
  • 网络case discussion;case presentations;case study
  1. 结论:外科理论教学中应重视病例讨论。

    Conclusion Case discussion should be stressed in surgery theory teaching .

  2. 以问题为导向的教学在病例讨论课中的应用

    Application of problem-based teaching method in class of case discussion

  3. 维生素K缺乏致新生儿颅内出血病例讨论

    Discussion on Newborn Babies with Cranial Hemorrhage Caused by Vitamin K Deficiency

  4. PBL法临床病例讨论对医学生临床实践能力培养的研究

    Research of PBL teaching method applied in clinical cases discussion during internship to train medical students ' clinical skills

  5. 病例讨论在临床教学中具有重要作用。

    Cases discussion has played an important role in clinical teaching .

  6. 药理教学中开展病例讨论式教学的实践与思考

    Exploration and Thinking of Case Discussion in Pharmacology Teaching

  7. 改良标准化病人的培训及其在外科临床病例讨论课中的应用

    Establishing of Modified Standardized Patients and Their Application in Surgical Clinical Case Discussions

  8. 加强病例讨论在医学生临床课教学中的地位

    Strengthening the roles of case discussion in clinical teaching

  9. 病例讨论使学生掌握这个病有帮助占975%;

    97.5 % think discussion helps grasp the disease .

  10. 临床病例讨论先天性耳聋伴甲状腺肿大&Pendred综合征

    Congenital deafness and goiter & Pendred ′ s syndrome

  11. 病例讨论在临床教学中的作用

    The Effects of Case Discussion in Clinical Teaching

  12. 开展病例讨论,是信息交流的平台;

    Discussion of case report is the platform .

  13. 病例讨论法在护理专业课堂教学中的应用

    Application of case seminar to nursing classroom teaching

  14. 该文对在课堂教学上进行病例讨论,通过问卷式征求学生的意见,对以下问题持同意肯定意见的占了绝大多数:(1)病例讨论在课堂教学上是需要的占990%;

    We gather students ' opinions on cases discussion in class teaching through questionnaires .

  15. 临床病例讨论:腹胀、右上腹疼痛、肝内占位性病变

    Discussion of clinical cases : abdominal distension , right upper quadrant pain , intrahepatic lesions

  16. 以标准化病例讨论为导向改革儿科学理论教学与实践

    Study and practice on reform of pediatrics theory teaching with standardized cases discussion as its direction

  17. 以小组为单位开展床旁教学或病例讨论,并引入以问题为基础学习教学方法;

    The students in groups were taught by bedside teaching , case analysis and problem-based learning .

  18. ②开展临床病例讨论、理论-实践一体化教学、多媒体教学等;

    After clinical clerkship , we conducted students to follow the case in order to learn more .

  19. 脊椎外科病例讨论,脊椎会议议程,出版物,研究成果摘要。

    GICD-selection of spine surgery case discussions , spine conference schedules , publication summaries , and research abstracts .

  20. 介绍了病例讨论式儿科学见习课教学方法实施过程。

    In this article , the author introduced the practice procedure of case analysis in Pediatrics practice class .

  21. 结果死亡病例讨论中的主要问题是组织协调不够,急救技术欠佳及临终关怀方面存在不足。

    Results The major problems existed in poor coordination , lack of emergency skills and lack of dying care .

  22. 采用标准化病例讨论为导向,对儿科学理论教学模式进行改革和探索。

    This paper discusses the reform and research of the theory teaching model in pediatrics with the standardized cases discussion .

  23. 应用病例讨论与学习方法培养全科医师神经内科疾病诊治思维方式探讨

    The training of clinical thoughts of neurology with the case-based discussion and learning for general practitioners An Expert System for Positioning Neuro-Pathologic Places

  24. 此次病例讨论中的所有选择项均为合理的选择,因此选哪一个都没有错。

    All of the options offered here are reasonable ones ; therefore , no one could be faulted for picking one over the other .

  25. 以病例讨论为基本的教学方法,通过典型病例引入教学内容;全程式典型病例研讨在口腔颌面外科临床教学中的应用

    The authors report their application of case seminar to nursing teaching classroom . Systemized Typical Cases Discussion in Clinical Teaching of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

  26. 改革传统的妇产科护理学单纯试卷考试的方法,采用病例讨论、角色扮演与理论考核方法相结合的方式。

    Methods Innovating transitional nursing of gynecology and obstetrics simple test paper examination method , it introduces case discussion , role play and theory examine methods combinative way .

  27. 发现基本正常睾丸1例,造精功能过低3例,生殖细胞缺如5例。结合病例讨论了无精子不育症睾丸活检的病理特征,发生原因及机制。

    There were normal adult testis in 1 , hypospermatogenesis in 3 , and sertoli cell only syndrome in 5.The histopathological feature , etiology and pathogenesis of azoospermia infertility were discussed .

  28. 在这种情况下,没有哪位医生会认为一系列的年度病例讨论和抱负是足够的,但这正是目前全球对气候变化的响应方式。

    Under such circumstances , no doctor would consider a series of annual case discussions and aspirations adequate , yet this is exactly how the global response to climate change is proceeding .

  29. 试点班学生对标准病例讨论教学法满意率为96.85%,教师满意率达98.13%。

    96.85 % of students in the experimental group feel satisfaction at their using standardized cases discussion in class , and there are 98.13 % of the teachers who agree with it .

  30. 我们将模拟病人和多媒体技术引入病例讨论式教学,形成了模拟诊疗的教学方法,其实质是以病例和问题为中心的仿真教学。

    Standardized patient and multimedia technique were introduced into case discussion , so that the teaching of simulating diagnosis and treatment was established successfully , which is case - and problem - based emulating teaching and learning essentially .