
  1. 双腿直立行走的进化是原始人向人类进化的最初阶段中的一步。

    We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human .

  2. 人类的另一个特点是直立行走。

    Another unique human characteristic is that we walk upright .

  3. 比如大的大脑和两腿直立行走的能力。

    such as large brains and the ability to walk upright on two legs .

  4. 然而直立行走也有它的缺点。

    Yet walking upright has its disadvantage .

  5. 片中真正让人感兴趣的事发生在破损的金门大桥另一侧的马林县,在那里,我们进化之路上的表亲们正在建立自己的文明,他们仁慈的领导者名叫凯撒(Caesar),是一个会直立行走的黑猩猩。

    The real interest lies across the battered Golden Gate Bridge , in Marin County , where our evolutionary cousins , under the benevolent guidance of an upright-walking chimpanzee named Caesar , have built their own civilization .

  6. 由于成年南方古猿sediba(据此可推知他们的子女)头部很小,这表明现代人的盆骨可带来直立行走的好处。

    Adult sediba ( and therefore , presumably , their babies ) had small heads , which indicates that walking upright was the advantage brought by the modern pelvis .

  7. 二足直立行走的生物力学特征和南方古猿阿法种可能的行走方式

    Biomechanical characteristics of bipedalism and possible locomotion mode of Australopithecus

  8. 我们人类的祖先灵长类开始了直立行走

    was when our earliest primate human ancestors stood up .

  9. 没有脊梁,能期待他们直立行走吗?

    No backbone , can we expect them to walk upright it ?

  10. 大自然赋予人类直立行走的能力。

    Nature gave humans the ability to walk upright .

  11. 我想他那天早上刚学会直立行走。

    He had just learned to walk erect that morning , I think .

  12. 人类靠后肢直立行走。

    Humans walk erect on their hind legs .

  13. 人类为何进化到了直立行走的姿态?

    Why did humans evolve to walk upright ?

  14. 可能这是因为直立行走要容易得多。

    Perhaps because it 's just plain easier .

  15. 这是第一种直立行走的灵长类动物

    That was the first upright primate .

  16. 就算那些狗可以直立行走,他们也不可能做到这个。

    Even if those dogs could walk upright , they couldn 't have done this .

  17. 斯特恩称,大猩猩直立行走“非常罕见”。

    Stern says it 's " pretty unusual " for gorillas to walk around upright .

  18. 问题1:这只熊用后腿直立行走的原因可能是什么?

    Question 1 . What 's the probable reason the bear walks upright on its back legs ?

  19. 研究人员对大猩猩在直立行走和四肢着地行走时消耗的氧气量分别进行了测量,并将结果与人类的进行了对比。

    The chimps were measured both while walking upright and while moving on their legs and knuckles .

  20. 脊椎骨严重变形会影响人的直立行走及日常生活。

    Seriously distorted backbones will affect both people 's ability to walk upright and their daily life .

  21. 所以,直立行走使人类更容易罹患低位动脉疾病和腰背痛。

    So standing on two legs gave humans more lower aortic disease in addition to low back pain .

  22. 六百万年前人类开始直立行走很早以前,尾部的残余就丧失了。

    The remains of a tail lost long before man began to walk upright six million years ago .

  23. 通过作家教,我锻炼了自立的能力。大自然赋予人类直立行走的能力。

    I practice self-reliance by offering instruction as a family tutor . Nature gave humans the ability to walk upright .

  24. 在新泽西州,一只依靠两条后腿直立行走的黑熊成为了社交媒体的宠儿,

    A New Jersey black bear that walks upright on its two back legs and has become a social media darling

  25. 并给他们起名叫做“人”。“人”字在汉字中就是会直立行走的意思。

    She called them Ren ( human beings ) which means " able to stand and walk " in Chinese .

  26. 它的名字叫信念,是一条只有两条腿的、像人类一样直立行走的狗。

    Its name is Faith . A dog has only two legs and can be able to walk upright like human .

  27. 曾几何时,直立行走、读书写字、使用电脑也曾经是非常不自然的事。

    And there was also a time when walking , reading and writing , typing and using a computer program seemed unnatural .

  28. 日前,费城动物园一只雄性大猩猩为避免弄脏双手,竟然选择直立行走。

    A male gorilla at the Philadelphia Zoo is taking a stand against dirty hands by opting to walk on two legs .

  29. 它的脑子小,显然直立行走,牙齿与猿类比较更象人类的牙齿。

    It had a small brain , apparently walked upright , and had teeth more like those of a human than an ape .

  30. 人类为何进化到了直立行走的姿态?可能这是因为直立行走要容易得多。

    Why did humans evolve to walk upright ? Why did humans evolve to walk upright ? Perhaps because it 's just plain easier .