
xīn zànɡ kuò dà
  • cardiomegaly
  1. 在住院五十六天时,发现有心跳过速,血小板过低及心脏扩大。

    On the56th day of admission , tachycardia , thrombocytopenia and cardiomegaly were noted .

  2. 其中,右心房扩大6例,右心室扩大8例,全心脏扩大4例,占20%。

    Among 20 PPCM , there were enlargements of the right atrium in 6 cases , of the right ventricle in 8 cases and 20 % cardiomegaly .

  3. 实验室检查结果发现,老年SLE的狼疮细胞、血小板减少、类风湿因子、抗核抗体及心电图异常均与非老年组相近,而心脏扩大则有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Laboratory findings revealed that the amount of LE cells and platelets decreases in the aged SLE patients , while rheumatoid factor .

  4. 结论同步12导联心电图P、QRS、T波综合振幅及ST段变化能客观评价小儿DCM心脏扩大及心肌缺血,具有较好的临床诊断效果。

    Conclusions ECG 12-lead P wave , QRS wave , T wave amplitude and ST segment changes can objective evaluate heart enlargement and myocardial ischemia in children with DCM . It shows ECG is of a better clinical diagnosis effect to DCM .

  5. 目的:根据右心室不同部位起搏时血液动力学改变,研究选择置入右心室双部位起搏器辅助治疗心脏扩大合并充血性心力衰竭(CHF),观察临床效果及心脏功能;

    Objective : According to the hemodynamic change of right ventricular different-site pacing , we researched into right ventricular pacemaker , which used to auxiliary treatment in cardiac dilatation combined with congestive heart failure , then observed clinical effect and heart function .

  6. 心电图P-R间期延长者10.3%,心脏扩大的心电图、X线胸片和彩色多普勒超声心动图(CDE)检出率分别是35.3%、86.8%和91.2%。

    Prolonged P-R interval on electrocardiogram was found in seven ( 10.3 % ) of 68 patients . Cardiomegaly detected on electrocardiogram , chest roentgenogram and echocardiogram was 35.3 % , 86.8 % and 91.2 % respectively .

  7. 该家系中13例突变阳性的成员已全部临床诊断为HCM,其中4例出现心脏扩大;家系中还有6例患者已死于心力衰竭,1例猝死。

    All the 13 adult members carrying the mutation in this family were clinically diagnosed as HCM patients including 4 with dilated left ventricles . There were 6 members who had died of heart failure and 1 of sudden death in this pedigree .

  8. 报告8例特发性室性心动过速,其中持续性室速(≥30s)5例,非持续性室速(<30s)3例,各种检查未发现心脏扩大和瓣膜病。

    Eight patients with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia were observed . There were 5 cases with sustained ventricular tachycardia (≥ 30s ) and 3 cases with non - sustained ventricular tachycardia ( < 30s ) . The hearts were not enlarged on physical examination , X-ray and UCG .

  9. 彩色多普勒超声心动图仪检测心脏扩大和心功能参数。

    Cardiac function parameters were measured by echocardiography .

  10. 不正常的心脏扩大:运动员有轻微的心脏扩大相当普遍。

    An abnormal enlargement of the heart ; mild cardiomegaly is common in athletes .

  11. 影响终末期肾衰竭患者心脏扩大的因素

    The risk factor of cardiac dilatation in the patients with end stage renal disease

  12. 未发现遗留瓣膜损害、心脏扩大、缩窄性心包炎及严重心律紊乱等。

    Valvular lesion , heart amplification , constrictive pericarditis and serious arrhythmia were not found .

  13. 12例胸片检查均有不同程度心脏扩大。

    Chest X-ray examination of 12 cases revealed enlargement of the heart in varying degrees .

  14. 我听说运动会使心脏扩大,但我不知道是真是假。

    I 've heard that exercise causes your heart to enlarge , but I don 't know whether it 's true or not .

  15. 异常心电图和X线胸片心脏扩大检出率分别是2.10%~5.71%和14.10%~23.60%;

    The detectable rate for abnormal electrocardiogram and heart enlargement found through chest X-ray examination was 2.10 % ~ 5.71 % and 14.10 % ~ 23.60 % respectively .

  16. 结论:慢性心动过速可成为心脏扩大和心功能不全的原发病因,控制心室率后心脏功能可完全恢复正常。

    Conclusion : This study suggests that the chronic uncontrolled tachycardia may become a primary cause of heart dilatation and heart failure , which is reversible after control of heart rate .

