- 名primates

[Primates] 哺乳动物的一目,猴、类人猿属于这一目,是最高等的哺乳动物
Primates are alert , inquisitive animals .
Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision .
Primate studies show that giving an S.S.R.I. can augment social dominance behaviors , elevating an animal 's status in the hierarchy .
Alfred M. Prince , director of the Vilab II project for the blood center , wrote an article in the American Society of Primatologists Bulletin in December 2005 , seeking a foundation to take over care of the chimps .
Birut é Galdikas , a renowned primatologist who has been studying orang-utans in Tanjung Puting since 1971 , is " thrilled " by the idea . Rescued orang-utans , of whom more than 300 are in her care centre in the park , could be freed without danger to the wild population .
Any of various primates with short tails or no tail at all .
Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an arboreal environment .
Obviously , they had dug up a fellow primate , but of what kind ?
On this basis , the essay makes some related comparisons between it and many primates .
What may be of greater importance is to observe how primates live in the wild .
Another important trait that apes share with man and other primates is the opposable thumb .
Instead of a tell-all , Primates of Park Avenue is a conventional memoir with a gimmick .
Any placental mammal of the order Primates ; has good eyesight and flexible hands and feet .
Conclusion The corneal endothelial cells of the primate have regenerative power , and the form is amitosis .
But eventually some mammals , including primates like us , started spending their lives in social groups .
The life in the African equator tropical rain forest , is the extantbiggest spirit long item animal .
The purpose of this study is to further investigate whether the same events occurred in nonhuman primates .
Functional cultured human corneal endothelial cells are the basis of successful transplantation into the eyes of nonhuman primates .
The death was the result of chimpanzees , perhaps it is the closest human primates with a Branch .
In this case , the animals were lemurs – a type of primate related to monkeys and apes .
Although non-human primates have been a source of infection for humans , they are not thought to be the reservoir .
Primates of Park Avenue ends with a heartbreaking personal story . It should never have been used as a cheap trick .
Also there exist several researches which specialize in the similarity-based representation , but the research objects are the brain mechanism on primates .
By apperance , Africans are more close to the quadrumana , such like their high cheekbone , deep eye socket and pitched lips .
Of mammals only humans and some primates enjoy color vision.The red flag is black to the bull . Horses live in a monochrome world .
Pigeons have now shown that they can learn abstract rules about numbers , an ability that until now had been demonstrated only in primates .
Among primates , Homo sapiens practice the most intensive food and resource sharing , and females may depend entirely on males for shelter and sustenance .
In the course of evolution members of the primate line have acquired large eyes while the snout has shrunk to give the eye an unimpeded view .
The tails of primates are essentially designed th give them balance when leaping through trees , but many species gradually use their tails to make a statement .
Last month , more than a dozen macaque monkeys took over a school playground , forcing students to move inside while animal control officials tried to remove the primates .