
lì shǐ ɡuān
  • Historical View;view/conception of history
  1. 对隆起度的历史观及γ值在Fe-Mn-Ti合金中的变化

    Historic Outlook on Fullness Factor and γ Variations in Fe-Mn-Ti Alloy

  2. 日本文部科学大臣下村博文(HakubunShimomura)否认政府想强制推行特定的历史观。

    The education minister , Hakubun Shimomura , denies that the government wants to enforce a particular view of history .

  3. “职业教育”概念与功能的历史观

    The historic view on the idea and function of vocational education

  4. 从价值观透视社会历史观

    Concept of Social History in the Perspective of Concept of Values

  5. 严复的历史观与历史研究方法

    Yan Fu 's Historical Views and His Methods of Historical Study

  6. 资源科学的历史观:人类&资源关系的演进历程

    Historical conception of resource science : evolution of man resource relation

  7. 胶辽地块古元古代大地构造问题:历史观与活动论

    Palaeoproterozoic geotectonic problems of the jiao-liao massif : evolutionism and mobilism

  8. 关于知识经济的历史观诠释问题&兼论马克思考察生产力问题的两种视角及其相互关系

    On the Interpretation of Knowledge Economy on the Conception of History

  9. 二是两种不同的历史观。

    Secondly , there are two different viewpoints on history .

  10. 对主体模式下高中生历史观教育的探讨

    On Education of Historical View in Senior Middle School with Student-oriented Mode

  11. 群众史观是唯物主义历史观的重要组成部分。

    The mass conception of history is the core of historical materialism .

  12. 吉登斯社会历史观研究&一种批判性的解析

    A Study on Anthony Giddens ' Views of Social History

  13. 论自然的历史观与历史的历史观

    On Historical View of Nature and Historical View of History

  14. 做口述史对她的历史观产生了重大影响,或者说是从根本上改变了她的历史观。

    Her historical idea is changed thoroughly through doing the oral history .

  15. 文化研究中的哲学历史观问题

    Culture On the Philosophical Concepts of History in Cultural Studies

  16. 马克思世界历史观与人的全面发展

    The Idea on History and the Full Development of Man

  17. 能动的历史观和社会发展观。

    Active historical view and view of social development .

  18. 第一章阐述了生态历史观的产生及内涵。

    The first chapter explained the generation and content of ecological history concept .

  19. 一是大仲马的历史观。

    The first is Dumas ' view of history .

  20. 论传统历史观对刘勰论文的影响

    On the Influence of Traditional Views of History on Liu Xie 's Papers

  21. 论历史观的权力性本质

    On the Nature of Power of Concept of History

  22. 近代中国资产阶级历史观的萌芽

    The seeds of the modern bourgeois conception of history

  23. 论中国传统历史观的唯物史观胚芽

    The Embryo Materialistic Interpretation of History in the Traditional Chinese Conception of History

  24. 仿像理论是一种历史观,是理解当下发生的历史理论,从这个意义上说,仿像也是一种现代性理论。

    From this point of view , simulacrum is also a theory with modernity .

  25. 德日不同战争历史观产生之原因分析

    The Causal Analysis On Different Attitudes of Germany and Japan towards World War ⅱ

  26. 黄仁宇的“大历史观”在历史研究方法和历史表述方面具有明显的特点。

    Ray Huang 's macro-history has distinctive features concerning historical method and historical expression .

  27. 巴什拉与库恩的科学历史观比较研究

    The Comparison of Views on History of Science between Gaston Bachelard and Thomas S.Kuhn

  28. 这些书信的内容体现了她的马克思主义社会历史观的基本内容。

    These letters reflect the content of Marxist social history of her basic content .

  29. 论孙中山的进化思想及社会历史观

    On Sun Yat Sen ′ s thought of evolution and theory of social history

  30. 牢固树立马克思主义历史观积极维护祖国统一

    To Adhere to the Marxist Concept of History and to Maintain the Unity of China