
  • 网络material view;material concept
  1. 引导大学生克服拜金主义的倾向,树立正确的马克思主义物质观;

    Guiding the undergraduates overcome the tendency of " money worship ", setting up the right Marxist material view ;

  2. 因材施教的教学原则尊重了学生的个性差异,从学生的实际出发,符合了唯物主义物质观的要求;

    Respecting students ' individual character difference and proceeding from students ' reality , the teaching principle that ` teaches students in accordance with their aptitude ' , has conformed to the demands for material view of materialism ;

  3. E·卢瑟福的新原子论彻底变革了曾经存在了二千多年的微观物质观,大大地推进了科学在二十世纪的发展。

    Ernest Rutherford has developed the new theory of atom which changed the conception of micro-matter that had existed for more than two thousand years , and the science was promoted greatly by the new theory of atom .

  4. 阴阳平衡与现代科学物质观

    Balance Between Yin and Yang and Modern Scientific View of Matter

  5. 系统科学革命:物质观变革的基础

    Systems Science Revolution : A Base for the Transformation of Material Concept

  6. 现代物理学的发展成果涉及了哲学物质观的若干问题。

    Achievements of modern physics involves several issues concerning philosophical conception of matter .

  7. 电磁场的物质观

    Teaching about the substance 's view of electromagnetic field

  8. 马克思主义哲学物质观与现代自然科学

    Marxist Philosophical Conception of Matter and Modern Natural Science

  9. 系统视角的物质观

    Sense of Material from the Viewpoint of System

  10. 试论反粒子的物质观

    On The Material Conception of Anti - particle

  11. 唯物主义物质观随着自然科学的发展而不断进步和完善。

    Materialistic outlook of substance always advanced and improved with the development of natural science .

  12. 确立全面科学的宇宙物质观

    Form an overall scientific physical world outlook

  13. 论科学的物质观和实践观&兼与王之波同志商榷

    The scientific view of matter and practice

  14. 试论马克思主义实践观和科学物质观的关系

    On the relationship between marxism 's view on practice and the scientific view on material

  15. 现代哲学物质观可分为实践论物质观、有机论物质观与整体论物质观。

    Contemporary philosophical outlooks on substances fall into practicism , organic theory and doctrine of entirety .

  16. 科学的物质观和实践观是马克思主义哲学的基石和核心。

    The scientific view of matter and practice is the foundation and core of Marxist philosophy .

  17. 唯识学的物质观与量子力学的正统派&哥本哈根学派的思想有某种程度的共通性。

    There are some similarities between material-determinism and the orthodox school of quantum mechanics ── Copenhagen School .

  18. 唯识学的物质观包括物质起源论和物质结构论。

    The view of knowledge-determinism consists of the source theory of material and structure theory of material .

  19. 方法从生物学物质观、辨证系统论和认识论等角度思考家庭暴力。

    Methods Domestic violence is discussed by some viewpoints of material theory of biology , dialectical system theory , epistemology .

  20. 提出了几种现代的社会发展现,如:伦理的自然现、理性的物质观、科学的技术价值观及人的全面发展现等。

    Here are several types of social development outlook , such as ethical nature outlook , rational material outlook , scientific technology-value outlook , human full-development outlook .

  21. 目的对家庭暴力的成因与干预进行哲学思考,有助于该问题的深入研究和最终解决。方法从生物学物质观、辨证系统论和认识论等角度思考家庭暴力。

    Ojective This study focuses on the philosophic thoughts about causes and interventions of domestic violence so as to further study and to eventually solve this problem .

  22. 客观实在实体唯物论唯能论与唯物论的非实体化&论列宁的客观实在物质观的科学价值

    Objective Reality "," Substantiality Materialism "," Energy Doctrine " and Non-hypostatization of Materialism & On Lenin ′ s Science Value of Material Concept of " Objective Reality

  23. 内容选择上概括了马克思主义哲学的哲学观、实践观、物质观、发展观、真理观和价值观等;

    It attempts to reflect the essence and basic theory of Marxist philosophy including philosophical concept , practical concept , development concept , truth concept , value concept ;

  24. 正是列宁提出的“客观实在”物质观为辩证唯物论的非实体化发展开辟了一条新路径。

    It is the material concept of " objective reality " Lenin put forward by Lenin that has opened a new way for the development of non-hypostatization of dialectical materialism .

  25. 现代科学物质观在物质可分性、物质与时空、物质的自组织特性与真空的物质性等多方面发生了深刻的变革。

    Contemporary scientific outlook on substances has been profoundly transformed in the aspects of separability , substances along with time and space , self-structure of substances and material nature of vacuum .

  26. 中国古代的五行学说强调整体概念,描绘了事物的结构关系和运动形式,是一种朴素的唯物主义物质观。

    The Chinese ancient theory of the Five Elements , a material view of materialism , put an emphasis on wholism and depicted the structural relation and the motion form of the substances .

  27. 2001年7月,我国教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育化学课程标准(实验稿)》将培养学生化学物质观列为课程目标之一。

    Cultivating students ' views about chemical substance has been one of curriculum aims in Fully Time Compulsory Education Curriculum Standards of Chemistry ( experiment draft ) that was promulgated in July 2001 by our country department of education .

  28. 相对论和量子力学两大革命性理论推翻了经典物理学绝对时空观与静态物质观的基本预设,而时间终结问题的提出,是对人类有始以来曾经拥有的精神理想的重大挑战。

    The two revolutionary theories of relativity and quantum overthrew the absolute concept of time-space and static substance of classical physics , and question of time ultimate challenged the intellectual ideal ever held by mankind beyond the memory of men .

  29. 马克思运用西方近代历史发展所形成的科学精神,在哲学的根基上批判和搁置了他那个时代的抽象的宇宙精神和形而上学的物质观,创建了一种全新的哲学:唯物主义人类世界的哲学。

    Based on the spirit of science generated from the development of modern history in the west , Marx criticized the abstract universal spirit and metaphysic material view at his time , created a totally new materialistic philosophy of human world .

  30. 测定鱼的生长、营养物质表观消化率、消化蛋白酶活性及肝胰脏中胰蛋白酶mRNA表达水平等指标。

    At the end , indices were measured including growth index , apparent digestibility coefficient ( ADC ) of nutriment , proteinase activity and the expression level of trypsinogen mRNA .