  17. 同时,对测定心脏扩大患者心排血量的两种超声方法比较后认为,多普勒比M型测定更可靠。

    After comparing the two ultrasonic methods , we found that the Doppler method is more reliable than M-mode technique in the measurement of cardiac indices of the patients with enlarged heart .

  18. 预后大多良好,极少数可出现进行性心脏扩大、心功能不全,甚至转化为扩张型心肌病。

    Most patients with VMC can completely recover , while some may manifest cardiac dilatation or heart failure , and some even turn to cardiomyopathy , which is very difficult to recover .

  19. 结果46例患儿中,心血管系统损害共32例,占69.56%,包括:冠状动脉扩张、冠状动脉瘤、心脏扩大、心肌损害、心肌缺血,血液系统损害43例,占93.47%;

    Results In 46 cases , cardiovascular system lesion 32 cases ( 69.56 % ), which included coronary artery expend , coronary artery aneurysm , heart amplification , myocardium lesion , myocardial ischemia ;

  20. 结果本组病例除具有恙虫病的临床特征外,同时有心脏扩大(171%)、心力衰竭(20%)、心律失常(657%)或心肌酶升高(767%)等特点。

    Results Besides the clinical characteristics of scrub typhus , cardiomegaly ( 17.1 % ), heart failure ( 20 % ), arrhythmia ( 65.7 % ) and elevated cardiac enzyme ( 76.7 % ) were found in these patients .

  21. 结论:围产期心肌病常发生在产后2个月内,临床表现以心脏扩大和充血性心力衰竭为主,多见于高龄妊娠和多胎生育者。

    Conclusion : Peripartum cardiomyopathy usually occurs within 2 months after delivery , the clinical manifestations are characterized by the presentation of ventricular enlargement and congestive heart failure , it is seen frequently in the elderly gravia and grand multipara .

  22. 小儿左冠状动脉起源于肺动脉所致心脏扩大22例误诊分析本例心肌功能下降以及心脏变大和扩张,但未见特征性的组织学改变。

    Analysis of misdiagnosis of anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery with cardiomegaly in infants and children This term is used to denote conditions in which the myocardium functions poorly and the heart is large and dilated , but there is no specific histologic finding .

  23. 60例患者中,急性期48例治愈,8例死亡,4例病危自动出院。6例遗留心脏扩大,伴或不伴有心脏临床症状,其中2例心脏超声诊断为扩张型心肌病,LVEF50%。

    48 cases were cured in the acute phase , 8 cases were dead , and 4 cases left hospital voluntarily as critically ill , 6 cases remained cardiomegaly with or without clinical cardiac signs . 2 of them were diagnosed as dilated cardiomyopathy and LVEF 50 % by echocardiography .

  24. 2例长期存活者3年后部分血液动力学指标下降,心脏呈扩大趋势,心功能减低。

    In 2 long-term survivors , the hemodynamic parameters and heart function were declined and the heart tended to be dilated after 3 postoperative years .

  25. 胸部x光片显示出心脏稍有扩大。

    The chest X-rays showed moderate enlargement of the heart .

  26. 15例超声心动图诊断左室肥厚者和11例心电图、X线诊断心脏肥厚、扩大者与无肥厚扩大者比较,血浆ET差异显著(P<0.01)。

    Plasma level of ET in 15 patients with left ventricular hypertrophy by echocardiography and 11 patients with heart hypertrophy and expansion by ECG and X-rays was significantly higher than in patients without hypertrophy and expansion ( P 0.01 , separately ) .

  27. 均示心脏显著肥厚扩大,表现为心胸比例增大,心房、心室的不对称及心室壁肥厚;心室缩短率(FS%)及心输出量(CCO)降低(P0.001)。

    All fetus were showed severe cardiac hypertrophy , such as increased of cardiothoracic area ratio , dissymmetry of atrial and ventricle , ventricular wall hypertrophy , and decreased of the ventricular shortening fraction ( FS ) and the total cardiac output of aorta and pulmonary artery ( CCO ) .

  28. 他们的心脏功能被严重破坏,而且疾病发作42天后,他们的心脏体积扩大到正常的两倍。

    Their heart function was dramatically impaired and , 42 days after a heart attack , their hearts dilated to twice the size of the normal mouse heart .

  29. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心,这种传染病通常会潜伏数年,然后以心律失常和心脏衰竭的形式发作。约有四分之一的受害者会发展成心脏或肠道扩大,如果发作可能导致猝死。

    Infections often stay dormant for years , and then emerge as heart arrhythmias and heart failure . About a quarter of victims develop enlarged heart or intestines that can lead to sudden death if they burst , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .