
  • 网络virus signature
  1. 基于这个设计方法以存储特点为突破口去设计一个新的基于存储特点的计算机病毒特征码自动提取算法。

    According to this method , design a new computer virus signature automatic extraction algorithm from the breakthrough - storage features .

  2. 静态扫描技术是建立在对程序静态分析的基础上,主要选用程序的机器码,字符串等作为病毒样本的特征,在病毒检测时通过搜索病毒特征库查找是否存在相匹配的病毒特征来发现病毒。

    The static scanning technique is primarily based on static analysis of virus and to choose the machine codes or strings in the virus as its signature . When scanning a new file , the virus detection program searches the virus signature database to find if there are matched signatures .

  3. 基于TRAPSERVER变形病毒特征码的分析与定位技术

    Location and Technical ANALYSIS of Varietal Worm and Virus Signatures Based on Trap Server

  4. 对收集的新型网络病毒特征扩充IDS的特征库,弥补入侵检测系统对未知病毒攻击无法识别问题,完善防御系统。

    One enriches the signature database of the IDS with new signature created , to make up for the deficiency of the IDS , and perfect defence system .

  5. 该实验室将进行确认检测,进一步描述病毒特征。

    The laboratory will conduct confirmatory tests and further characterize the virus .

  6. 病毒特征与疲劳短裂纹群体行为的相似性研究

    Research on similarity of colony behavior between virus feature and short fatigue cracks

  7. 基于特征串树的病毒特征码匹配算法

    The Algorithm of Virus Scan Based on Signature Tree

  8. 该法可以克服病毒特征代码扫描法不能识别未知病毒的缺点。

    It can overcome the short-age of normal virus scanner-which can not detect unknown virus .

  9. 基于蜜罐的网络病毒特征研究模型

    A Honeypot-Based Model for Studying Worm Signature

  10. 基于主动防御模式下蠕虫病毒特征码的提取模型及算法设计

    On active defense mode based extraction model of worm signature code and its algorithm designing

  11. 同时,病毒特征码数据库也要能进行动态的更新,以求能实时的进行邮件扫描。

    Meanwhile , in order to scan virus in real time way , the virus database need dynamic update .

  12. 除提供诊断性确认外,该实验室将开展病毒特征描绘以及病毒的遗传和抗原分析。

    Apart from providing diagnostic confirmation , the laboratory will undertake viral characterization and genetic and antigenic analyses of viruses .

  13. 基于病毒特征标识码的扫描方法能够准确地检测已知病毒,但由于特征标识码容易被改变,因而需要频繁更新用户端病毒特征标识库的内容。

    The traditional signature-based scanner is exact for known viruses , while customers ' signature bases should be updated very frequently as those signatures could be changed easily by computer virus authors .

  14. 但是基于病毒特征代码的反病毒软件,面对不断出现的新病毒,必须不断更新版本,否则便会老化,逐渐失去实用价值。

    However , anti-virus software based on virus feature codes , when facing the emerging of new viruses , must be constantly updated ; or it will be aging and gradually lose its practical value .

  15. 山西某县农村外来嫁入女性及配偶中HIV感染者病毒序列特征分析

    Genetic features of HIV-1 strains circulating in immigrant women and their spouses in a rural district of Shanxi province

  16. 并根据目标对攻击信息进行分类,用LCS算法在同类攻击数据中生成网络病毒的特征。

    Having classified the attack information of the attacked objections , one can create the signature of the intrusion data in the same class with LCS ( longest common substring ) algorithm .

  17. 对其氨基酸序列进行分析,蛋白酶裂解位点序列除LH株为GKRKKR外,其余三株为RRRKKR,为高致病性禽流感病毒的特征序列;

    The proteolytic cleavage sites were all hexylbasic amino acids RRRKKR , with exception of LH ( GKRKKR ), which were the characteristic sequence of the highly pathogenic strains ;

  18. 利用在我们实验性猪模型及以及有文件记载的人类传播中OH07病毒的特征可以密切监测这种病毒在人和猪中的播散。

    The characteristics of the OH07 virus in our pig experimental model as well as the documented human transmission warrant close monitoring of the spread of this virus in pig and human populations .

  19. 通过肝移植过程中的病毒动力学特征研究丙型肝炎次级病毒复制区

    Second hepatitis C replication compartment indicated by viral dynamics during liver transplantation

  20. 信息时代计算机病毒的特征及防范

    The Feature of Computer Virus in the Information Age and Its Prevention

  21. 系统引导型病毒机理特征及最佳根治方法

    The Work Characteristic of the System Bootstrap Virus and Its Best Cleaning Method

  22. 特殊人群丙型肝炎病毒感染特征分析

    Characteristics of hepatitis C virus infection in special population

  23. 四川省1株输入性麻疹病毒基因特征分析

    Genetic Characterization of Imported Measles Virus in Sichuan

  24. 陕西省2000~2007年麻疹野病毒基因特征分析

    Molecular epidemiology analysis of wild-type measles viruses circulated in Shanxi Province from 2000 to 2007

  25. 中国2007~2008年风疹流行病学和病毒基因特征分析

    Analysis of Epidemiological and Genetic Characteristics of Rubella Viruses in China from 2007 to 2008

  26. 植物的病毒病特征使叶子发黄影响发育。

    Any of several virus diseases of plants characterized by stunting and yellowing of the leaves .

  27. 研究了依存于网络拓扑的病毒传播特征,并提出了一个通用的动态系统网络模型。

    This paper studied the virus propagation characteristics , which depended on the topology of the entire network .

  28. 它还有助于医学家通过查明这些病毒的特征,研制出可预防艾滋病的药物。

    It also helps to identify them through the medical scientist Characteristics of the virus , developed a drug to prevent AIDS .

  29. 本次发病具有明显的呼吸道病毒感染特征:突然暴发,迅速蔓延,发病率高并伴有一定的死亡率。

    The fact that the infection spread out quickly immediately after the outbreak with a high incidence of the disease and a relatively high mortality rate shows distinct characteristics of respiratory virus infection .

  30. 黑龙江省4例HIV-1感染者病毒包膜变异特征分析

    Analysis of variability of human immunodeficiency virus envelope gene isolated from 4 infected individuals in Heilongjiang province