
línɡ zhǎnɡ mù
  • primates
灵长目 [líng zhǎng mù]
  • [Primates] 哺乳动物的一目,猴、类人猿属于这一目,是最高等的哺乳动物

  1. 灵长目动物是机灵、好奇的动物。

    Primates are alert , inquisitive animals .

  2. 在哺乳类动物中,只有人和一些灵长目动物能够分辨颜色。

    Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision .

  3. 灵长目动物的研究表明,SSRI能增强社会支配行为,提高动物在社会阶层中的地位。

    Primate studies show that giving an S.S.R.I. can augment social dominance behaviors , elevating an animal 's status in the hierarchy .

  4. 血液中心的VilabII项目负责人艾尔弗雷德·M·普林斯(AlfredMPrince)于2005年12月在《美国灵长目动物学家协会通报》(AmericanSocietyofPrimatologistsBulletin)发表文章,寻找基金会来接管照料黑猩猩的工作。

    Alfred M. Prince , director of the Vilab II project for the blood center , wrote an article in the American Society of Primatologists Bulletin in December 2005 , seeking a foundation to take over care of the chimps .

  5. BirutéGaldikas对该项目很赞赏,她是一位著名的灵长目动物学家,她从1971年以来就开始研究丹戎普丁国家公园的猩猩,在公园的中心由300多只猩猩在她的照料下可以安全地放回野生群体中。

    Birut é Galdikas , a renowned primatologist who has been studying orang-utans in Tanjung Puting since 1971 , is " thrilled " by the idea . Rescued orang-utans , of whom more than 300 are in her care centre in the park , could be freed without danger to the wild population .

  6. 各种短尾或无尾的灵长目动物。

    Any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all .

  7. 人类的视觉,和其它灵长目动物的一样,是在丛林环境中进化出来的。

    Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an arboreal environment .

  8. 显然,他们又挖出了一种灵长目动物,但属于哪一类呢?

    Obviously , they had dug up a fellow primate , but of what kind ?

  9. 在此基础上与部分灵长目动物作相关的比较。

    On this basis , the essay makes some related comparisons between it and many primates .

  10. 有较大意义的可能是观察灵长目动物在野外的生活情况。

    What may be of greater importance is to observe how primates live in the wild .

  11. 与人类和其他灵长目动物共有的另一个重要特征是,无尾猿有与其他手指相对的大拇指。

    Another important trait that apes share with man and other primates is the opposable thumb .

  12. 《公园大道的灵长目生物》不是全盘托出,而是一部带着诡计的传统型回忆录。

    Instead of a tell-all , Primates of Park Avenue is a conventional memoir with a gimmick .

  13. 灵长目中有胎盘的哺乳动物;视力好,手、脚灵活。

    Any placental mammal of the order Primates ; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet .

  14. 结论灵长目动物角膜内皮细胞在一定条件下有再生能力,其再生方式为无丝分裂。

    Conclusion The corneal endothelial cells of the primate have regenerative power , and the form is amitosis .

  15. 不过,后来有一部分哺乳动物,包括我们这样的灵长目,开始以社群的形式生活。

    But eventually some mammals , including primates like us , started spending their lives in social groups .

  16. 生活在非洲赤道热带雨林中,是现存最大的灵长目动物。

    The life in the African equator tropical rain forest , is the extantbiggest spirit long item animal .

  17. 本研究旨在进一步观察在接近人类的灵长目动物是否发生同样的事件。

    The purpose of this study is to further investigate whether the same events occurred in nonhuman primates .

  18. 人角膜内皮细胞培养的成功,以及在非人类的灵长目动物眼上的成功移植,为内皮移植技术的治疗作用提供了实验基础。

    Functional cultured human corneal endothelial cells are the basis of successful transplantation into the eyes of nonhuman primates .

  19. 而黑猩猩之所以出现死亡病例,或许与它是灵长目内与人类最接近的一科有关。

    The death was the result of chimpanzees , perhaps it is the closest human primates with a Branch .

  20. 在此项案例中,被实验的动物是狐猴,这是一种与猴子,猿有关的灵长目动物。

    In this case , the animals were lemurs – a type of primate related to monkeys and apes .

  21. 虽然非人类灵长目是人类感染的一个来源,但它们似乎不是宿主。

    Although non-human primates have been a source of infection for humans , they are not thought to be the reservoir .

  22. 《公园大道的灵长目生物》的结尾是马丁自己的一个故事,它令人心碎,但并不该被这么轻易地用作一个伎俩。

    Primates of Park Avenue ends with a heartbreaking personal story . It should never have been used as a cheap trick .

  23. 即使一些研究专门探讨了视知觉相似性表征,但这些研究都是考察灵长目动物的相似性表征的脑机制。

    Also there exist several researches which specialize in the similarity-based representation , but the research objects are the brain mechanism on primates .

  24. 从外貌上来看,非洲人长相更接近于灵长目科,高颧骨,深目,上唇前凸。

    By apperance , Africans are more close to the quadrumana , such like their high cheekbone , deep eye socket and pitched lips .

  25. 在哺乳类动物中,只有人和一些灵长目动物能够分辨颜色。红旗在公牛看来是黑色的,马则生活在一个单色的世界里。

    Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision.The red flag is black to the bull . Horses live in a monochrome world .

  26. 近来人们研究发现,鸽子能学习抽象的数字规则,而这项能力目前为止仅在灵长目动物身上得以证实。

    Pigeons have now shown that they can learn abstract rules about numbers , an ability that until now had been demonstrated only in primates .

  27. 在灵长目动物中,智人会进行程度最大的粮食和资源分享,而在住所和食物方面,雌性智人或许会完全依赖雄性。

    Among primates , Homo sapiens practice the most intensive food and resource sharing , and females may depend entirely on males for shelter and sustenance .

  28. 在进化过程中,灵长目动物的眼睛变大,同时鼻子变小以使视野不受阻碍。

    In the course of evolution members of the primate line have acquired large eyes while the snout has shrunk to give the eye an unimpeded view .

  29. 灵长目动物的尾巴基本上是为了使其在树之间跳跃时保持身体平衡的,但是许多物种开始逐渐用尾巴来进行交流。

    The tails of primates are essentially designed th give them balance when leaping through trees , but many species gradually use their tails to make a statement .

  30. 上个月,十几只猕猴占领了一所学校的运动场,学生们不得不回到室内,等待管控动物的官员驱散这群灵长目生物。

    Last month , more than a dozen macaque monkeys took over a school playground , forcing students to move inside while animal control officials tried to remove the primates .