
líng xī
  • tacit understanding or comprehension;rhinoceros horn
灵犀 [líng xī]
  • [rhinoceros horn] 犀牛角

  • 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。--李商隐《无题》

灵犀[líng xī]
  1. 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。(李商隐《无题》)

    For bodies no fluttering side by side of splendid Phoenix wings , | between hearts the one minute thread from root to tip of the magic horn . ( the second line is often quoted as meaning a meeting of minds . )

  2. 我感觉到了犹太人之间的心有灵犀,我开始大喊Shalom

    I feel like this insane Jewish connection I start yelling Shalom ...

  3. 即使相隔万里,也能心有灵犀。

    Even though thousands of miles apart can also have consonance .

  4. 我们有温柔,我们有亲密我们灵犀相通。

    We have tenderness , we have intimacy , we connect .

  5. 他甚至不会读心术,只会在沟通时心有灵犀罢了。

    And even he can 't read minds , only communicate telephathically .

  6. 文物里,写满了古人智慧的灵犀。

    The wisdom of the ancients is engraved on the cultural treasures .

  7. 外汇交易商似乎对此心有灵犀。

    Currency traders seemed to take his words to heart .

  8. 我以为他在离开之前已经和你心有灵犀了。

    I mean , I thought you guys bonded before he left .

  9. 也正是这种灵犀相通,使艺术作品变得神圣。

    It is this which makes a masterpiece something sacred .

  10. 四个人的脸不约而同地全红了,好像心有灵犀。

    All four blushed as if they had one heart .

  11. 我顿感心有灵犀因为他也热爱探险

    And we bonded , because he too likes adventure .

  12. 而现在,我却感受到了两人之间的灵犀。

    And now I know that there 's a link between the two .

  13. 一句话就足以让灵犀无地自容。

    A words are nice enough to let to work properly Xi humiliated .

  14. 没有比艺术上的灵犀相通更神圣的东西了。

    Nothing is more hallowing than the union of kindred spirits in art .

  15. 你知道我们心有灵犀。

    You know , we had a real connection .

  16. 伙计,感觉咱们心有灵犀啊,好像我们已经是闺蜜了

    Man , I feel so close to you.Like we 're girlfriends already .

  17. 穿越时空心有灵犀的地方。

    And a place that reaches across time .

  18. 朋友,本该是心有灵犀的不是吗?

    Friends , this is the heart of the consonance of is not it ?

  19. 独有甜蜜而善良的灵犀。

    Only a sweet and virtuous soul .

  20. 你不是说你的“灵犀微步”是天下第一的吗?

    Didn 't you say that your ''telepathic microsteps ''is the best on the earth ?

  21. 他们往往做不到“心有灵犀”。

    They often failed to see eye-to-eye .

  22. 然而,灵犀真正指的是媒体的准备报告的项目。

    However , consonance really refers to the media 's readiness to report an item .

  23. 北风随后吹舞,橡木松林啊掀灵犀。

    And the winds of the north , and the forests of oak and pine .

  24. 《圣经·旧约》中的《阿莫斯书》教导管理者要真正沟通工作,人们才能听你的并且和你心有灵犀。

    Amos teaches executives to communicate authentically so that people will listen and feel connected .

  25. 是第六感也好,是特殊的心有灵犀也好,或者只是一种普通的神秘力量。

    Call it a sixth sense , a special connection , or just plain mystery .

  26. 有几个心有灵犀、“臭味相投”,关键时刻能互相伸出援手的好朋友。

    Have a few best friend , the key moment we can help each other .

  27. 我以为我们心有灵犀你要知道

    I thought we had a connection .

  28. 他们彼此相爱、互相尊重,心有灵犀。

    These two have love and respect for each other , with almost telepathic understanding .

  29. 小银马似乎知悉她的心情,仿佛心有灵犀。

    The horse seemed to know her moods , as if they shared a single mind .

  30. 人的价值非在肌肤相亲,而在心有灵犀。

    The value of a man is not in his skin , that we should touch him .