage time on HIV-1 RNA viral load level in plasma specimens

  15. 目的探讨出入境人群HCV的基因分型,并分析HCV不同基因型与病毒载量、ALT活性水平的相互关系。

    Objective To investigate correlation of HCV Genotype with viral load and ALT from anti-HCV positive international travellers .

  16. 外周血Epstein-Barr病毒载量与系统性红斑狼疮相关性研究

    Association between Copies of Epstein-Barr Virus and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  17. 方法使用HIV抗体检测、HIV1p24抗原检测和病毒载量检测等多种方法对1580份高危人群血清和血浆进行筛查。

    Methods Kits for detection of HIV 1 / 2 antibodies , HIV 1 p24 antigen and HIV-1 viral load were used for screening .

  18. HIV病毒载量与HCV病毒载量间及与CD3,CD4和CD8细胞免疫功能的相关性研究

    Correlative Study Between HIV and HCV Viral Load and Relationship with CD3 , CD4 , CD8 Cell Immune Function

  19. 目的了解抗-HCV阴性的广西HIV感染者血清中HCVRNA的阳性率、HCV病毒载量及基因型分布,为今后的丙型肝炎筛查工作及临床治疗提供参考。

    Objective To study the HCV RNA positive rate , HCV load and genotypes in anti-HCV-negative serum of HIV-infected individuals in GuangXi .

  20. 免疫指标CD4+细胞数与准种数、核苷酸差异度、HCV病毒载量之间也没有显著相关性。

    The CD4-cell count was not significantly correlated with the number of SSCP bands , p-distance , HCV viral load .

  21. [结果]HIV病毒载量检出率均在80%,且无样本错位;

    [ Results ] The detection rate for HIV viral load among the observed subjects were 80 % on average with no difference in duplication .

  22. 但IL&7与CD8细胞和HIV病毒载量之间的关系就目前来说还不是很明确。

    However , the relation between IL-7 and CD8 cells or between IL-7 and HIV viral load is not very clear currently .

  23. HCV感染者外周血CD4~+T细胞计数与病毒载量的相关性分析

    Study on the Relationship Between the Peripheral CD4 ~ + T Cell Count and Virus Load in Patients with Hepatitis C

  24. 结论:HIV/HCV混合感染时,细胞免疫状态对HCV病毒载量没有明显影响。

    Conclusion When HIV / HCV co - infected , the cellular immunity had no influence on the HCV viral load .

  25. 因此,在这个前瞻性双盲研究中,研究人员希望知道,是否值得等待到患者进行ART治疗、病毒载量受到抑制后再进行疫苗接种。

    Therefore , in this prospective double-blind study , the researchers looked to see if it is worth waiting to vaccinate until after patients have been on ART and their viral loads are suppressed .

  26. 目的研究病毒载量检测和CD4+计数在评价人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者疗效中的应用效果。

    Objective To study the usage of viral load and CD4 + cell count methods in evaluating the effects of clinical treatment in HIV infected people .

  27. 宫颈高危型HPV病毒载量是影响宫颈病变严重程度的危险因素。

    The viral load of high risk HPV is a risk factor that could influence the degree of cervical diseases .

  28. 在所研究的样本中进行组间比较,HCV各基因业型在病毒载量、肝功、空腹血糖、血脂等检查指标上的差异无统计学显著性意义。

    There was no significant difference between different genotypes in virus load , biochemical test , fasting glucose test and so on .

  29. 这些妇女在整个疾病的进展中表现出了显著的CD4细胞丧失的减少率和一个低水平的病毒载量。

    Those women displayed a significantly reduced rate of CD4 cell loss throughout the disease 's progression and a lower viral load .

  30. 方法用RT-PCR法连续检测13例HIV-1感染者在接受抗病毒治疗过程中血浆病毒载量的变化情况;

    Methods RT-PCR were used to detect the HIV-1 virus load of13 HIV-1 infectors during the anti-virus treatment ( HAART ) .