
  1. 运用矛盾普遍性特殊性原理的光辉范例

    A shining example of applying the tenet of universality and particularity of contradiction

  2. 从矛盾普遍性和特殊性的层面论述了政治文明,并着重从国界和借鉴两个维度剖析了政治文明所蕴涵的普遍性和特殊性的特质。

    This article exposes the feature of universality and particularity in political civilization from the border and lesson-drawing .

  3. 坚持矛盾普遍性与特殊性的统一,是马克思主义中国化的科学基础;

    Sticking to the unification of generalization and particularity of contradiction is the scientific foundation of the localization of Marxism in China ;

  4. 坚持用矛盾普遍性、存在决定意识、发展和创新、意识能动性等辩证思维方法,推进思想政治工作创新,提高思想政治工作的实效性、针对性和时代性。

    The author argues that we should use dialectical thinking to push the innovation of ideological and political work and raise the effectiveness and purposefulness .

  5. 对矛盾普遍性与矛盾特殊性关系是共性与个性关系问题的质疑

    A probe into the issue that the relationship between the universality of contradiction and the specificity of contradiction is one between the commonality and the individuality

  6. 大学生思想政治教育统分结合模式是建立在辩证唯物主义所讲的矛盾普遍性与特殊性之间关系基础之上的,具有自己明显的特征与优势。

    The model combing unification and stratification for college ideological and political education is based on the relationship between universality and particularity of contradiction in dialectical materialism , having its own distinctive features and advantages .

  7. 在二者关系上存在辩证思维方式和形而上学思维方式,由此得出两种不同的矛盾普遍性&具体普遍性和抽象普遍性。

    In the relations between the universality of contradiction and particularity of contradiction , there are dialectical mode of thinking and metaphysical mode of thinking , and the two different universalities of contradiction reach therefrom , that is , concrete universality and abstract universality .

  8. 矛盾的普遍性即寓于矛盾的特殊性之中。

    It is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides .

  9. 他在论文中阐发了矛盾的普遍性。

    He elucidated the universality of contradictions in his paper .

  10. 不懂得矛盾的普遍性与特殊性,表现出盲动性;

    Tendency to act blindly due to failure to know the universality and peculiarity of contradiction ;

  11. 矛盾的普遍性和特殊性

    Universality and particularity of contradiction

  12. 阐述了矛盾的普遍性和特殊性的转化条件、转化数目、转化悖论等;

    The transformational conditions , numbers and paradox of the universality and particularity of contradictions have been expounded .

  13. 正如各种事物、各个过程都有矛盾的普遍性一样,在人类知识的天堂中也具有二律背反。

    Having the universality of contradiction just as various things and each course , there is antinomy in heaven of human knowledge too .

  14. 闸述了矛盾的普遍性与特殊性,把对立统一规律作了具体而全面的展开;

    He set forth an exposition to the universality and particularity of contradiction and fully and concretely developed the law of the unity of opposites .

  15. 体现了矛盾的普遍性和矛盾的特殊性的辩证统一;体现了原则性和灵活性的辩证统一。

    The concept embodies the dialectical unity of identity and struggle of opposites , the universality and particularity of contradication , the principle and flexibility of contradication .

  16. 本文的研究思路是把握矛盾的普遍性和特殊性,在研究和解决问题时坚持一般性与特殊性相结合的原则。

    The main idea of this study is to grasp the universality and particularity of contradiction , insist the principle of the combination of generality and specialty in research and problem solving .

  17. 现行马克思主义哲学原理教材在论述矛盾的普遍性含义时只讲到矛盾存在的普遍性,而没有讲到矛盾性质的普遍性。

    In the current textbooks on the philosophy of Marxism , when talking about the concept of contradiction , only the universality of its existence is illustrated , leaving the universality of its property undiscussed .

  18. 构建社会主义和谐社会包含着丰富的辩证法思想,体现了物质与意识、矛盾的普遍性与特殊性、主要矛盾与次要矛盾、矛盾的同一性和斗争性的辩证法原则。

    To build a socialist harmonious society contains abundant dialectical ideas , and it also embodies the dialectical principle of material and ideology , the universality and particularity of contradiction , principal and nonprincipal aspects of a contradiction and the identity and struggle of opposites .