
shè huì zhǔ tǐ
  • social subject
  1. 数据库的话语功能及其社会主体构建&福柯的“话语理论”及其应用

    Discourse function of the data base and the social subject construction

  2. 作为社会主体,人类在这一过程中可以说是功不可没。

    As a social subject , the human in the process can be said to be denied .

  3. 基于不同社会主体的住宅装修安全研究

    Research on the Safety in Residential Renovation Based to Different Social Subjects

  4. 市场经济与现代社会主体的塑造

    Marketing Economy and Shaping Principle Part of Modern Society

  5. 转型期社会主体及现代传播的价值取向

    People 's Value Orientation and that of Modern Communication in the Transitional Period

  6. 第三,引入社会主体,构建竞争性的主体制度。

    Three , competitive subject system by the way of introduce of social agents .

  7. 它为所有社会主体所需要,而又不被任何社会主体所独占。

    It is necessary for all social subjects , but not exclusively by any social body .

  8. 而社会主体意义上的教育评价则是实现这种转化的基本方式。

    Education evaluation in term of social subject , however , is the basic means to achieve the transform .

  9. 价值是哲学术语,是指客观实在对社会主体即人的有用性。

    The value is a Philosophical terms , which refers to the how much useful the social objective is .

  10. 并确立山地区域和参与者的社会主体和市场主体地位:山地经济发展应实现物质形态和非物质形态的融合;

    The economic development of mountainous region should integrate the configuration of the material modalities and the non-material ones .

  11. 分析了山地生物多样性资源开发的内涵以及山地生物多样性资源综合开发的必要性,运用博弈论将政府的宏观调控与微观社会主体的理性决策结合起来分析,并求出其均衡水平。

    The paper discusses the conception of the development of mountain region bio-diversity resources and the necessity of comprehensive exploitation of them .

  12. 正是市场经济的发展,造就了社会主体由身份到契约的转换,促成了无数利益相对独立的经济行为主体,最终导致了法治秩序的确立。

    Development of market economy makes the social subjects from status to contract . And which at last lead to rule of law .

  13. 系统间的人口安全问题,是指由于作为社会主体因素的人口自身的发展状况引致的其它系统的安全问题。

    Security among systems means the main factor in the population system as a social insecurity caused security issues of the other systems .

  14. 对利益的分析就是对社会主体在社会关系中的所表现出来的本质及其需求的多样性的研究。

    Analysis of interest is the subject of social relations in the community demonstrated by the nature of the diversity of their needs .

  15. 校园文化是社会主体文化的亚文化,它的职能是对人的精神,心灵、性格的塑造。

    Campus culture , a subculture of the social main culture , functions as the shaper of people 's spirit , soul and personality .

  16. 生产力不断解放的最终目的是实现社会主体的全面发展,社会主义制度的优越性是在社会主体的全面发展中体现出来。

    The ultimate goal of releasing productivity is to realize all-round development of the public , which can show the superiority of socialist system .

  17. 文化最基本的、最核心的价值应定位于建构民族心理、形成民族性格、锻铸民族之魂,即塑造与自己时代相适应的社会主体。

    The basic and intrinsic cultural value should be oriented toward constructing the national psychology , forming the national character and shaping the national spirit .

  18. 因此,利益分析是一种重要的法学研究方法,是理解各种社会主体本性及其运行趋势的重要工具。

    Interest analysis , therefore , becomes an important methodology in jurisprudence researches and an important tool to grasp the essence of various social members .

  19. 林权,是指社会主体对一定森林、林木以及林地所有享有的所有权、使用权以及经营权等。

    Forest ownership is the social subject which has the proprietary rights , use rights and management rights to the forests , trees and woodlands .

  20. 立法价值是指立法能够满足社会主体的需要和利益的属性,它本身是一种多重的体系。

    Legislative value refers to the character that legislation can satisfy the needs and interests of social bodies , which is in itself a complicated system .

  21. 同时,夫妻作为独立的社会主体,无论婚前婚后都有独立的财产利益需要保护。

    Meanwhile , as an independent social individual , no matter if you married or not , there are private properties which need to be protected .

  22. 民间法的效力根据还包括民间法规范符合社会主体的需要,并具有自然法意义上的价值基础。

    The effective grounds of folk-law include the rules of folk-law according to the demands of social subjects , and have the valuable base in natural law .

  23. 这种多元化不仅指在宏观上多种犯罪观并存,而且指在微观上多种犯罪观也可能并存于同一个社会主体。

    The so - called pluralism here means the many concepts of crime co-existing not only within a society , but also within a single social member .

  24. 基于现存的社会主义市场经济的所有制格局,社会主体之间的利益结构体系的重建成为必然。

    Due to the present ownership structure of the socialist market economic , the reconstruction of the benefit structure system among the social subjects has become certain .

  25. 非政府组织作为政府与市场之外的重要社会主体,其非政府性、非营利性等特性决定了它在提供社会公益中的独特优势。

    Non-governmental organization as an important social body besides government and market , its non-government , non-profit characteristics decide its advantage in provision of social public welfare .

  26. 包括主权国家、国际组织、跨国公司等国际社会主体共同参与气候问题已成为国际社会的现实。

    Including sovereign states , international organizations , multinational corporations and other social subjects to participate in the international climate has become the reality of the international community .

  27. 同时公民内心对法律的认同是其接受法律、践履法律的内因,而将法律认同与法制环境的有机结合,才能使社会主体的守法由可能变为现实。

    Besides , the law should be accepted and practised by people and a better combination of the acceptance with legal environment can achieve the realization of legality .

  28. 分配权在不同社会主体之间的特定配置模式和运行机制构成分配关系的法律调整机制。

    The special distributive system and operating mechanism that distributive right or power is distributed on the different social subjects consists of the legal regulating mechanism of distributive relation .

  29. 网络社会主体的道德素质体现了网络社会的文明程度,统一性、稳定性、可塑性、实践性是网络道德素质的主要特征。

    The moral quality of reflects the extent of civilization in the net society . The main characteristics of moral quality consist of unity , stability , plasticity and practicality .

  30. 自觉化的公民意识教育则表现的更加明显,在权利争取的过程中,公民开始自觉地追求自身的社会主体地位。

    Conscious performance of citizen awareness education is even more evident . In the process of fighting for the rights , citizens began to consciously pursue their social body position .