- social subject

Discourse function of the data base and the social subject construction
As a social subject , the human in the process can be said to be denied .
Research on the Safety in Residential Renovation Based to Different Social Subjects
Marketing Economy and Shaping Principle Part of Modern Society
People 's Value Orientation and that of Modern Communication in the Transitional Period
Three , competitive subject system by the way of introduce of social agents .
It is necessary for all social subjects , but not exclusively by any social body .
Education evaluation in term of social subject , however , is the basic means to achieve the transform .
The value is a Philosophical terms , which refers to the how much useful the social objective is .
The economic development of mountainous region should integrate the configuration of the material modalities and the non-material ones .
The paper discusses the conception of the development of mountain region bio-diversity resources and the necessity of comprehensive exploitation of them .
Development of market economy makes the social subjects from status to contract . And which at last lead to rule of law .
Security among systems means the main factor in the population system as a social insecurity caused security issues of the other systems .
Analysis of interest is the subject of social relations in the community demonstrated by the nature of the diversity of their needs .
Campus culture , a subculture of the social main culture , functions as the shaper of people 's spirit , soul and personality .
The ultimate goal of releasing productivity is to realize all-round development of the public , which can show the superiority of socialist system .
The basic and intrinsic cultural value should be oriented toward constructing the national psychology , forming the national character and shaping the national spirit .
Interest analysis , therefore , becomes an important methodology in jurisprudence researches and an important tool to grasp the essence of various social members .
Forest ownership is the social subject which has the proprietary rights , use rights and management rights to the forests , trees and woodlands .
Legislative value refers to the character that legislation can satisfy the needs and interests of social bodies , which is in itself a complicated system .
Meanwhile , as an independent social individual , no matter if you married or not , there are private properties which need to be protected .
The effective grounds of folk-law include the rules of folk-law according to the demands of social subjects , and have the valuable base in natural law .
The so - called pluralism here means the many concepts of crime co-existing not only within a society , but also within a single social member .
Due to the present ownership structure of the socialist market economic , the reconstruction of the benefit structure system among the social subjects has become certain .
Non-governmental organization as an important social body besides government and market , its non-government , non-profit characteristics decide its advantage in provision of social public welfare .
Including sovereign states , international organizations , multinational corporations and other social subjects to participate in the international climate has become the reality of the international community .
Besides , the law should be accepted and practised by people and a better combination of the acceptance with legal environment can achieve the realization of legality .
The special distributive system and operating mechanism that distributive right or power is distributed on the different social subjects consists of the legal regulating mechanism of distributive relation .
The moral quality of reflects the extent of civilization in the net society . The main characteristics of moral quality consist of unity , stability , plasticity and practicality .
Conscious performance of citizen awareness education is even more evident . In the process of fighting for the rights , citizens began to consciously pursue their social body position .