
lì shǐ xìng
  • historic;of historic significance
历史性[lì shǐ xìng]
  1. 此次峰会以签订具有历史性意义的《削减进攻性战略武器条约》宣告圆满成功。

    The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty .

  2. 普遍认为这次选举是迈上民主之路的历史性一步。

    By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy .

  3. 然后我认识到他犯了一个简单但是可以原谅的历史性错误。

    I then realised that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake .

  4. 这次历史性的罢工持续了11个月。

    This historic strike lasted eleven months .

  5. 人们欢呼称颂他这一历史性决定。

    People acclaimed his historic decision .

  6. 这个无名的人把人类推向了一个历史性的门槛,因为正是在那一年,人类首次成为主要居住在城市的物种。

    This nameless person pushed the human race over a historic threshold , for it was in that year that mankind became , for the first time in its history , a predominantly urban species .

  7. 总督岛是全国历史性地标区,长期以来一直用于军事目的。

    Governor 's Island is a national historic landmark district long used for military purposes .

  8. 党的十八大以来,通过全社会共同努力,我国科技事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。

    Since the 18th CPC National Congress , China has made historic achievements and transformations efforts of the whole society .

  9. 赋予给这一代青年的使命在这个即将到来的时代,历史性的时刻,终结高服刑率,建造一个能充分表达“正义”这个词的全新的司法系统.谢谢。

    The mission for the generation of young people coming of age in this , a sea-change moment , potentially , is to end mass incarceration and build a new criminal justice system , emphasis on the word justice.Thanks .

  10. 脱贫攻坚取得胜利后,要全面推进乡村振兴,这是“三农”工作重心的历史性转移。

    After a victory in poverty alleviation is scored , China should push forward the rural vitalization in an all-round way as a historic shift of the focus in its work concerning agriculture , rural areas and farmers , he stressed .

  11. 东方文明的一次历史性考验&加入WTO后中国旅游业的影响与发展

    A Historical Test of the Oriental Civilization-On Influence and Development of Chinese Tourism after Joining the WTO

  12. 中国加入WTO,为我国高等教育事业的发展既创造了一个历史性的机遇,又带来了严峻的考验与挑战。

    China entering WTO has created a historic opportunity for higher education . Simultaneously , it brought a stern test and challenge .

  13. 美联储(federalreserve)将把利率维持在接近于零的水平,直到失业率降到6.5%以下,此举标志着美国货币政策发生了历史性变化。

    The US Federal Reserve will keep interest rates at close to zero until unemployment falls below 6.5 per cent in a historic change to monetary policy .

  14. 在世纪之交及中国即将加入WTO之际,中国国际私法的变革面临历史性机遇。

    On the occasion of the intersection of the centuries and China ' entry into WTO , the reformation of China 's private international law is faced with historical opportunities .

  15. 该列表中其他的一些表格包含了关于工作项的历史性信息;例如,NEWWICOUNT表格包含了每日当中新工作项的数量。

    Some of the other tables in this list contain historical information about the work items ; for example , the NEW_WI_COUNT table contains counts of new work items per day .

  16. 在这个看似历史性的转变中,英国六个最大的网络服务供应商(简称为ISP)同意加入网络盗版的行列中,他们将会对怀疑非法下载文件的人发出信函,警告他们停止该非法活动。

    In what appears to be a historic about-face , Britain 's six biggest Internet Service Providers or ISPs have agreed to join the fight against online piracy , sending letters to those suspected of illegally downloading files , warning them to stop or else .

  17. 随着数字海洋基础框架的构建,我国海洋测绘发生了历史性的变革,进入了以数字式测量为主体、以计算机技术为支撑、以3S技术为代表的新阶段。

    In pace with the generation of digital ocean infrastructure , historic changes have taken place in hydrographic surveying and charting in China . It opens a new stage for digital measurement as the subject , computer technique an the support and 3S as the representation .

  18. 据此,本文阐释了基督教哲学家在Being、Physis和Koinonia之间确立的新关系,以及从不同方面(主体性、历史性、关系性和动力学)所赋予Being的新意义。

    It explains the new relation between On ( Being ), Physis ( Nature ) and Koinonia ( Community ) established by Christian philosophers , and new meanings assumed from different aspects ( subjectivity , historicity , relation and dynamics ) .

  19. 这一公告是历史性的,它标志着中国经济进入了一个新的阶段&后汇率时代。

    This historical announcement represents a new stage of Chinese economy ;

  20. 这既是一个实践性的命题,也可以说是一个历史性的结论。

    This is a practical proposition , a historical conclusion .

  21. 历史性的会议,纲领性的文件,创新的理论,科学的决策。

    Historic conference , programmatic document , innovatory theory , Scientific decision .

  22. 中国情报学期刊:历史性调整与体系重构

    Chinese Information Science Journals : Historical Adjustment and System Reconstruction

  23. 历史性。试论两次历史性伟大转折的基本特点

    On the basical characteristics of two historical and great transitions

  24. 新能源清洁汽车&中国创建自主品牌汽车的历史性机遇

    New clean-energy vehicles & historical opportunity for China building self-owned brand vehicles

  25. 高校历史性的跨越对图书馆的影响及要求

    Impact and Requirement of University Historic Leap Forward on Libraries

  26. 公有制实现形式理论的两次重大历史性创新

    Two Innovations of Historical Significance in Public-Owned Way of Realization

  27. 这一决定有着深远的历史性和现实意义。

    This decision has a great and deep historical and reality-oriented meaning .

  28. 民族文化的保护是一个历史性的课题。

    The national culture protection is a historical topic .

  29. 我应该记住这个历史性的时刻。

    I shall remark this is a historical moment .

  30. 历史性的推进40型高效螺桨离心式选粉机的改造

    Modification of Type 40 High Efficiency Propeller Centrifugal Separator